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DarkKobold, your still on page one. kid. Just shut up while you think yourself ahead.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Pirate, Are see you seeing kobold? Lol. Shallow. I don't think he is on the same page. Your statement however, is pretty right on target. But I would argue people can remember how they did it. But at the same time, I don't differentiate between different people. I wouldn't say "this is that persons logic, or that is this persons logic", because that implies that there is no standard. And we come back to the randomness concept. Rules of reasoning don't come in flavors. A person follows them or they don't. If a person thinks A is smaller than B, and B is smaller than C, and C is smaller than A. It doesn't matter what evidence they think they have, what understanding they have or anything, they are wrong. Wrong in the absolute sense. It doesn't change with different people or systems in objective reality.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I wonder how many realized intuition means the laws of reason, and not "how you feel". Probably no one. Because the sarcasm in using the word intuition in these cases is pretty funny. Because it indicates everyone thinks its the "how you feel" concept. I was thinking mabey this is the case before. But I wanted to see how far people would go with it.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Because argument isn't meant to be taken place on anonymouse forums, in front of hundreds of people, by people who don't know what they are talking about. That is why internument shouldn't happen.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Wrong thread?
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Sixofour - Can you feel it? -- Why are we saying this again?
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Posts: 121 DarkKobold. This is a responce to your last two posts. For anyone thinking of a new meme being born. Go to your irc client right now, and look for my text in your history. Look for meme.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
The worst readers.— The worst readers are those who behave like plundering troops: they take away a few things they can use, dirty and confound the remainder, and revile the whole.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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If a chinese man can cure cancer or something by poking you in 38 specific spots with needles. It brings the need of western "chop him up and cut peices out" type of medicine into question.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Lol, someone brought of fruedian ideaology. This follows the same ideaology when he said that people who hate their mothers, want to have sex with them, and that those who hate homsoexuality, is actually a homosexual. Its for the most part bullshit. But I do see the wisdom, DarkKobold, in being quiet about such things. But usualy one is quiet about it because he cares what those think about him. The wise man doesn't tell people he is wise, because the people will no longer think he is wise, and thus his wisdom will not be able to benefit anyone. I am a guy on the internet, no one will believe what I say anyways, generally speaking. So my rep is pretty much in the air. However, in real life, I would likely not have the audacity to say some of the things ive said [about being better]. Because unlike on the internet, in real life, teaching people and debate actually changes things. And it is also the case, that most of the time, those who do make such claims, usually are not actually attributed with it.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Learn how to use* Mistake in translating thoughts to text. ^^
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Close, Pirate, but I would say that intuition, is a tool you learn with exprience. Not a tool developed from exprience. The point I am trying to make is: There has to be a standard already in place for humans to use, that wasn't developed by humans. And this fact is known by intuition. A system cannot produce another system more complex than itself. A guy cannot produce something that requires one smarter than himself to understand. A human cannot build a computer that is too complex for a human to understand. There are many ways to say it. But its all the same thing.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I didn't contradict myself. Math is a thing, people are born with knowldge of how it works. I never said all things. Its spiffy, you are so desperate that you are nitpicking on the smallest things. And using fallacies nontheless. -- Your sig says "Living well is the best Revenge"..yet you are burdening yourself by argueing me. You contradict yourself. [I can nitpick too]
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Lol, trolling. You are the one jumping in and only commenting on my typing.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I think for the most part western medicine is pretty crappy. What does that tell you? Of course, trying to show something complex, but without the need for logic. Doesn't disprove my point. For the most part how to fix the body is something you can't deduce from logic. Nor is color. But it does require logic to build a system of connecting symptoms to ailments, and diagnosing them. If A is smaller than B, and B is smaller than C, then C is absolutly larger than A. Nice try though.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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mmbossman wrote:
Since this has turned into the "Ask sixofour" thread, and amazingly hasn't been split into it's own deserving entity, I have an honest question: Dear sixofour, what does your logic and intuition tell you is the best way to rehabilitate a 19 year old female soccer player who is 6 weeks status post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on her left knee using a hamstring graft? By "best", I mean fastest return to pre-surgical condition with minimization of risk of graft failure?
Ask doctor frankenstien ^^
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Anne Clark - Our Darkness
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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If you don't understand basic logic how can you? You can't be an engineer, you can't [well, yes, some people are] be a scientist. One could probably be a philosopher, but a lot of good that will do. But most people use logic. I mean, obviously the people here who disagree with me, are using some kind of coherent logical system to come to the conclusion that I am wrong about [what was the arguement about again?] something. The real issue likely has to do with the terminology used. And everyones ideas about those terms. And some people are probably just arrogant. But trying to explain that is pretty fail in any arguement. That and I am dealing with people who want to appear on the winning side or who want to appear like they have knowledge. [Hence the Sophist reference] Also, many people probably see this as a "heated debate" and get all uppity and excited. And will see my posts as confrontational. Ferret, So far I gather people have a problem with my position that there is a universal unfallable system of reasoning. That doesn't require exprimentation or observation, to know. The same people are probably pro-evolution. Since the idea that humans had no ability to reason, then gained it later, fits in with the theory of evolution. [and they will no doubt acredit our ability to reason with Aristotle or the like] Its your typical western eurocentric mentality and mindset. DarkKobold: Knowledgable person. For you, that means someone with a degree. How enlightening.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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Isn't a person who is intelligent, and able to understand advanced concepts, and able to understand the truth about things. Better than the layman who doesn't, and contributes nothing to the world.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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In that regard. That person is understanding programming and what entails it. When it comes to logic, you are talking about the rules of reasoning that are set in stone. The infallable rules we know to be. The rules that mathmatics require in order to exist. The one that doesn't grasp it, is severly hindered in everything that they do. While the one who understands them has a much greater advantage. These guys like Socrotes and Aristotle [the two men most of the west looks up to when it comes to reasoning and logic] didn't invent or discover anything new. They mearly explained what was there. And what they are refering to is the same thing I am refering to.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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nfq then you are alone in that. People can [moral relativism] pick and choose methods of thought that they "feel" is right all they want, it doesn't change the fact that there is a universal truth that one is right, and the rest are wrong. Because you cannot have two or more opposing views and they both be correct.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I'm coming here providing simple logical functions, and people outright reject them. It makes me better, because I understand them, and others don't. The seperation of laymen and intellectuals.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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An ego is when you claim to be better than someone when you aren't. I actually am better. Though resentment to your superiors is expected. Edit: Lol adekilat is so resenting that he kicked me from IRC. Pathetic. Its funny how people don't relize there is an invisable caste system.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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I checked your IP because you act and sound like that charles guy. It wasn't paranoia. It was investigation.
[00:31:12] <stickie> by the way, thanks for the sig sixofour [00:31:23] <sixofour> dejavu [00:31:25] <sixofour> what sig? [00:31:55] <stickie> you will just have to find out *insert mystical music*
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