Posts for netwizard

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We need a hero! Look at all these criminals flooding the town! Somebody has to stop that!
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Fantasia (World).md + Gens11b worked fine for me.
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feos wrote:
так что для верности все делай на луа и все.
Есть какой-то способ вывести данные в текстовый файл?
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Спасибо. Извините еще раз за мультипостинг.
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Oh, I'm sorry, I'm new to this forum and expected weeks for my question to be answered. So I posted it in several places. Should I delete this post then?
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Ой, извините. Я здесь новичок и не думал, что здесь так быстро отвечают. Думал недели пройдут, прежде чем ответят. Мне удалить свой вопрос?
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Ну и цель! Тебя интересует, как объекты прорисовываются или как они появляются на участке экрана, который еще не виден для игрока? Что-то я не вижу полезности во всем этом.
Да нет же. Я хочу найти идентификаторы объекта, типа 1=снаряд, 2=враг, 3=мертвый враг.
Post subject: View memory cells in dynamic
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Hello, I'm currently investigating the game Bonkers for Genesis, namely its memory from 9334 to B3FF. The game uses this section to store objects like donuts, enemies and other. I want to analyze these cells in dynamic as shown: 1) Frame |1 |2 |3 | AB03 |10|15|7 | AB05 |01|09|5 | What values do the cells store on each single frame. I heard that TASEditor had that tool in TODO, and I hoped it was realized in Gens or BizHawk, but I haven't found anything similar to that. 2) Or maybe I could write a Lua script that reads these cells every frame and dumps them in a txt file. But I don't know how to write data in external txt file. Do you guys have any ideas?
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I'm currently investigating memory from 9334 to B3FF. The game uses it to store objects like donuts, enemies and other. I want to analyze these cells in dynamic as shown: Frame |1 |2 |3 | AB03 |10|15|7 | AB05 |01|09|5 | What values do the cells store on each single frame. I heard that TASEditor had that tool in TODO, and I hoped it was realized in Gens or BizHawk, but I haven't found anything similar to that. Do you guys have any ideas?
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Здравствуйте, в данное время изучаю игру Bonkers. Там есть участок памяти, в который загружаются объекты (снаряды, враги). Я хочу проследить динамику изменений этих ячеек, что-то типа: Frame |1 |2 |3 | AB03 |10|15|7 | AB05 |01|09|5 | Какие значения принимали эти ячейки каждый отдельный кадр. Слышал, для ТАСЭдитора была такая функция в инструментах мечты, но покопался в Gens и BizHawk и не нашел ничего такого. Есть какие-нибудь идеи?
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Here's a lua script for level 1. It draws hitboxes for every object. There's a lot of mess, sometimes a donut hits a target even if it didn't touch its hitbox, but it's still helps pointing out moments when enemies appear. I'll edit the script if necessary.
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   xpos = memory.read_s16_be(s)
Hello! How do I make this work? I have an address in string variable, how do I use it with ------------------------- Oh, 0x8b16 is hexadecimal, not string? Wait, I'll try to put s=0x8b16 instead. ------------------------- Oh, thank goodness it works. Nice work, myself!
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Hello everyone! I know it's too early to make a post when I have almost no progress at all, but I have to do this. Or my head will explode. Too many thoughts, I have to share them with someone. Ok, so I did pushing Start button at the earliest frame stuff. Checked if pushing it earlier makes specific events come up earlier (end of lag sections). Found out memory address for X position (8B16), calculated the frame the game gives you control over the character. It ranges from 21 (left) to 476 (right). Now I need memory addresses for projectile and enemy hitboxes. Aww, my head... it feels overloaded... Need to take a nap... --------------------------------------------------------- While standing, your throwing pattern is throw- wait 14 frames-throw- wait 17 frames-repeat. 2 donuts every 31 frames. Donuts appear 6 frames after hitting A button. While running, you can throw donuts every 14 frames. Donuts appear 3 frames after hitting A button.
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Can anyone tell me why the encode was deleted?
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Flight level. Has anyone done research on it? 1) Is there a way to fire faster than intended? Like skipping attack animation in earlier levels? 2) I just need to kill everything afap, right? Is this level as staightforward as I think? 3) I'm using Gens 11a. Is it alright?
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Archanfel, why did you use green weapon on that zeppelin boss? Red weapon will definitely hit with all three projectiles, isn't it more useful?
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Flying level is an autoscroller = background is scrolling, you're staying on the same screen all the level. Other levels = background is static, it is you who advances forward. Screen follows you throughout the level. Am I right?
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Пррррекрасно! Прекрасссно! Отлично!! Wonderful!!
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Hello! Any progress with this wonderful game?
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"However, charging up Green 6 gives a larger percent damage increase than charging up Green 7." This is what I was thinking about, yes. Btw, is there something like TASEditor for Genesis? I sooo would like to watch the movie with that piano roll tool. The very thought of not being able to quickly rewatch interesting moves and monitor the entire input picture makes me very-very sad =( EDIT: "A test I made yesterday showed that having both at Green 7 saves about 55 frames at the boss." Is it available to somehow hack this parameter? Like, I was having G1, edited some memory cell and there you are - G7! In general, can I edit memory while playing? What if I changed boss HP? Or my x axis position? What would happen then?
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Yey! So nice to see yet another stage getting done really-really fast! Nice work here, and waiting for the 2-1 part. I think it's much easier to TAS compared to previous parts, since it's an autoscroller. However, here's one question, is it really worth it not taking the power up coin right at the beginning of this stage? I noticed that at Joker Robin had fully upgraded weapon (really big projectile) while Batman hadn't (not that big projectile). EDIT: "Curiously it's better to charge up Batman with the lower level weapon Green 6 instead of Robin with Green 7 for the boss." This statement puzzled me. My thoughts were like ~ He made this choice because overall DPS fastchargingG6> DPS fastchargingG7. Hm. But this is nonsense. Wait. Hm. Okay. Hm. Why? If he wrote it then it makes some sense to him. Hm. Still nonsense. And then I've come up with ~ You did it because fastcharging has some disadvantages, for example its effectiveness decreases as the weapon power increases. In other words, FC boosts G6 much more compared to G7. Oh, my brain melts.
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Truncated wrote: Ok, so I found a pattern of punching and jumpkicking which increases the damage 50% compared to just crouching punches. Like the throwing animation, the punching animation can be cancelled by jumping. - Press A for 8 frames (or 11, if a headbutt comes out) - 64 dmg - Press B for 1 frame - Press nothing for 1 frame - Press vB for 9 frames - 32 dmg What does vB mean?
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Wh.. what? How come I missed that? Oh, I see now. In older versions the Input window didn't have these settings. So I somehow missed it in new version. Anyways, thanks for your help.
Post subject: Gens how to pause/unpause, frame advance?
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Hello everyone, just installed Gens 11b, was using Fusion before and immediately noticed it lacks common tools - pause/unpause, frame advance. I mean I know Gens has these tools, but I can't find hotkeys for them anywhere. Gens is such a popular TASing program, why it's not user-friendly like Fusion? I don't even know how to restart a game!
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Do you have any progress? What are you working on at the moment? Make a video of level 1-1 please, just for me, it won't take much time I suppose? I'm dying to see how much improvement this fire-punch pattern trick and maybe some other tricks you must have found give. Please?