Posts for triplefour

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/15/2014
Posts: 6
also if anyone has any simple instructions on how to have scanlines in FCEUX that would be nice too as i was not able to get there from the link posted earlier...
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/15/2014
Posts: 6
i am aware of how to make recordings and to change from read only to read/write and to be able to step one frame at a time and do everything perfect but at the time when i want to simply unpause and keep going in the recording, i have to press pause on the keyboard and then pick up my game controller and it would just be so much better if i could map the pause button to a button on the gamepad! yes if i am using the keyboard and going one frame at a time its not a big deal but if im trying to use a gamepad and u know..actually play the game, i have to keep putting it down to press pause and picking it back up. its annoying and wasting time in the video! unless there is some simple thing im not understanding... enlighten me please!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/15/2014
Posts: 6
also another thing that would be great would be if you could map hotkeys to buttons on your gamepad. how am i supposed to press pause then pick up my gamepad to play without that dead time appearing in the video im trying to record?? do i have to have a friend press pause for me? or use my toes?? cmon!!!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/15/2014
Posts: 6
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/15/2014
Posts: 6
i am very interested in this high quality CRT filter but cannot see where to download it or how to implement it in FCEUX from the i missing something obvious?
Post subject: SCANLINES PLEASE!!!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/15/2014
Posts: 6
i cant for the life of me figure out why no one seems to care that FCEUX, the best emulator for NES (for TAS and otherwise) does not have the option for scan lines!! this is madness! call me a stickler but i just gotta have more scanlines, baby! if theres a secret way to enable this option, hallelujah, and let me know how! if there isnt, then is it even on the list of things that are "coming soon"??? anyway it's got my vote. i hate to mention a different emulator in this thread but nestopia's scanline options are to die for! theres a slider bar that lets u control how much of the scanlines u see. its freakin awesome. cuz most emulators only have 1 or a few settings. this one lets u dial it in to exactly how u want it. if FCEUX had this feature it would be UNSTOPPABLE (i wouldnt be able to stop playing anyway) basically to sum it all up in one word: SCANLINES!!!!!!! AAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!!!! ok two words