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Thanks for the encode, Spikestuff!
Ooh, this is neat. Some missed shots at the bosses look a bit unclean, but overall this run was highly entertaining. I also don't have any reason to assume the run loses time because of that. I didn't realize just how much of this game can be skipped.
Very nice work, yes vote.
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scrimpeh wrote:
Some more thoughts about this I posted in Discord the other day that I felt are relevant enough to post here also:
In general, for TAS-adjacent content, it's easier to start with what's already there. I would therefore consider linking to existing videos from speedrunning-focused content creators about TASing on the site (with permission). Any kind of "speedrun explained" or "record history" videos are good for this (although I don't know any great videos highlighting the history of specific TASes off-hand).
As for creating new content specifically the site, I'm sure there are people who would be interested in doing it, provided there's incentives for it. I'm not sure if that's a special cool forum rank just for you (which I honestly doubt would be enough for most people, especially if you're not even that active on the site) or anything else, I don't have any other great ideas for that part yet that don't involve outright paying people.
Another possibility is to highlight existing author's commentary more prominently. There's already a bunch of existing good commentary to pick from.
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Just as a point of reference, there used to be the Tool Assisted Podcast hosted by The8bitbeast and others. This might be useful as a reference point for how a podcast could look.
Another idea would be "Speedrun Explained" type content with a focus on TASes. That stuff tends to do well on youtube.
Also Re: TAS jam: For SGDQ 2015, there was the TAS race of Streemerz, where people were tasked with speed-TASing a short homebrew game in a few hours, for the fastest attempt to be shown on stage. That was an incredibly fun time.
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So I haven't seen the previous run and don't know Pac-Man World very well. I wouldn't have expected a game starring Pac-Man to be so gloomy and atmospheric.
Ah well, this was a very nice TAS. The skips you have at your disposal clearly let you disregard a large portion of the level design, and there were no major slowdowns that could get boring, so it's a Yes vote. Very nice work.
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Also Mighty Switch Force! 2
A puzzle platformer by WayForward, with music by Jake Kaufman. The Hooligan Sisters have escaped, and it is up to you to capture them by switching certain blocks in and out of the foreground to clear the way. Each level has a timer, and there's leaderboards on speedrun.com.
After you beat the game, you unlock the Mighty Shot, which gives you a backwards movement boost when you use it. It makes the game considerably faster and adds more nuance to the gameplay. A TAS should therefore probably be done on NG+.
I did a quick test to see if the game works in the new BizHawk version, which it does swimmingly, other than savestates taking quite long. Not much to mention about the gameplay. Your jump height is fixed, so the most you can do in most circumstances is to jump on the first frame possible. The game has a fair amount of input delay, which complicates things. No major tricks, but the switch blocks will push you out if you're just barely inside them, which I use to save a few frames at 1:01 to 1:04 in the encode.
Link to video
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Sorry, but there is no point in submitting this. Even for your first TAS, it looks like you barely tried. You slow down tremendously in a couple of places, without going back to redo these parts. It's almost never necessary to slow down in this game.
As Spikestuff mentions, watch the other run and study it, and understand where and how it saves time on you. Even if you won't be able to beat the run, you'll be able to understand how to go faster in this game and produce a smoother looking run in the future.
Since it's over a minute slower than the other run, I have to vote No.
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This is surely one of the 90s games of all time.
I also learned of this game from PJ's AGDQ 2019 run. The run can be sorta hard to follow due to the level layouts, but the tricks were quite apparent, especially the skips in the later levels.
Yes vote, nice run.
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Oh hey, this old submission.
This was one of my first "real" TASes, and it very much shows in the level of optimization and planning. When submitting this, I frankly anticipated the run would be rejected, and I understood the reasons when it was. It would definitely need another round of optimization to be up to snuff these days.
More significantly, the run nowadays has to justify its existence against the "pacifist, minimalist" category of this game in my eyes. While that category came later, this run and the pacifist run have a lot of overlap, but there are also differences where they sort of slot into each other's gaps:
This run is allowed to attack (non-essential) enemies, the pacifist run isn't.
This run is allowed to pick up power-ups like the cross and rosary, while the pacifist run isn't.
The pacifist run is allowed to take damage from enemies, so long as the enemy doesn't die from contact. By extension, this means:
The pacifist run is allowed to use damage boosts.
The pacifist run is allowed to use critical hits against enemies.
Overall, I believe the pacifist run has much more to offer and is overall a better representation of a "limited" category choice for this game. It has less downtime, and the lack of screen-clearing and invulnerability powerups means the pacifist run has to spend much more time tightly dodging and weaving between enemies, which is where I think this run here actually gets interesting. In retrospect, I am wondering if I should have banned crosses and rosaries for this reason, but that would've made the runs even more similar in the end.
I am also wondering if this run should have scroll glitches. They'd obviously present a massive improvement to the walking-and-stair-climbing simulator that is this run, but I don't think there would be any unique scroll glitches that wouldn't also be seen in pacifist. Since the idea behind this movie originally was to make a "perfect" run of this game under a set of extra-challenging conditions, skipping portions of the game through scroll glitches would sort of undermine this goal. With pacifist around, not having scroll glitches would set this run apart and make it more unique, at a serious cost to entertainment (which is already lacking) and completion time. I don't think that's a worthwhile trade overall, but I still wanted to bring it up for consideration.
I am still quite fond of this category. If Challenger (or anyone else) wants to have a look at it, I'd gladly encourage you to do so. This was a very simple TAS to make (in no small part because it cuts out all the difficult stuff, as people back then noted :P), so it might serve well as a simple break project between more complicated TAS projects. I'd seriously be interested to see how this TAS would look when pushed to its maximum potential, with scroll glitches or without.
So yeah, that's my 2 cents on it. Or a couple more of them maybe considering how stupidly long this post on a 14 year old rejected submission turned out.
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omg omg omg this is unexpected, I didn't expect a new OoE TAS to hit at all
watching this immediately
Edit: Yes, this was damn awesome. It's frightening just how fast the game goes by with all the new skips found. You don't even miss Rapidus Fio with just how fast Shanoa moves with the bat form.
Amazing run. Absolute and enthusiastic Yes vote.
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Congratulations on your first submission, for such a huge game no less. Trial and erroring all the fights seems incredibly daunting, but the honey shower strategy was incredibly unique and OP and cool to watch.
Just one question: Wouldn't it be possible to "swap out" a low-damage shower for a different attack which could do more damage? Or am I misunderstanding how RNG works? I don't think it would make a huge impact on turn count over the course of the run anyway.
Either way, this was a very enjoyable and exciting run to watch. Great work, and Yes vote for sure.
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So a few years ago, I picked up drawing as a hobby again after not having regularly done it for a long time, using a basic Wacom tablet I've acquired in the meantime. I'm mostly creating lineart drawings of characters with designs I find appealing, featuring more than just ponies this time around. Here's a small sampling of what I've drawn over time:
Click for links to the full-sized versions.
I find it quite relaxing and rewarding, even if some drawings turn out better than others. I also find these pages work well as a pseudo-diary for me, recording some of what comics, cartoons or games I happen to be into at that particular time. That said, I still have a long way to go as far as actually improving as an artist is concerned.
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I've got something that may be interesting. By triggering memory corruption from going out of bounds, it is possible corrupt some of the memory values which the game uses to index into various jump tables. This normally causes the game to freeze, but it may be possible to redirect the game to jump into RAM, where it might be used to read code from the controller input variables located from $26 to $29.
Link to videoInput File
In this case, I use it to write the following code into memory:
ASL $18
DEC $18
This sets the gamestate variable from 4 to 7, which triggers a debug stage select menu, which allows me to warp straight to Dracula, completing the game in 01:12.83.
There is one major caveat though:
The way this works is that the player state variable at $0565 is corrupted to 1, when it should normally be a multiple of two, which causes the game to swap the low and high byte of two adjacent pointers. This causes it to jump to $388A, which then causes the game to execute code from open bus. It is only by luck that it eventually somehow ends up at $0020 in RAM, which is close enough to where I can manipulate it. This means that the method shown here does not work on console. I have already had Alyosha gracefully test the warp for me on console, which wasn't successful. This means another way needs to be found that avoids going through open bus.
How to go from here
To find another ACE exploit that doesn't go through open bus, one would need to check what other parts of the code use these two jump handlers: CV3 Disassembly. They are located at $E86D and $E886 in ROM respectively. It would then be necessary to check if any address used as an index here can be corrupted through memory corruption, and to see if it could be corrupted to a value that jumps to a useful location in memory. However, because it is so hard to find specific, targeted memory corruptions, I am leaving it at this and posting it here for posterity. Maybe in the future, a real ACE run can come from this that can be synced on console.
As for triggering a complete credits warp, this may also be possible, but here there is also a caveat. The memory layout of the affected variables is as follows:
$26: P1 Buttons Pressed
$27: P2 Buttons Pressed
$28: P1 Buttons Held
$29: P2 Buttons Held
This means that any bits that are set in $26 and $28 must also be set in $27 and $29 respectively. This severely limits what code I can write. In particular, there is no simple "LDA / STA"-type combo that would work here, as the opcode matrix of the 6502 is simply not laid out right. This means that any way to set the gamestate variable directly to $0C (game ending) would depend on the contents of the registers at the moment this code is executed, which didn't work out when I tried. Another option might be jumping to some location in the ROM that sets the gamestate variable, but there was again no apparent option when I tried.
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Once again, it goes to show that you cannot take anything in a game for granted. These improvements are so unexpected, and yet so cool.
Outstanding work. Spectacular stuff. Yes vote for sure.
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I've been busy trying to write a number of Lua scripts for this game with the aim of helping to explore memory corruption. The ultimate aim of both scripts is to help with exploration in the glitched worlds, and for possibly finding new effects or a faster wrong warp. I'm not sure how useful they'll end up being, but oh well. They certainly turned out way more complex than I anticipated:
LinkCorruption Visualizer
This script informs you when whenever memory gets corrupted when being out-of-bounds. It shows which values get corrupted in the form of a RAM heatmap. It also shows some of the game's internal state that is relevant for determining which values actually get loaded.
It also includes a map viewer to help with navigating the glitched worlds.
Video DemonstrationMap Viewer
This is a stand-alone version of the map viewer. It's supposed to help with navigating the glitched worlds, as it turns out that even if you get stranded somewhere, there's often stairs that take you further. It also shows the raw contents of the tile buffer at $6E0, which is important for scroll glitching.
Video DemonstrationEdit:
While I'm at it, I've also started writing a Stair Dismount Guide.
Been meaning to do that for a while now.
Edit 2:
I also turned the Fast Charswitch mod from last page into a Lua script that pokes the necessary values in game, which allows me to distribute it to others, which I couldn't do with the modified ROM. You can find it here.
Video Demonstration
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For what it's worth, I find it amusing to beat the game while doing as badly as possible, but I agree there was more appeal to actually seeing the minigames themselves, since I didn't know Tengoku before.
Ultimately, there's not much to say about this submission. It's a purely mechanical demonstration of its goal. The only question about it is whether it's publishable by the current site rules. I haven't kept up with that, so idk.
From what I've seen, there are more interesting ways to TAS Rhythm Heaven.