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Is anyone familiar with Project M TASing? I can play PM fine on Dolphin, but TASing such that I'm able to play it back later is an issue.
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Has this been merged with the main branch yet?
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Are you only supposed to use <Nothing> for each memory card when TASing?
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I love you!
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I would really like multiple. That should be an easy change. Heck, I may know enough programming myself to implement it. What do people currently do to control multiple controllers? It's all manual? With actual controllers and keyboards and stuff?
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Is it only possible to use the plugin for one controller?
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (157)
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Can someone bring me up to speed on Gamecube TASing? Is a specific branch preferred? From what I've gleaned from the last few pages, using the latest builds is OK. Edit: I think I answered my own question. I'm gonna get busy TASing some Melee. How do I do multiple controllers? I just see the one TAS input plugin.
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That pizza is ruined.
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Hm. So yeah It's boring and breaks guidelines and junk, and I only watched about a minute, but it's really cool at demonstrating what TAS is capable of. Voting yes unironically.
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Giving away that it's an April Fool's submission in the first line ruins all the fun. The idea is that you're supposed to--you know--FOOL someone. Voting no.
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nicklegends wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen,
If there are any ladies on this site, I will eat my hat.
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Hm. Well said. I never thought of it like that.
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RTA requires a reset. Is Dolphin capable of recording a reset?
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I'm thinking I'll get into TASing this game because I like it, and it seems new stuff is still possible. Any suggestions on what to do to get started from scratch?
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Right, right. I just thought in case we were judging by committee that I may as well put my vote in. Great discovery in any case.
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This does not need a new category.
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Your TASes are godly.
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keatsta wrote:
Just as an example, here's a new run of Fox on Adventure. This is the level I'd expect to see for a published movie.
I was just coming to share this and say the same thing. ReneBalow's TAS looks like crap compared to this. This is so awesome it makes people like Kirkq think the video is sped up. (It's not)
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This run was good, but nothing knocked my socks off. The Balows are skilled TASers to be sure, but their Melee videos leave something to be desired. Like keatsta said, Adventure was more entertaining, and I would add this one, made over a year ago. And I echo the sentiment that since it's going for speed/entertainment tradeoffs, there is not enough here (Like on the tiny DK stage, for one, and the credit roll). If it were up to me, this site would be called, and every SSBM run worth a lick would be published. But since I know our standards, and that there will probably be 2 or at most 3 SSBM runs actually "published," I would wait for something better to come along. On a related note, would anyone like to start with me?
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That's looking much better. I love that you got a bunny hood, for extra fast TAS goodness. I think Samus looks good, no need to redo. EDIT: Can I get some Dolphin help? When I try to enable all Chars and Stages AR code, and check enable cheats, Dolphin freezes when I click start during Melee's intro movie. I don't think I'm the first with this issue. Does anyone have a solution or an idea?
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You can download r7676 here. I tested it a few times. It works often, but it's not perfect. Save state 1 loaded and resumed play many times in a row, then it got an error once. It said something about "Compile L=R 000000." Sorry, I forget. The other save state I tested froze every time I tried to load it. It froze with "Resuming movie playback" in the window title, so it got that far.
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AngerFist wrote:
Everyone test this revision please: It's supposed to fix read-only option.
I'm a scrub, can some one post a (Windows 32-bit) build of this?
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CoolKirby wrote:
Whenever I load a savestate from my movie in read-only mode (just to fast-forward through my TAS to see if a part synced), it starts recording from the savestate anyway. Is there something I don't know about how Dolphin understands "Read-only Mode"? This may not be as annoying if I weren't working on a 3-4 hour GC TAS on a computer that runs Dolphin at 12% speed when playing back a recording.
This happens to me, too. "Read-only" essentially does nothing. Is there an open issue about this?
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:) All right, we'll be in touch. I have dabbled in the Melee TAS. Yours is better atm. I'll PM you.
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If anything, SSBM will replace ssb64. SSBM > all. Wak, as a hardcore Melee fan, Falcon main, and TASer, I encourage you to raise the stakes. The WIP looks like a really good Falcon getting off, but there was nothing jaw-dropping to it. I would vote no based on the first level. I've been spoiled by Perfect Dark and Silent Wolf tech skill and combo videos.