Posts for scrimpeh

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Almost heartbreaking really, to read byuu's epic struggle to help people understand why accuracy does matter, ultimately doomed to fail no matter his tries. Either way, rerecording for bsnes would be pretty cool, though I have no idea how to code, unfortunately.
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My, it's like they aren't even trying
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To be honest, I prefer point-based encodes because they are more accurate to the actual video emulation and don't look any worse than HQx. Not that the difference really is a big deal, but it is indeed a waste to encode the same movie twice with differences completely impossible to see unless you're using fullscreen.
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Good idea, but in this case, the post might as well be translated into various languages to help newcomers.
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Of course it depends on the complexity of the input (you think about DS runs using the touchscreen) and the movie length. Actually I wonder, how many rerecords would a brute forced SMB run take?
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I also predict a huge increase of playarounds and glitchathons in the future, because, where's the fun in lazily running a program over a game? A huge appeal of TASes is to see old TASes broken and new, exciting improvements. Once all of this is gone, there will need to be something else to fill in the slot.
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Brute forcing the ideal input, probably.
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Oh, I have just seen the run, why haven't I noticed it before because it was GLORIOUS. Is there ever any chance on seeing an optimized version of this?
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Looks interesting so far, keep it up!
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You'll probably have more luck at Speed Demos Archive then, since those focus on unassisted plays.
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Probably useless, but you also start out holding a sniffit if you die with the value set to 2. Other useless observations that probably are already known: 0052 = 1 - A pink upside down Sniffit spawns on your head. Doesn't seem to do anything but jerk around 0052 = All other numbers I've tried will also spawn with you holding a Sniffit. I assume the enemy that you appear with is located in another adress. Wouldn't know which one though.
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Entertaining Movie overall, not long enough to get boring, so it's a yes I guess.
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Burnt his tongue while attempting to eat it
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Quite interesting, the run. So, a yes vote, why not?
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'Lo and welcome to tasvideos, enjoy your stay. To answer your questions: 1.) It depends. You can do a testrun of one level to see how the game works and see how you can optimize this one level, or you can do a testrun of the whole game. 2.A run usually contains only input, so if you do something to mess up the random rumber god generator, it might desync. Unless you mean RAM Watch, where the RNG change should be displayed. 3.It has something to do with hitting the boss at the exact same frame it hits you. Try to replicate the setup as closely as possible (the bat charging you, you standing on the stairs like this). It isn't that difficult to do. 4.Here is a good bit of info, you should also check out the authors' comments for the published Castlevania runs. Aside from that, search for something like "Castlevania Tricks" or "Castlevania TAS" on places like youtube, gamefaqs or so. We also have a topic on the game in the forums. 5.I'm sure there are, though I'm not one of them. Sorry, bro
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Errr... what?
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A Let's Play of Super Metroid which got me interested into the game itself. Being interested in speedruns in general, I looked at a few and eventually ended up here, I guess.
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On the whole, I think this is exciting enough to be published.
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Very well, but does it manage to color a dinosaur?
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Wow, that glitchathon was damn impressive. There was a playaround before, but it was rejected for not being different enough from the 96-exit run, a problem you guys certainly don't seem to have. My favorite bits would have to be when Mario became posessed by the devil in Yoshi's Island 3
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Relax, it's not like it's going to run away from here or something.
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Actually, let me get out my super awesome .gif power to reiterate my point:
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Goodie, more drama on this site! Because that's exactly what tasvideos is all about! In all seriousness, while this might sound smug and arrogant, if someone proclaims various theses, in this case, Bisqwit's signature, but does not have the arguments to back those up, I'd say you can safely ignore them without getting offended. But that's just me, I don't personally think it's worth getting worked up other such things.
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Nice improvement, I must say.