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Very nice. Your listed result for room 20 is incorrect, though. ^_~
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Regarding the question of whether these movies should be submitted or just posted in the forums, I think there is something that can be said for submitting them - namely, the fact that submitted movies are mentioned in the site's RSS feed, which makes it easier to keep up with submissions. So as long as the movies are actually complete and reasonably optimised (to the point where they *could* be published), I don't see anything wrong with submitting them. Just my two aurar. ;)
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I'm an editor, but nowhere near as active as I used to be. (Please excuse the cluttered user page, BTW - I'm a terrible packrat^H^H^Hwolf. :))
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gokuu wrote:
why cant I get any movie to work the fceu emulator i dont understand what im doing wrong
It would be helpful if you told us exactly what wasn't working. Do you get an error message? Does the movie desync? Does your computer spontaneously combust? :) Also, what are you doing that should work but doesn't?
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Fabian wrote:
There are no others in this category.
What about Air? :)
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I kinda agree with hopper. I really don't know whether Diman's or Morimoto's movie is better (and it's been too long since I watched the latter one, anyway), but Gradius just isn't that interesting a game - at least not for a TAS run. That, coupled with the fact that the general consensus seems to be that in this particular case, style should take precedence over a faster time, makes it pretty impossible for me to vote anything but "meh" (which I'll take as "I have no idea whether it should be published or not really, but I want to see the poll results anyway" here :)). But I do want to say one thing - no matter what everyone thinks, I think Diman did invest time and effort, so I'd like to thanks for that, at least, and hope you'll do more runs in the future. It doesn't currently look like this one's gonna be published, but if you don't give up, I'm sure you'll see a run of yours published soon (presumably one for a less controversial game ^_~).
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cheeseman wrote:
Not anymore it's not!! first level...
"This file doesn't exist or has been removed."
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AllBogs wrote:
Is anyone still seeding the WIP? It's been stuck on 75% for a couple of days now :<
The v57 AVI? I'll start seeding it again (just don't expect any superfast downloads, my uplink is quite slow ^_~).
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OmegaWarrior wrote:
The description of the video says it's an unhacked ROM, but why does mario start with 3 lives instead of 5?
Mario does start with three lives in SMB - do give it a try on your NES, and you'll see. He starts with five in SMB3 (at least in the European and US releases), though, so maybe that's what you're thinking of?
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It's been a couple of years since I played SMB3, but IIRC, it isn't *that* uncommon that you're able to avoid the hands altogether. There's still an element of luck in there, though, of course, which might be frustrating for a pure unassisted speedrun...
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Sweet. :) I remember this game from the ol' days (a friend of mine back then had it for his GB), so it's definitely cool to see a TAS movie for it now. :)
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JXQ wrote:
I always thought Kirby's Adventure was an excellent example of the NES at its best as far as graphics, sounds, playability, depth, etc. (although SMB3 is another great example). Of course, that's probably cuz Kirby was one of the last NES games released.
Wasn't "Wario's Woods" released in late 1994? I'm pretty sure there was at least one game in 1995, even, but I can't really remember which it was...
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Warp wrote:
I have to say that very old NES games suck big time, at least technically. :P Just compare this elevator thingie with eg. the bucky o'hare game. The difference is huge.
That's just why you gotta love them. :) I think it's amazing how far the NES was taken in the end - SMB3 certainly looks like it runs on a wholly different console from a different era, for example. ^^
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Nice one. And you gotta love those super-old games... :)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah, someone should check... Do you think it's different in Metroid 2?
Who, me? No idea, I never played that. :)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Wait, can you re-collect an ice beam, or do the beams stay gone forever?
It's been a while since I played Metroid on my NES, but IIRC, they stay. :) (Do correct me if I'm wrong, though)
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Is is intentional that the published movie says
Played by Slotermeyer Play length 0:11:14.02 Rerecord count: 3192
? Seems to me like those are the stats from the new Ninja Gaiden 1 movie. :P
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Boco wrote:
Up+A didn't split the Zelda movies did it?
It's mentioned in the Zelda booklet, though, so it's hard to argue that it's not a regular part of the game. Not sure if it's mentioned for Metroid.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
It puts the run in a different category, the current 100% doesn't use up+A.
Will Bisqwit be willing to create yet another category of Metroid speedruns, though? There's already quite a bunch.
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Nightcom wrote:
What is this movie aiming for though? 120 Stars in the end?
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FODA wrote:
you need to mark "read-only" when playing back the movie. since you didn't, you just erased the whole thing. try downloading again please.
Just unpacking again should suffice, actually. :)
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
The savestate worked for me, and that's all that matters! Because I'm selfish.
That's OK... turns out it was my fault. I corruped the movie file, somehow, but I got it to work now. :)
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FODA wrote:
the file comes with a savestate (slot 8)
Might be just me, but the savestate doesn't work for me. :P Not a big problem, of course, since I can just rewatch the entire thing (it certainly is entertaining enough ^_~)...
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Graveworm wrote:
I tried the one on left of that one too, Metroid Limit, but it was impossible for me to complete without savestates and slowdown. It's not really a good modification, new games is always fun to play, but there was to many ways to die and make a wrong turn and not being able to get back.
Sounds just like "Air" to me. ;)
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hero of the day wrote:
I dont think this run will be published if I ever finished it. Its get very repetative after a few holes, and there are 54 holes in all. There is a run of another golf game in submissions, and it doesnt seem like it will be published.
I wouldn't so sure about that - about this one not being published, that is. There's quite a bunch of videos that are repetitive and boring on the site already; personally, I think that things like Megaman X3 are simply unwatchable, for example. Of course, that's just my opinion, but the same thing goes for golf games etc., too - when someone says "this is boring and repetitive", it's just their opinion. And the "run" so far certainly matches the site's purpose when it's described as "movies of classic console games being played extraordinarily, using an emulator as a tool to overcome human limitations of skill and reflex": Classic console game: check. Played extraordinarily: check. Using an emulator as a tool: check. Overcoming human limitations: check. Why shouldn't it be published?
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