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TGPrimus wrote:
I think that this should have obseleted the current run because even if the version is different, it's the same game and it's completed faster. There's already a warpless run of SMB that shows all the levels that the warped run shows. If there wasn't I would want the old run to be kept because it shows things that the minus world run does not, but those things are already shown in the warpless run.
I don't think it should obsolete (or, rather, have obsoleted) the current run, just like the "glitched" Zelda 2 run should not obsolete the "regular" one - they should coexist.
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JXQ wrote:
*Clicks youtube link* I see humanity is still as perceptive as ever. Sigh.
Indeed... makes you wonder whether it's a good idea to upload the videos to youtube at all. At least when people get them here, they'll see that there's a link to the original emulator as well; elsewhere, it seems that 50% say "omg u r teh gr8test speedrunner evar" and 50% say "wtf u cheatted moran". >.> Wider dissemination of the videos is good, of course, but only if people actually realise what the videos are (tool-assisted) and what they're not (speedruns or cheated).
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Anon wrote:
They also steal my socks out of the washer and dryer. /:
That's a different beast doing that... read some Terry Pratchett books to find out more. ;) (I think "Hogfather" is the relevant one, but I'm not quite sure anymore... it's been a while.)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Edit: Problem remedied.
Thanks! :)
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What happened to the published FCM version? I know it's possible to get that one from the submission, of course, but I'm wondering if there's a reason why it's not there anymore... and why these aren't there anymore for older movies, either. It always seemed like a good idea to include those to me; even if noone actually downloads them (other than me; I always do), it tells people "these movies are real, they're not doctored AVIs, and if you don't believe us, here's the emulator movie that you can play back yourself".
Post subject: Re: Encoding and publishing issues
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Bisqwit wrote:
With no offense, I don't trust Maza is careful enough to do a good job, considering all the site's guidelines regarding publications.
In that case, I'd suggest 1) giving him a chance and 2) rewriting the guidelines to be less complicated. ;)
But, since nobody is perfect and there's plenty of people to fix up mistakes, and I may be wrong about what I wrote, I'll do as suggested anyway :)
Cool. :)
Post subject: Re: Encoding and publishing issues
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Bisqwit wrote:
15-minute, actually. I measured it the last time I published a Maza's movie. That's how much it takes to gather up all the required information for publication (such as verify the AVI quality, get its length, verify the author's name, verify the game name, check if there already is a player entry, check the movie categories, network delays here and there...) Screenshots, descriptions etc take up even more time. It's usually fastest to publish a movie one has encoded himself, because most of the information is already at hand and in close-recall memory.
Time to maka Maza a publisher? That seems like the easiest solution to that particular problem. It may also be a good idea in general to try to get more encoders and publishers in general.
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Cool. :) Could you please change the filename when you replace movie files, though? Maybe tagging them with something like "r2" or so (like it was done for Blublu's Solar Jetman movie)...
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Maximus wrote:
Can do. Looking for more permanent hosting, but i don't know if i should stick this up on zShare or one of those hosting services. If anyone knows of a good one, let me know (if not, my personal space holds about 10 megs ... which is plenty since I only started using it for source/binary hosting).
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"Eat at Joe's"? That was brilliant. ^^
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Eclipsed Moon wrote:
Phil wrote:
SMB1 FDS is not more obscure than the one on NES or VS.
I don't mean to try to argue or anything, but I seriously doubt this.
Depends on where you're from and who you're asking, I guess. Of course the FDS version is obscure and probably not known to casual players outside of Japan, but... With regard to whether this should be a concept demo or not, let me clarify my earlier point by saying that I think this run should be published alongside Pom's run rather than replacing it. Whether you call it a "concept demo" (or, for that matter, anything) or not is really a matter of taste.
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Count me in with a "yes" vote for the concept movies section. :)
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xebra wrote:
This game is within Phil's area of expertise, AKA. Not only has Phil already beaten Pom's movie, but if you were to beat him, Phil would have to beat you, and then we'd all have to suffer through more bleating and chest beating and the like, and I'm not sure I can handle that what with Brett Favre being past his prime and all that.
I very much disagree with this "game X belongs to player Y, and noone else may attempt to beat the current record" way of thinking...
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Bisqwit wrote:
I suspect a video edit.
I guess one could call it a "tool-assisted video" indeed then... ;)
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You may want to post about this in the DoomWorld demos forum as well, if you haven't done so already. :) Regarding AVI making, there's at least one hack of prboom floating around that allows this (made by Dashiva), but I don't think it's been released to the general public, and the version I got is rather buggy, too. Still, Peroxyd (aka VinceDSS) has made a couple of AVIs (of regular speedruns, not TAS runs) with it that are available on my tracker. Note that these are recorded with motion blur - I wouldn't be surprised if this increased the size of the AVIs. That being said, most of the DOOM speedrunning community seems to be focused more on regular speedruns rather than TAS runs, but unlike in other circles, the two groups are on very friendly terms. In fact, saying "the two groups" is actually misleading, since for the most part, they're one and the same.
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Just to throw in my opinion... I hate it, too. Some kind of way for registered users to specify which layout they prefer would be nice. :)
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AngerFist wrote:
Edit: Did I miss 80 submissions? :)
Bisqwit imported ~80 old movies that were published and obsoleted prior to the first incarnation of the current wiki-driven site... that's why the new movies' ids suddenly jumped by about 80.
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That's great news! :)
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Truncated wrote:
Even though you can't run, have to play the game through 4 times and can only use one character at a time for all the levels? To me that sounds very boring.
Not for me - I do, however, find things like 4+ hour RPG runs (Chrono Trigger etc.) to be extremely sleep-inducing. Different strokes for different folks. :)
And just how are suggesting the movie should be recorded and encoded unless people download the ROM? I'm pretty sure none of the encoders own a Famicom. :P
Well, that was somewhat of a tongue-in-cheek comment, obviously. But given that we're trying not to encourage such practices, a comment that essentially says "just download a ROM and play it yourself" is a bit weird. Yes, the encoders need ROMs, but I do believe that they all own the necessary systems and games; and if not, well, it's a "of course they do have all that, wink-wink-nudge-nudge" situation, at least. :) Besides, I don't know about others, but when I play games myself, I don't usually get very far - part of the appeal of the runs on on this site is to be able to see games (all parts of them!) you otherwise wouldn't see.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Nah, this isn't worth another movie on the site. If people want to see the differences so badly, they should just play the game themselves.
And how are they supposed to do that if they don't own an Famicom? Surely you can't be advocating that they download the ROM somewhere or something like that? I, for one, would LOVE to see a movie of this game.
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Nach wrote:
Bisqwit noticed earlier the sound towards the end of the AVI desynced pretty bad and I agree with him. The problem was due to a glitch in VBA, but thanks to help from DeHackEd, that problem has been resolved. I reencoded the video, so redownload the AVI for those of you who want it. Sorry for the inconvience, shouldn't happen again now that VBA is patched properly.
In the future, could you please label the new file as something like "megamanii-tas-dezbeast-r2.avi" or so (like it was done for Blublu's Solar Jetman movie) instead of reusing the same file name? Also, it would be very nice if the fact that the file was replaced was mentioned in the movie's description. Thanks. :)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Wow, the platforms in 9-4 spell out "arigatou!", Japanese for "thank you!" :)
Cool, thanks for clearing that up. :) I was just about to ask... I really enjoyed the movie, too, but I wish it would've been played on the FDS version instead. Sure, the graphics, music, sound effects etc. are improved here, but... it's just not the same. Ah well. Still a great movie. :)
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Adebis wrote:
Should i submit this?
Absolutely. :)
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I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen a blog post, seen a forum post, gotten an email, seen a news item on a totally unrelated website, seen a Newgrounds submission etc. about Steve Irwin's death... I wouldn't quite be a millionaire yet, but I'd be close.
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