I've been making DWM2 TAS and find a glitch that can call debug mode.
We can go straightly to ending credit from the debug mode.
But it's uncontrollable for me. I once succeeded to go debug mode, when i had tested it. However, I couldn't reproduce it... and i don't have enough knowledge to analyze such a complex thing.
It would be highly appreciated, if someone help me with analyzing and utilizing the glitch.
This glitch seems to work only on Iru(Tara) version of Japanese version.
I used two glitches to make the glitch.
1. Cloakroom bug (預かり所バグ); It's fixed in USA version.
It's known as Cloakroom bug in Japanese DQ sites, because the cloakroom is the most known place where we can do the glitch.
Where a person is next to a door or a well or a stair, then press A repeatedly in entering. The conversation will start before the map loading. The map ID will change to the next map, but the internal map is same as previous map.
So, we can go where we can't go originally.
We use the glitch here.

the glitch is used at 0:54 of this tool-assisted movie.
2. Scrolling bug; I used this, when I succeeded to go the debug mode. but it might not be needed for the glitch.
Before when we go down and the screen is scrolling, press up and down.
then the character's location will slide out the half of the grid and we can go where we can't go originally.
the glitch is used at 0:48 and 4:07 of this tool-assisted movie.
OK. Now, I explain the main glitch.
1. Start the game and proceed scenario
We're asked to go to the cloakroom to take her grandmother's handmade pie.
After taking the pie from the clerk and going out from the cloakroom, Warubou and the prince will prevent the way.
go down and talk with Warubou. then go right and talk with the prince and Warubou. Warubou try to grab your pie.
2. Scrolling bug
after Warubou and the prince went into the well, we ignore the well and go right to the next floor. then, go up to the next floor and do "scrolling bug". then come back to the well.
It would be skip-able...
3. Cloakroom bug
Entering to the well from the upper with pressing A repeatedly.
If the glitch is succeeded, the screen will remained to be white.
After finishing the conversation, go right till the x location is 90h.
When we used scrolling bug, we need to go up 1 grid before going right.
4. press right. then the charactor moves and the game will be bugged after many lags.
In many times, it just freezes. Sometimes it returns to the title with bugged graphics. and i had come accross to the debug mode at once...
The result will be different by the frame of pressing right and the input before the freeze/restart/debug launch.
the RAM seems to be filled with junk data.
I think when we could fill address C5DB with 00h and avoid freezes, it will work.
but i couldn't find any regularity and I'm tired of hundreds of trial. It often freezes.
It would be cool, if someone can find out how the glitch works.
Thanks for reading this long composition.
debug mode flag: C5DB 00h= debug mode
FF8F, FF90, FF92: MAP ID
FF8E: X location of the charactor
FF91: Y location of the charactor
Movie file till before the last step of the glitch. (works on a proper dump of Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru no Bouken (J)):
Lua script to show the MAP ID and character's location.
My DQM2 Testrun movies (no glitches)