Posts for paperkettle

Post subject: Super Mario Spacetime Instrument (illucia, soundplane, lua)
Joined: 11/13/2011
Posts: 1
Link to video Some people on the IRC channel thought this might be a good place to post - feel free to ask questions if my description doesn't make sense! More info on the vimeo page.. but basically.. illucia is a physical patchbay I made that lets me connect computer programs with real wires. It accesses deeper parts of games and software than usual, so all sorts of new possibilities open up. With illucia, I can make games control things like audio synthesizers, video editors, or even other games. In the case of this video though, I'm using the illucia patchbay with an emulator to control savestate recording/playback, and also memory manipulation. I map some of this onto the wooden touch controller as well (a Soundplane made by madrona labs) and the result is a really strange video game instrument. I haven't seen a whole lot of stuff like this out there, but I figure the TAS community would get it right away. Are there any other communities where people do stuff like this? Trying to figure out if this sort of thing has a home already.