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In case anyone's interested in running this again in the future, I've re-hosted the Gens HUD script I used for this on GitHub so hopefully the link will be more stable now:
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Invariel wrote:
arandomgameTASer wrote:
Giving it a No. Don't get me wrong, it was very entertaining. I just think the goal choice is a bit too arbitrary.
I see it as being on par with "small only" or "pacifist". I think the goal choice is quite validated, considering how plentiful rings are in the game.
The difference is that in SMW, some powerups and Yoshi speed things up a lot and are even expected to complete some levels. Pacifist in games like Contra requires evading a lot of things. Walkathon required glitches to even be doable. They require major changes to run strategy. Sonic games on the other hand were all designed for rings to never be necessary and all that they're useful for is occasional damage boost zips and TV bounces. It's like doing a "no coins" Mario run.
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Temporary encode:
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True wrote:
Meesbaker wrote:
Is this allowed? Using another game disc to induce a world map glitch? Also keeps Aeris, beautiful stuff actually and a great discovery :)
Current thought is "questionable" as it isn't TASing the game as it is meant to be played but neither is turning off the game console while saving and those have been accepted.
I don't think there's a rule that answers that question. Disk access/replacement is an operation supported in normal play (like hard resets, and unlike, say, cartridge tilting), so I think it should be allowed when the disk swaps are to disks from the same game, but swapping to another game's disk is a complete unknown. If it is allowed, then it'd probably wind up as a separate version.
Post subject: Re: let's go older
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I think the flame from flying also does damage, so that might be useful in some cases. I'm not sure how much though, I think it's as much as a booger. Re: The old thread wondering if the game is emulated correctly, the game on real consoles had a lot of weird bugs, especially when using cheat codes (i.e. getting stuck on bosses that failed to play their intro sequence).
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Patashu wrote:
FractalFusion wrote:
oneeighthundred wrote:
This might be the only fighter game where "uses death to save time" would be an appropriate tag.
Technically, the player doesn't die (except maybe the double-KO). Normally, the move would have caused him to die, except that hitting the opponent at the same time somehow allows him to live just barely.
Yeah, I think he's referring to the double KO.
No, I'm making a joke about the fact that he kills himself every stage. :P
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This might be the only fighter game where "uses death to save time" would be an appropriate tag.
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I'm pretty sure fireball gas does more damage than loogies, which could speed up several bosses. i.e. this run kills Booger Meister in 5 hits: ... but in this run it takes 7. You could also take damage from boss attacks to get in attacks sooner. I'm also kind of curious if avoiding plungers/cowpies would speed up the bonus phase even if he doesn't build the bridge, because of the time it takes to count the score up. Voted yes for being a good run overall, but I think it has some clear ways it can be optimized.
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xxNKxx wrote:
Edit: if all you there see this don't' have enough enterment then I'll remake Taki with terrible tactic for max speed. Yep, with max speed it'll don't have any entertaiment...
I don't know where you're getting this idea from. I think everyone agrees with you that this would be more boring if you blitzed it, and you want to do things the entertaining way, so just ditch the speed goal. Then you can complete it at whatever pace you want, show off more interesting things, and it'll probably get published since it seems like you know what you're doing.
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xxNKxx wrote:
Almost it's exuberant performances, unreal, can't use because enemy will dodge all This game have allow players can roll when get a hit on the air. It mean when enemy get first hit, they can roll in the air for escape or dodge attacks (sometimes with mistake, they can roll to ring out). That why best combos in this game almost are simple but have strongly
Keep in mind that the main advantage of long combos against humans, that they prevent the opponent from responding, means very little in a TAS where you can manipulate the response. If you're aiming for speed, you can end a combo with weak later attacks early to start another front-loaded one earlier. If you're aiming for entertainment, you can use weak ones to drag the fight out, do clever followups (i.e. in the N64 MK4 I linked, I'm pretty sure the second fireball at 2:38 was blockable), and toy with the AI.
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xxNKxx wrote:
About best speed, I need make on other charatcer with a terrible tactic like MK2 I did (the run most ppl don't want watch more than 2 times). I'm so sorry that's not my target. I'll do it if this got beat by anyone
I agree with you, but I think the right thing to do would be just ditch the speed goal and make a playaround. That would also give you the freedom to do more of what you want to do (and what this run does well, when it's doing it), which is make something that's very technical, entertaining, and varied without rushing to hit a speed record. Compare to something like the N64 MK4 playaround, which is another campaign playthrough:
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Cooljay wrote:
Well if that is the case. It's just best to settle with going for fastest time. If there is nothing much the game can offer for entertainment then it seems like the safest option.
There's a skating ringout at 2:20 and some of the double-outs are kind of bizarre, I think a playaround with this would have some potential. This kind of suffers from not having a clear goal. It's using a suboptimal character and probably suboptimal completions (given the constant approach changes), but also rushes through each fight. There's enough potential in both that I think something interesting could be made by either focusing on speed or making a playaround, but as-is, it seems like a missed opportunity. It's a lot better than the recent wave of Scorpion MKs though! Voted Meh.
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grassini wrote:
i would say jax or some character with a max damage infinite would be the fastest way(or maybe jabjab reset jabjab) to go but this player is more interested in getting something accepted than actually studying the game
I doubt that an infinite is necessary because it's probably easy enough to just manipulate the AI into eating your attacks, especially since many infinites use weak attacks to juggle or trigger damage protection. I don't think any of the existing non-playaround fighter TASes use an infinite combo for that reason.
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Warp wrote:
I wonder if the time wasted getting hit could be avoided by having both characters hit each other simultaneously, with the computer opponent losing on that hit. (It might not save time at all, or it might even lose time, but just an idea to try.)
IIRC, Mortal Kombat always registers one player's actions first, and attacks will interrupt the next player, so it's not possible to do simultaneous attacks. Blocks allow some damage through and can be broken out of quickly (you can even start special move button sequences while blocking), so those may be a good option.
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Patashu wrote:
Why Medium? Usually TASes either play on easiest or hardest difficulty.
I did an any% on hard. The point of doing Normal is that Gain Ground on Hard starts you with all characters, while Normal and Easy require you to recruit them through the stages, which would make for a much more interesting 100%.
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I'm bored, so I'm going to do another run of this: Medium 100%. Enemies and projectiles in medium are slower (which isn't always helpful, since slower projectiles can block passageways for longer periods), but more importantly, both players start with 3 characters to select and need to rescue other characters along the way. The goal of a 100% is would be to rescue all of them. Rescue list is: 1-1: Glow Knight, left 1-2: Omni Archer, mid 1-5: Omni Boomer, mid 1-6: Fire Knight, left North Laser, right 1-8: Side Rifle, left 2-1: Omni Missile, left 2-3: Wind Knight, left 2-5: Water Knight, left North Boomer, right 2-6: North Laser, right North Archer, right (blocked by North Laser) North Spear, right (blocked by North Archer) 2-7: Flamethrower, left 2-8: North MG, slight left 2-9: Spread missile, right* 3-1: Omni Archer, left 3-2: North Archer, left 3-4: Spread Missile, mid 3-6: Side MG, right* 3-7: North Boomer, left 3-9: Omni Grenade, left 4-2: Wind Knight, right 4-3: Omni Missile, right 4-4: Water Knight, mid-left Fire Knight, left Glow Knight, right 4-6: Omni Boomer, left 4-9: Side Rifle, left Spread Missile, right (*sides are which side has more access, not where they are on the map) The biggest route-planning constraint is who gets Verbal (omni archer) in 1-2, since there are no other archers until 2-6, and the second Verbal isn't until 3-1. The main argument for P1 are that 1-8, 2-1, and 2-6 are bottlenecked on P1 rescues, which means that the less time P1 has to spend clearing, the better. P2 is probably a better choice though, because P1 can get the 2-6 Mars (north archer) much more easily than P2, 2-9 is extremely dependent on P2's clearing ability, and the Verbal rescue on 3-1 is on the far left side. The other constraints are kill-offs to reduce selection times. This is complicated by the fact that bottlenecks now lean more on individual players due to rescues, a player with a rescue needs to spend as little time clearing as possible and also will delay the stage if stuck selecting. Players with rescues also can't suicide. P1 Athra: P1 has no other runners until 2-7, so Athra can't be killed until then, and even then, there's a tradeoff in that Mars can only shoot his special north. 2-7 and 2-8 are both P1 rescue stages, so the only viable suicide stages on 2-9 and 2-10. P1 is mostly useless on 2-9, so that's probably the best place to kill P1 Athra. P2 Athra: No-brainer, kill on 1-3 for free. P2 Gascon: This is a hard one. Pretty much every stage from 2-8 onward is very range-dependent and 2-9 in particular is heavily bottlenecked on P2's clear speed. It costs ~26 frames per stage to keep Gascon alive. Because 2-7 is bottlenecked on the mage kills and the mages have a windup, killing him there would probably cost over 150 frames. Finding a stage where his combat ability isn't crippling is difficult though, and P2 has to rescue on 3-4 so he can't suicide there. The best option looks like biting the bullet and killing him in 2-7. P1 selecting Robby in 2-9 is also still viable, the only characters P1 has before him in selection are the north grenadier (who is in the default roster) and potentially the omni boomer on 1-5, but that character is a wildcard that can be rescued by either character. Unfortunately, suiciding on 2-5 isn't viable this time because 2-5 has 2 rescues. The best option appears to be leaving the north grenadier alone and just having P2 rescue the boomerang on 1-5. The final contention point is that 5-8 might be faster with a knight because knight basic attacks do 2HP damage. This should be easy to access: P2 Mars can probably be killed easily in 4-4 due to P1 needing 2 rescues, and P1 won't have Mars, so picking a knight only requires scrolling past Verbal. So the planned critical points are: P2 rescues Verbal in 1-2 P2 kills Athra in 1-3 P2 rescues the boomer in 1-5 P2 kills Gascon in 2-7 P1 kills Athra in 2-9 P2 kills Mars on 4-4
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Saw the name and was expecting something related to heavy metal, sorely disappointed. The TAS was good though, so you have my yes vote.
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diggidoyo wrote:
Hey, I submitted my first ever TAS and it was published!
By my fairly crude count, of the 2394 published submissions on the site, 155 of them are from single authors with no other submissions (including cancellations). Anyway, this is a very bad choice of game for a first-timer for a very non-obvious reason: SMB locks transitions to a 21-frame boundary that makes it incredibly difficult to find improvements that actually finish the game faster, which on top of the game being fairly simple makes it hard to find creative new routes. You'll basically be doomed to spending 99% of your optimization effort on the last stage, it's one of the few TASes where even experienced TASers are having a hard time finding even a single frame of improvement and the existing pre-glitch-discovery runs are already very close to as optimal as they can be without them because of that. Beyond that, if a game's been TASed already, you should find out what details about it are known and tricks were used to do the existing runs and be prepared to use those. If it hasn't, then you should find out as much as you can about its inner workings and blaze through it. Glitches are nice to have, but there are plenty of runs that are very entertaining with just inhumanly-precise gameplay (i.e. Sub Terrania, most run-and-guns).
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I can't get BizHawk to get through this without randomly crashing, so no encode from me. :(
Post subject: Re: lsnes desync problem
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Ilari wrote:
Also, on Windows, lsnes savestates / movies aren't saved atomically (because I don't know how to write files atomically on Win32)
The "correct" way to do that is write it to a separate file and use ReplaceFile.
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If it can be done in the emulator, that'd be even better, but the layers have to be able to be split up at least internally, otherwise the intra-layer motion search that's the entire point of attempting this won't work. The main reason I'm for exporting layer info to the AVI or something is that I think tuning it via an avisynth plugin or something would be a better workflow than adjusting it in the emulator and having to re-dump everything if tweaks are made.
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creaothceann wrote:
What would you do if the game uses color math (i.e. transparencies)? The SNES calculates 512 color values per line, 256 for "main screen" and 256 for "sub screen". When color math is disabled it shows only mainscreen pixels, otherwise it adds/subtracts a color constant or the subscreen pixel. Both screens can be configured to show only specific layers (BGs or sprites), and this can be changed line-by-line. (in hi-res modes it shows all 512 pixels per line)
Multiple images would probably have to be dumped, but it's probably possible to break it into associative groups, like having one dump for all additive subscreen pixels from a layer, one for all subtractive subscreen pixels. If it doesn't do any multiply operations, that that should be enough. If add/subtract/halve status is per-line, then dumping the per-frame line flags might be a better option and split it up internally, but lossless codecs cut solid-color frames down to practically nothing anyway so that may not be necessary.
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feos wrote:
As in, run the movie to figure out the very blinkings, then read the dumped data and apply transparency on program end, capturing the video. Quite hacky stuff though, I don't think any emucoder would be interested :D
It'd be more like, the emulator would dump the layers individually along with sprite/scroll information, then at the encode stage, deblink and recombine. It doesn't seem TOO hacky if the emulators are already capable of hiding layers, but it might be if it interferes with accuracy somehow, or if recombining them isn't possible due to order-of-events or other technical issues with the layer interaction.
Post subject: Emulator-assisted deblink?
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I had a crazy idea a few days ago and was wondering if anyone more familiar with the draw behavior of the various consoles could comment on its viability, especially on SNES. My theory is that, because pre-fifth-generation consoles all base their rendering on sprites and layers, it might be possible to do deblink on a per-layer basis instead of on the final frame. This has two distinct advantages: - It could reduce artifacts from bleedthrough or bad background blends, since the background would be separable and blinking is almost always an intra-layer phenomenon - Knowing sprite positions and scroll offsets could massively speed up motion search The main challenge is whether recombining the layers is actually doable, especially on SNES with its various sprite blend modes. I guess Genesis also has some shadowing modes, which I'm not sure of the mechanics of.