Posts for spoonshiro

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The movie desyncs near the beginning of the final stage for me. Up to that point, though, it was a well done movie.
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Had my NES since I was five, though I didn't start collecting games until about ten years later. Right now I'm up to about 150 NES carts.
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Speaking from personal experience, it would probably be possible to make five minutes. With proper timing, you can leap right past most of the enemies.
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That was the impression I got, too. It looks a lot like Legend of Kage, but it's actually pretty playable. Done properly, I think it would make a good time attack.
Experienced Forum User
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This game may not be the best time attacking material. The quest is pretty complex and you'll have to do a lot of walking through screens to get it done. But if you can find clever ways to do everything quickly, it would be a fun watch.
Experienced Forum User
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This is quite a tough game, but I think it would make for an interesting time attack, especially a damage-free run if that's at all possible (I kind of doubt it). I the backflip maneuver is done by pressing A and B simultaneously. It's helpful in that you're immune to harm while in mid-flip, so that may help in saving some time.
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I'm not sure if this applies to the NES version of the game, as I've only played the PC version. Anyway, you needed to have a party of eight characters, all of them alive, at the end, else you'd be kicked out of the abyss and have to start over.
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I think this video has some interesting possibilities, especially with the way both toads work together to dispatch enemies. That, and I'm wondering just how many creative ways there are to kill Player 2 :þ
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I don't know much about this game, since I never really knew of it until emulators came along. I know a friend of mine would love to see it though.
Experienced Forum User
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This video isn't as good as it could be, most notably because of the numerous missed axe swings. You may want to work on making every swing count if you do another revision of the video. Since you've stated that you take damage at a couple points to save time, I think that you should consider doing so a bit more often. There are many points where it would be faster to take damage and proceed rather than wait for an obstacle to get out of the way.
Experienced Forum User
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I'd love to see a time attack for this game. I've never gotten much further than Japan, mostly because it's so long and tough.
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I'd had a theory for a while now that it's possible to get nothing but hole-in-ones on this game. Good to see that you're setting out to prove it :D.
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Alright, I've viewed Mazzic's file. Some of the better speed in the video can be attributed to better strategy, but from what I've seen, many improvements speed-wise come from taking damage to save time. Mine avoids taking damage, so it seems a bit unfair to compare them in that respect when the goals of our videos are so different. As for how I skipped a few stages, I'm not entirely sure how I did so. It may have something to do with getting through the stage at just the right frame.
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Alright, I'll check it out. No need to be rude about such things in the future.
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So, where is this Mazzac video? My work seems to be getting compared to it a lot.
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While it's not readily visible in the video, a number of the skeletons like to jump at you as you leap overhead, which makes skipping over them rather difficult, swords or not. Hence why I took the low road and avoid the swords to take out the skeletons themselves. As for taking damage to save time, I personally prefer a video that can finish a game quickly without taking damage over one that finishes a bit quicker while taking damage. Avoiding damage can sometimes be extremely tricky, especially when projectiles are flying in every direction, hence I find it makes for a more interesting watch.