I was all like "oh great, your goofy hobby strikes again, should I really take time out of my busy schedule to watch some video of a video I've already watched?"
So I begrudgingly downloaded the torrent, loaded it in a PROPER media player (VLC thank you) and WOWW I just started laughing my ass off when I saw what your VB program actually let you do!
Mad props for one-upping yourself once more and again making a non-TASser pay attention to your bag of magic frame advance!
--Agent Smith / Skuzz / Awesome
"The New Nintendo WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Play WindWanker - the new Zelda game where you help Link get himself off on the horse!
Sheesh - seriously - can they get any dumber? I went to NYSE to see if their stock fell, only to find out Nintendo doesn't even publicly trade their stock in the USA - only in two Japanese stock markets. Of course in Japan where anything stupid goes - their stock probably skyrocketed...
"New Nintendo Ass-Cunt-Chain! Complete with crotch strap!!!" *Japanese people* "ZOMG ITS JUST LIKE WHAT ALL THE COOL AMERICANS DO!!!"
Ugg................They should go back to making trading cards and just give up on video games...
Great run! I've never played far into the game and the game itself is amazing. Sad that they had to ruin it with the Metroid Prime sequel.
The h.264 video encoding wasn't that impressive, many random display errors and frame drops, not used to watching a run with that many errors - although that's not a JXQ issue - just an encoding process issue.
Overall though, impressive show of Samus' might!
Watching this is more fun than finding my SOUL!
I enjoy watching these runs more than I think I ever liked playing the games!
Now that's lobstertainment!
I really wonder how the console in general's going to do considering how late in the game the system will be coming out compared to the next gen PS/Xbox consoles.
Fortunately that's probably one of the easiest things to accomplish in Gentoo if you have a working stable system.
go to a root command prompt and type this: (root being the # prompt)
(Fake prompt here)
localhost user# emerge fceultra
if all goes well it should download the source, download any files needed to satisfy its dependencies, and compile and build everything for you. NOTE: THIS CAN TAKE A VERY LONG TIME FOR SOME PROGRAMS Once it's done you should be able to just type fceultra romname.romext at the command line and launch the emulator. (Of course you're going to want to read up on the documentation for its usage and command-line switches at this point, I haven't tried it myself yet.)
As Bisqwit mentioned though - Gentoo is one of the most complicated Linux distros to master - so on the one hand, it has a steep learning curve and not many can handle it, but, on the other hand, once you can get your Gentoo box to live, you can know you accomplished something great! (read: insane)
And of course had I read your following post I would've seen your note about wanting to install a patched fceu. You just need a few more commands to do that. Download their file, save it somewhere (like I made a "make" folder in my ~/ directory to keep my builds separate to a given user.) In this directory is where you will want to expand the .tar.gz or .bz2 file. After the file's expanded into this directory, cd into the expanded folder (make sure you're running as root again) and type (all without quotes in the following 3 commnads) "./configure" as mentioned above. After it does it's jazz, type "make" and hit enter and sit around til it's done. As long as everything is fine, it likes your compiler and all the dependencies are fulfilled, type "make install" and again hit enter to let it do its jazz. When it's done building the app it should have either installed it into your system to use, or left it built in a directory inside the install. You'll want to read the readme file to find out where.
Also - if you have compiled a GUI you can move the app and such around inside a GUI (such as gnome, kde, etc.) - it can be a little easier on you at least for file-moving coming from Windows.
I'll do it for you if you send me naked pictures of your mom.
Come on why else would you need it unless you're not pimp enough to do it yourself? Get someone else to do it, then splice their video into your "4 minute" video, right?
Why don't you do it yourself? Seriously?
Whats in bold, IS Illilegal. I guess you didnt read the rules.
Last I checked, United States law doesn't forbid pornography as long as it isn't of minors. Durrrrrr.... Also: what is in bold is a joke
[Illilegal stuff removed by Michael Fried, ah, that felt good, it's been awhile since I've used my mod powers :)]
Come on why else would you need it unless you're not pimp enough to do it yourself? Get someone else to do it, then splice their video into your "4 minute" video, right?
Why don't you do it yourself? Seriously?
And imagine most gamers that flail and jerk their controller like mad in every game because they can't get their motion perceptions to quiet down because flailing doesn't add much to a game other than unplugging controllers.
Oh wait, now your flailing has a purpose, and $5 says that 2 foot cord running the two halves of the controller starts fraying and breaks/snaps in two in less than 3 months (unless they've put in some kind of breakaway strain relief plug - but then game programmers have to write auto-pause code into their games to pause and wait for the game to reattach their controller pieces...) - but maybe just past the warranty period so Nintendo can pull the old N64 controller rape juke.
Unless Nintendo can find a way to market this effective, it'll just be another VirtualBoy...
Nintendo's turning into what happened to Sega a few years ago...
My bet is they're going to go bankrupt or get hurt so bad they'll have to go back to making trading cards like they did in the late 1800s/early 1900s - especially since they aren't even releasing Zelda this fall - Sony and Microsoft are going to release their new consoles and the new Nintendo will be too little too late - and too broken.
You can see I'm not very good at debating. My usual tactic is to come up with increasingly facetious arguments until everybody gets annoyed and drops the subject.
Haha! That's awesome though! I just don't see what the big deal is. As long as the ROMs are being "quality controlled" and not every lame-ass hack is allowed who gives a flying monkey. It was a very democratic method used to decide what hack would be allowed I think. If you want TOTAL CONTROL check out Russia circa 1980, heh.
I agree about long auto-scrolling levels being boring in general, and I think this alone causes the minimal run of this hack to be less entertaining than the minimal run of the original.
But as for bugs... Lots of games have lots of bugs, including ones that have made good time attacks, and it's not like we're not waiting on NES developers to fix their bugs so we can time attack their games more properly. Maybe the problem is not that this has too many bugs, but that its (new) bugs weren't made by professionals and thus aren't as interesting as the high-quality bugs seen in retail games.
Haha! True that - high quality bugs created by paid programmers under fire and brimstone of their management to put out their code as fast as possible under penalty of death, or at least the loss of their genitalia for not pumping out the game as fast as possible.
How about the gold edition of the N64 Zelda OoT! I loved exploiting the no-master-sword bug so I could grapple-horse-hook off the horse in the lake hylia area, levitate magically into the air, and then push myself 3 (video-game scale) miles off the screen, away from the "world" off into rectangle-sky-ground-land with my grappler chain pixellated-stretching to 4 DPI due to the image making the grappling chain not being designed to stretch 3 miles? THAT's a bug.
SDW was coded for fun and to prove it could be done - and coding like that tends to be the best kind.
The problem, it is a hack and the movie created is boring.Too much auto-scrolling levels which make the movie zZzZzZzZ.
But since lot of people love it then it is accepted but still don't agree. Plus, unless I am wrong, there's bugs, too much, that weren't in original SMW.
Imo, it wasn't a great choice and we must have waited SDW's team to fix those bugs.
I think SMW had more bugs than SDW so far as I've played through it (and looked at the speedrun)
Also - the movie's content isn't related to the games hacked-ness - tying two separate discussions into one blurred post is just not concise.
Also - what's boring is watching a speedrun of the entire game from beginning to end - holy man I'd die sitting at my computer watching someone else pre-play a game for 4 hours! Egad! (No offense to those working on the project though! It is a great idea for those who do like full-game-non-speed runs - but I just couldn't stand watching one myself.)
Also - the rings are invisible so you can't see them. [/futurama]
No, that's a great explanation. This site should be about games that people have actually bought!
Haha - funny - actually to differentiate cheating and beating a game with an emulator that does things no human or store-bought console can do by themselves - but then complaining that a hacked ROM shouldn't be allowed.
If anything the hacked ROM has more right to be on a "speed run" forum than the speed runs themselves - at least the hacked ROM could be dumped to a real ROM cart and be playable on a Super Nintendo. You try doing some of JXQ's frame-perfect flying stunts (which look cool as hell) on a SNES EVERY TIME without screwups - or any other of the games on the forum. THAT'S NOT EVEN HUMANLY POSSIBLE.
I agree that the 5000 frame-hacks of SMB1 that show mario smoking weed, dangling genitals, or just mario as a big giant phallus - have no purpose on such a forum. They are not only a lame attempt at a hack, they contribute no quality to the game other than 5 seconds of humor as you look at 1-1 - which still has the same level design and gameplay, and then the ROM gets deleted.
Super Demo World is a game worthy of store sales - and a game that is much more worthy of being in ANYONE's video game library than MANY other SNES games that were sold in stores.
So don't get your panties in a bunch and just realize the world's not all black and white anymore. (The SNES can show 512 colors at once!)
Yeah! That's what I did - just like that video! - your bouncing on the front tire trick seems to accomplish the same as my GG code - to keep the engine from overheating.
Neat to see it without a cheat! :)
Thats weird because the game doesnt allow so. While you're going up if you run into a "ground" the ground will just grab the bike so you stop going up. You probably looped 5 or 6 times by taking 5 or 6 ramps :)
You're probably right about that! It was like - at least 12 years ago when I did that so I can't guarantee my memory stored the constant looping right. I'll have to find the GG codes I used and pop them into the emulator and try it. I know I did make a custom level that composed of all jumps, so it probably happend like you said - just hitting jump, flying around, and hitting another jump just right so it looked like looping.
Man - now I really wanna dink around with that game's goofy physics again!
Hehe thanks, but in fact the run really does that. Looping from top to bottom, 3 times i think.
Ha! My bad - I must have missed those - I was watching the run on a friend's computer while multitasking and doing other things. I'll watch it again! I got downright insane with the GG hack (which of course isn't allowed in the forums but it was still über-fun to play with!) and I'd get to the point of looping 5-6 times across the screen in one jump hehehe.
That glitch was insane - too cool! The wall glitches take the fun out of these games - but at the same time add mad cool points to the fact that you found a way to beat them so fast!
This run was awesome! I remember hacking it with a GameGenie back in the day so the engine didn't overheat to allow me to jump so high on my own custom built track that I could loop the bike around the screen from top to bottom - and the run almost did that without the GG!
Ah where did you hear about this new glitch. I guess it is time I reveal it since it has been a several months since and I have not made any progress in redoing the run with it. I'll do that soon.
Anyways very nice run, congratulations. I admit my lack of knowledge about this game prevents me from making any intelligent critique. Infact I feel guilty for not having played this game through because it looks very good.