If you read my post, I said "Bowser Exempt". So... uh.. yeah. Throwing Bowser with B is fine. Similar to the suggestion of the "minimal A" run, use it in the bowser section because you have to. So, Bowser exempt, is a B and Z-less run possible? Like I was saying before, what would be the first star you get?[/i]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8InbNWEdGPo I'm slightly surprised no one shared this. Other than this possibly being the only star you can do this with.
It got me thinking though. We've seen a chunk of what an A-less run would look like. But what about a Z-less run? Or (Bowser exempt) a B and Z-less run?
I'm quite sure the former is possible, but what about the latter? My first concern is what the first star would be?