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sounds like a ... hack to me ;)
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you've won 8 frames over how many frames? Winning 8 frames over 200 frames is worth it, doing it over 20.000 frames is just bitching about. no?
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Well since lik-sang went belly-up there's no real point anymore. I don't know where to get importgames elsewhere really.
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of course if there is a timeconstraint, it doesnt matter which squares you leave for last. you're better of digging a much as possible while traveling the least distance in the time you're required to be there. it really doesnt matter which way you walk the distance you must walk...
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well tony hawk isnt very great (i was just hoping on more of the same myself). monkeyball is good for multiplayer, but the singleplayer gets really boring really fast like the previous titles, as far as i'm concerned. i'm in doubt whether to buy rayman for the minigames, i wouldn't buy it for the "adventure" part. i'm probably gonna buy the monstertruck game, for the sake of getting a steeringwheel :p the other games dont interest me much
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oh yeah my wii-number is 0793739766259534
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the number of games available to the virtual console is pathetic... i like the fact that you can email your wii now... (w<wiinumber>, that wii needs to add your address first) i like the mii-internet thing, but i would've liked it to be a little bit extended (like, where has a certain mii been so far? and to let mii's go to random wii's online...) oh yeah and the virtual games never reset unless you want it to. i guess it saves the state when you return to the wii-menu. this rox for score-games that don't have the save ram thing (like pinball). the news and that other channel wont show until i updated the wii, but when i update the wii it says i have the latest update. so whats up with that. not that i care for the news on my wii much, but i was just curious :p oh yeah and the virtual console games are frigin expensive. i payed 20 euro for 2000 points (so 1 cent per point) and the nes games cost 500 points, snes/sega was 600, n64 was 800. 5 dollars for the nes pinball game is really a ripoff... (i just bought the points to see what it was like so it wasnt a big problem). i got me zelda, pinball and fzero.
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just time it so you'll have ...940 points and one second left ;) or something like that. I mean we're gods, we can do anything we want, move forward and backwards in (game)time :)
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There are pro's and con's to zelda. It's a nice game overall and I'll post my complaints (and my pro's) in a seperate "spoilers ahead" zelda thread when I'm done (Because I don't want to read other spoilers i n the process ;).
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Well, 14 hours into zelda and I've come across a few comments myself... But I don't really want to spoil anything so I'll keep m to myself. I don't really mind the slashing (altough a button would not be a terrible waste...) but I agree on the nunchucks. I find myself annoyed when I want to do a quickspin. Even though the wii remains good, it certainly has a couple of weak spots imo. Like my batteries being almost empty after just a weekend of play... Oh yeah and the wii crashed twice already, failing to read a new disc. You have to re-connect additional remotes EVERY DAMN TIME you want to play monkeyball with more then one player. This goes for Play as well. Very frustrating. The remote that is not number one will go into searchmode when the wii is on standby (which, my best guess, would waste a huge amount of batteries...). I'm playing on a beamer, which requires a certain distance between teh wall and my beamer. I hook the wii up to the beamer, but the IR sensor has to be near the wall. Where does my Wii go? The IR sensor seems absolete, why does it require IR when it has BT? If it can detect movement, why can't it calibrate and determine aim that way? Why does monkeyball calibrate before every single partygame that uses IR, and do other games not calibrate at all? (Monkeyball should just calibrate once, preferably from a config screen, but once per default is fine too. other games should allow calibration) Why can the remote not be put to a lower sensitivity? Etc...
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i dont like the baseball game, it get's very boring, there's no real difference in the way you pitch, and you hit a faul very very fast. my friend is on his way with monkeyball. with the main game and 50 minigames, i'm anxious to see what it's like. zelda seems a little too easy to me. i'm at a point where i dont really bother fighting anymore, unless i'm required to. but i guess that's no different from other zelda games. it just was never so apparant to me.
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lol Play is ok, as long as you have friends and more wiimotes. The duckhunt game is really nice, as well as the cowrace :) Some of the games are not so great of course, but overall, since you're paying 10 euro for the game (it includes a wiimote, which is 40 euro, and the whole play game costs 50 euro) its a great investment.
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Yay I got one. Had to go through a bit of trouble to get one but I'm now the proud owner of one (out of, it seems, 10.000 in Holland?) Nintendo Wii. And Play, and Zelda. I'm somewhat in the middle about the whole thing to be honest. Don't get me wrong, some of the sports are catchy, half the play games cranked all of us up (especially duckhunt and the cowriding...). Zelda is awesome. But the whole Wii concept... well I don't know. For one, I thought the controllers were bluetooth. But now it seems they're "just" IR (ok, maybe I could've known that by reading the specs beforehand). The range of the whole thing is rather disappointing as well. You cannot recallibrate the aiming of the wiimotes. You can only set the thing below or above the tv. Well what if I beam my wii on a 2 by 2 wall? Then what? Anyways... I noticed there's a SD bay. That's just a feat waiting to be exploited... :) On the plus-side, the controllers do really respond well. The games are implemented good (although why was it that I only catched fish that gave me -50 while a friend was catching up to 1100 points :s). I wonder though, what's stopping sony and microsoft from developing these controllers and design games for them. It's not really a console feature, just the controller "an addon". Also, even though these new games are cool and I'm all for the better interaction while playing a game, sometimes you just want to sit down and play a game. I fear that there will be no mind-numbing games on the wii that allow you to just sit quiet... Anyways, the wii rox, but I'm a little surprised at a few of the implementationdetails.
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If you want a laugh... check The name alone is brilliant, but the site will give you something to think about while you're slashing opponents... ;) IT IS NOT A TOY! :p
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Sold out (more or less) in the Netherlands before noon. Not bad ;) But that leaves me with the problem of not having a Wii. Should've pre-ordered...
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I've heard that, while it seems not to be the case, Nintendo always tried to keep the storyline straight. On another note, yay, it's wii-day :D
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omg. That's like running a 386 game on a pentium. Also, it's just like recording a faster speed. Does it actually change anything? Because if general gamespeed is the only thing, and it's as crazy as this, then I'd say nay (it doesn't make things harder for a TAS).
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It looks nice. Just an overview of all the games really. Seems I need to catch up on some of the gba games :p
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The bubblebobble run has similar properties and was published, so give it a try.
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yeah, agreed. the fastest time is the main goal, wrecking as much as possible is a second goal but not so important.
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oh god, please drop this discussion, it is sooooooo pointless.
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Also, apparantly that record was broken within a week by somebody else, so I think we're missing out on a big single segment greenpeace 31 run here guys... ;)
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Left/right, different targets, doesnt help for manipulation?
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With the small difference that milions are running every day and the sport (and possibility) existed as long as mankind. Metroid on the other hand...
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I like being the minority :( But the topic is always debated, in any game. Even in Paperboy, I mean, Paperboy! :p Well, it was just my two cents. The run looks fine, it's just the death that looked odd to me.
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