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Warp wrote:
If anything, it's a product of the mupen64 emulator (and thus in theory might be subject to the emulator's license)
It wouldn't - copyright doesn't extend that far. In theory, the emulator could come with a EULA that stipulates something like this, but then, it's not clear whether EULAs are actually enforcable (depending on where you live) and/or (if they are) whether you have to agree to them in order to be legally allowed to use a program (first sale doctrine and all that), and it would be a question of contract law, anyway, not copyright law. Of course, IANAL, so everything I said above is probably wrong. :) As for the movies on this site, my (layman's) assessment would be that the .fmv/.fcm/.m64/... movies are not copyright infringement, but that the AVI/OGM/MKV/... versions would (technically) be. But it's not entirely clear to me, either, and of course, it's not that it's likely that anyone'll care much, in any case. :)
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Erave wrote:
Finally, I've gotten to the final bowser with 16 stars. I just had to prove to myself that this was possible. The video he does is Tool Assisted right? He uses save states and slowdowns? I'm going to try to make a time attack on this without using any of that. Just for kicks. I'll aim for 30 minutes.
All videos on this site are tool-assisted and use things like save states, slowdown, frame advance, re-recording, luck manipulation etc. :)
Post subject: Re: Posting videos online
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I don't speak for anyone, of course, but I think the rules of thumb are as follows: don't claim you did the video yourself (unless you actually did), and don't claim it's a regular speedrun instead of a TAS run. If you do neither, and if you mention where the video came from, you should probably be fine - but to be sure, better wait for a definite answer from Bisqwit. :)
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Rising Tempest wrote:
Small update if anyone is interested in this (lack of updates suggests me otherwise, however...), I have the first ten holes done, 2 strokes ahead of hero's test run, and a bit more "stylish".
Sounds cool. :) Any chance for a WIP? ^^
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And I'd like to have a pony! :)
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DrJones wrote:
I would go further. I think no videogames/motherboard models/CD tracks belongs to Wikipedia. They should be on another Wiki related to videogames/hardware/music/etc.
I don't think that's true. If a song is important / notable enough, why shouldn't it have an article? Obviously, not every track on every CD ever released deserves an entry, but if it's somehow notable... Always keep in mind that Wikipedia Is Not Paper - there are no space constraints at all whatsoever (well, no practical ones, anyway), so every article can be judged on its own merit. :) EDIT: Oh, and on a side note: it may be worth adding that deletion discussions are not polls; in other words, the mere fact that there were more "keep" than "delete" votes doesn't mean it automatically has to be kept, and this is doubly true when most of the "keep" votes came from anonymous contributors or recently-signed contributors without any (or with hardly any) other edits - that reeks of sock-/meat-puppetry.
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Sir VG wrote:
Phishing thiefs only win over the stupid.
Just like ebaum. :)
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Tub wrote:
no no, there's no such thing as Nesquik. It's Tasquik now!
OWWW! ^.^
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Hooray for Mark, and Bisquick
Yes, yay for Nes-- I mean Bisquik! ^_^
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Gorash wrote:
You have to decide against what you are. I for my part see nothing wrong in forcing people who don't what to serve in military for whatever reason to work their share or even more if motivation is needed. It's not like there's a human right against getting attacked. Now the excecution might be flawed (or even downright crap seeing that jehova's witness rule) under current circumstances, but the basic statement of someone who refuses military service out of whatever reason and then civil service (because it's longer) is: "I don't care, I don't want to".
I don't see anything wrong with requiring an alternate kind of service when someone does not want to or cannot (let's not forget, after all, that for many people, it's not just that they don't feel like it, but rather that they can't because of religious or ethical convictions) serve in the military, but there definitely is something wrong with forcing people who don't want to to work for a longer time - that reeks of punishment for exercising a legal right. Also, there are other objections that many people in Germany (myself included) share: for example, the fact that women never have to do *anything* at all, that men who have two older brothers who served in the military never have to do anything (and interestingly enough, unless things changed since I had to deal with this, he same does not apply when your two older brothers did civil service - coincidence?), that everyone who is open about not wanting to join the military will *automatically* be considered "fit for service", and so on. You cannot deny that people doing civil service are being treated much worse than soldiers, simply for exercising their legal rights, and that is what many people who refuse to do either kind of service - those I talked to, at least, when I prepared for my civil service application - seem to take offence at. And it's certainly something I at least can understand. Apart from the fact that conscription is anachronistic and useless, people are regularly treated like shit by the state for being conscientious objecters.
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hanzou wrote:
schneelocke, up+A.
That still works at that point? OK, interesting - thanks for the info. :)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Or how about, get to Ganon's room swordless just to prove you can, then run out to get the weakest sword in the game, and then run back in to beat him!
Once you enter Ganon's room, you can't leave until you kill him, though. (Or can you? It's quite literally been ages since I played this game...)
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*chuckles* Nice idea.
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Warp wrote:
I have seen Episode 1 of Doom beaten probably in half the time compared to the run available at SDA. The latter does tons of unnecessary detours for no obvious reason, kills tons of enemies for no apparent reason and all in all seems to be just a playthrough instead of a speedrun.
The best episode 1 time for DOOM 1 is 5:00, currently (the SDA is worthless for DOOM records really). If you honestly think you (or anyone!) can beat the game [1] in 3:23 or less (in a speedrun, not a TAS!), I'd love to see it, but until then, I'm not going to believe it. Good luck, though. (For reference, BTW, entryway's current record for a TAS movie of DOOM 1 episode 1 is 3:45.) 1. Episode 1 of DOOM 1, that is, on Ultra-Violence, using doom2.exe, using C-N's timing rules (i.e., the time DOOM reports after E1M7).
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Unassisted? Good question, but I've long been a fan of demos of certain DOOM levels (Plutonia MAP32, Hell Revealed MAP24, Scythe MAP26 and so on), so I'd say Huy Pham's sc26-251 is a hot contender. ^^ I just love that kind of action.
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I'm rather surprised they don't list windows (windows as such, that is, as opposed to just windows me specifically).
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Guybrush wrote:
Here's the .exe, don't know how long it'll be there though.
Thanks - mirrored here.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
But what about ebaumsworld?
ebaum is a fscking thief. :P
Post subject: Re: obvious question
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Xkeeper wrote:
Well, then, what did you mean?
Putting him in a sandpit because he's behaving like a toddler? :) That's my guess... (just a guess, though, of course, and no offence, BTW ^^)
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Bisqwit wrote:
schneelocke wrote:
Any chance to include a quick search box in the menu? People would find it much more easily then, and it also would be nice to not have to make an extra click to search for things. :)
I considered that, but I have seen many other Wiki sites doing it the same way I'm doing now (i.e. a link to a separate searching page) and until I know for sure that there's no good reason why they do so, I won't change it. :)
MediaWiki-based sites generally don't. :) I personally just think it's convenient; I don't think there's any real reason why some sites don't do it, either (apart maybe from the fact that there may be wiki software that handles things this way - I'm not familiar with anything except MediaWiki, though), but maybe I'm just missing something obvious. :)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Warp wrote:
I think that the front page could use a direct link. Now I only found a link from MovieSearch, and it was rather hard to see because it was at the very end of the page.
It is also included in the leftside menu. Or is it automatically ignored? Usually people ignore automatically the rightside column, because it's most usually filled with advertisements. (I would backup this statement with a reference, but I a web search for the column (pun not intended) that I had in my mind, yielded empty.)
Any chance to include a quick search box in the menu? People would find it much more easily then, and it also would be nice to not have to make an extra click to search for things. :)
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IdeaMagnate wrote:
The problem at YouTube was that some people were stripping the header and posting movies as non-tool-assisted. If credit is given and there's no attempt at deception, which is clearly the case here, I don't think it's a problem. This is only my interpertation of the situation. Other people's may vary.
It says the following near the top of every movie page, though:
Reproduction of all material from this site is expressly forbidden for the following sites: ,
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qqwref wrote:
Good luck with this, but what can you add to the SDA run other than better / more optimized movement?
Strange question. Isn't that part of what this site is all about? Sure, there's also glitch abuses and luck manipulation, but if those aren't possible in a game, that doesn't mean you can't make a good TAS run for it.
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Woot! \m/
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Guybrush wrote:
FractalFusion, that's totally in-topic...
Indeed... stop being off-topic in the off-topic forum by being on-topic! :)
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