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Sir VG wrote:
Yay for reviving old threads, but I have a question about the Japanese version of this game.
I recently switching from running the US version to the Japanese version of this for my speedrun. I'm wondering how the post-level scenes are determined. Is it random? Is there something I can do (remember, CONSOLE) to get the short text more often?
You mean get weapon dialogue?
Then yes,random. It's impossible control that on console.
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Tinister wrote:
Well I only watched it once with the .avi, which I had to keep fiddling with to keep the sound synced (does that not get checked before it gets published? meh).
Anyway, some thoughts:
In Freeze Man's stage, in that area with all those icicle baddies on the ceiling, and you have to do a really big jump over some spikes. I'm guessing it might be quicker to use junk sheild to destroy the icicle baddie above that spike pit, making it drop its icicle onto the spikes and allowing yourself to cross it with two smaller jumps.
It's a good idea. But now I think it might be fast start with FreezeMan.
You also can beat CloudMan fast by using danger wrap.( Already proved it when refight. )
And the glithes and tricks in FreezeMan and BurstMan's stage didn't save too much time. Maybe worth it.
MM7 has some of my favorite music from a Mega Man game. =(
Me too. I am particularly like Willy machine and ending music.
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Tinister wrote:
parrot14gree wrote:
On the first Slash Man battle, did you check if it was possible to hit him so that he only does one 'wall kick' to get to the ceiling? It's a bit faster if I recall correctly.
What's weapon could hit him?
I had used junk sheild or ice,but I can't hit him.
No no, I mean -- if you watch Slash Man after he unfreezes -- he jumps on the wall, then jumps on the opposite wall, then disappears in the ceiling.
It's a bit faster if he only jumps off one wall before disappearing. I was asking if you tested if that was possible with freeze cracker.
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Although I finished intro stage but I don't plan making a TAS again.
I'm really hate taking damage and die to save time,so I wouldn't do that.
Here's my WIP with intro stage done.
Still improvable,but I hope it may some helps.
If I have time maybe I will finished it someday,but maybe I wouldn't change route and using those new glitches.
It's little hard to get enough bolts when finished 6 stages if skipped some scence. I don't have too much time to consider that and find where those bugs could be used and make sure change route will faster.
And even I finished it,Iwouldn't submit it,do that just for myself.
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Xaphan wrote:
Well, taking no damage seems near impossible if I aim for fastest time...
I'm currently 3 frames faster than you in the intro level, but I have a problem with a mole enemy corridor... I do not seem to have a good configuration and i keep getting hit... i have to find a way around that...
And I'm also wondering whose run was it in Morfos' post...
I did notplan anything yet for now, I'm currently experiencing the game with the first level... I'll post my progress here... if you're available vsmk3, I may need you help as well as Parrot14green's one for his newly discovered glitches...
At least it seems taking damage in intro stage wouldn't save any time.
Yesterday I have do some test,I finished the intro stage and 21 frames faster than Bablo's WIP(50 frames faster than mine),without getting hit.
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Xaphan wrote:
I think I'm going to give a try to improve vsmk3 Rockman 100% CDs run... I'm quite familiar with the gameplay of this game for having spent long hours on it... I'm only giving it a try... I do not intend to "steal" anyone's job so if someone has something to say...
Parrot14green's new tricks make the will to try it really strong... and they are really nice...
It's not hard to improve my run. I am not very careful in some details. And I am not well understand something when I making this.(like frame advance,manipulates luck,hex edit,etc...)
I am also not planned this run very well,just depend on the experence in normal gameplaying,so maybe there have some better way or new route to get CDs.
This run may very hard to plan and perform it. Good luck.
Although I am little hope this run can keeping no damage and no death... But I couldn't ask anyone to do that.
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Zurreco wrote:
NesVideoAgent wrote:
I think Japan version is more enrertainment than USA version.
USA version deleted the funny information when you selected stage.
It seems USA version didn't have the dialogue with Roll and Auto. (I used to use J Rom,almost never played this game with U rom so I just do some tests,not very sure)
I think the dialogue with Roll and Auto is more entertainment than Dr.Light. Too bad it's much longer than Dr.Light,so I can't show that in this movie.
So you switched to the J version because...? Dialogs that can't be appreciated and extra useless information under the bosses? I thought people only changed ROMs when it was proven that time could be saved. While I can appreciate your reason for switching ROMs, I think you lose more entertainment from this, since not everyone understands the language. Being able to read what is being said was a nice little bonus in the old submission, and that is now lost.
That being said, every non-action part of the run was instantly less inviting, and was therefore less entertaining by proxy. However, I know this game inside and out regardless of what language it's in, and I'm going to vote yes for this. Very entertaining use of tricks and glitches.
No special reason for chose Japanese version. I have mentioned I used to use J rom,so I just chose the version I am familiar with.
But I don't expect gained so many seconds by version change
Sorry for saying Japanese version is more entertainment than USA version. But the dialogs with Roll and Auto are really interesting.
When got Crush noise
Auto was sleeping when Rockman is talking
And Roll said crush noise even worse than Dr. Light's Singing!(So she mean Dr.Light have terrible singing)
Sir VG wrote:
What, no Super Ghouls and Ghosts music? ;_;
I like that better than Shade Man's normal music.
As for the switch, it's fine by me. Considering nearly all the rest of the Rockman/Mega Man games are the Japanese versions... And besides, who cares about dialogue in a Rockman game? Rockman blows up robots. Dialogue is extra banter.
Yes vote.
My partner hope can keep original music. So sorry we didn't use the music glitch.
And thanks for all the vote and replies!
I liked Tinister's run I am suprised he makes boss fight so entertainment.
I wish I can also make bosses interesting.
So all the bosses played by me. I'm glad people said it's entertainment .
And all the glitches found by parrot14green.
He really do excellent job. I'm very lucky make this run with him.
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Sir VG wrote:
You can buy ANYTHING from Auto it's a matter if of you have the bolts. Though like the Booster Adapter is 800 bolts. Faster to search.
And you can try getting the Rush Search w/o Rush Coil. You TASers can probably get it using a dash-jump...I just couldn't get it to work on a console.
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Tinister wrote:
So now?
But I have one question how to defined a 100 completion run of this game?
Including 4 EN & 4 WP & 1 SP?
There are a lot of items you can buy from shop.
If you have enough bolt,maybe buy those items from shop will faster than you get it in stage.
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Tinister wrote:
Yeah, there's not much you can do with Junkman... Looking good however. =)
I've got to say I was a little inspired to run through this again. So far I've only done the intro stage up to Bass, but I'm currently three frames faster than my previous run. 8)
So you decided to redo this run and compete against Adelikat & Guybrush &
It sounds very interesting.
Which would be fast?
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Maza wrote:
I just rewatched the run, and my vote is still yes, but I have one question. In the AstroMan stage, the place where there are those appearing blocks which you need to climb to top left and grab the ladders to reach a new room, which has two CDs: one you can reach with Ice Wall (or with the appearing blocks), and the other one which originally needs Gospel Boost to be able to reach. (you use Ice Wall in there). When you return down the ladders, wouldn't it be better to wait for the blocks to appear again, rather than drop down to the very bottom?
If anyone is interested - publishers including ;) - I have made an .avi of this run.
When back to the screen, the character will fall down immediately, I can't hold my pose.
But I still tied, such as use Tengu Blade to climb to the middle right, cause Rockman's leg look like can touch futher when using Tengu Blade.. however, it is just look like that and is useless.
Sorry for my poor English.
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Bablo wrote:
Whoa, sorry for calling this unoptimized. I really liked how you used Ice Wall to gain a slight boost when jumping.
Although I'd like to see a taking damage+death run too.
Btw, I guess I have a faster strategy for climbing in Astroman stage. I'll try to record it after work.
Edit: Also voted yes.
Thank you and good luck.
I am very looking forward your aims for the fastest time run.
I think you can do much bettet than mine.
AnotherGamer wrote:
Looks decent enough, yes. Wondering why you didn't pull off the reTenguman glitch though, unless that's not possible with an Ice Wall.
But there are two problems.
First,I cannot change weapon at that time.
Even if you cannot see the drill on the sceen, but still have to wait a while for weapon change.
It's waste time if I pause the game and change weapon......
Second,even if you want to using Ice Wall,you still have to wait about 25 frames then you can stand on it.
But in my movie,TenguMan deid in frame 170873,and the shutter show up in frame 170885,I don't know whether I have enough time to do it.
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I finished and submited it.
Intro & ColdMan's stage & BurnerMan's stage :
721 frames faster than my test run.
GateWay : 41 frames
King stage 1 : 239 frames
King stage 2 : 525 frames
Willy stage : 387 frames
Bablo wrote:
It looks really nice. Your movie shows a shitload of cool tricks, but it's still a bit unoptimized at some places. I'm 180 frames ahead at the middle of burnerman's stage. But is this a no-damage run or didn't you find any way to save time by taking damage? (there are several ways to save time by taking damage though)
Yes,this is a no damage run.
And in order to have enough bolts to buy items,I waste a little time.
I know takes damage could save some time.
And I could less consider about weapon's energe in some places.
(like in BurnerMan's stage)
In fact,I don't like the death glitch. Although do it could save a lot of time and very easy.
But I just don't like that. Sorry I won't use it in my run.
This is the main reason why I did a no damage run. But there are no excuse for some palces unoptimized.
For those two reasons,I won't argue if anyone votes no. Even this movie finally be rejected,I won't regret.
Anyways,thank you for replying.
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Maza wrote:
Any possible chance of seeing a WIP of it? Please ...pretty please! ;)
Or do you wan't to surpise us with the complete one? If you do, I completely understand you.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Good luck. A 100 CD run would be interesting.
I think I mentioned before, but Gigafrost and I noticed that some of the CD's didn't show up. I thought at first it was entering the save screen to work, but your run doesn't do that and it still shows up, so I don't know.
Oh,I also noticed that.
In Gigafrost's run,it shows he already collected 28 CDs.(Although I don't know why.)
I think that's why some CD didn't show up.
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I start to do 100 CD collection.
In GroundMan stage and TenguMan stage,
it's impossible collect all the CD at once.
(well,GroundMan stage is possible,but you must use death and need Tengu Blade or Lightning Bolt.)
And without Wave Burner,it's impossible get all the CD in BurnerMan stage.(It means you must revisit this stage.)
So the path is :
Shop( Rush search & Exit )
Shop( Energy saver & High speed charge)
revisit( Intro & ColdMan )
revisit( Burner & Ground & Tengu )
King stage 1 & 2 & Willy stage
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Vsmk3, on that first fortress boss with the monkey, it looked as though you missed with the first shot and hit it with a small shot rather than a big one. Maybe it doesn't make a difference, but did you mean to do that?
Because I want to prevent it hide its weakness.
You can stop the movie before the first shot and try it,then you will know.
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Maza wrote:
vsmk3, astonishing!
Very well and entertainingly played. I think you should submit it. You'd get at least my yes vote. :)
In fact i think it's close to star material.
I don't know should I submit it......
Bablo's run is very fast and awsome,I think we just need the best one.
Maza wrote:
How about making a 100 CD run next? ;) That's of course if you aren't improving this one again (...though, I don't se how you could).
Good idea and sounds interesting.
I'm sure Rockman can get all the CD's,I have try it long before.
After my middle exam,I will start to do it.
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Maza wrote:
vsmk3, I watched your run and that was awsome! You really showed us how you can also do the "doublejumps" with Megaman (with both Ice Wall and Lightning Bolt). I saw only few minor flaws which maybe could be improved with few frames.
I think you should submit it. It's entertaining and very fast. Plus I think we need a Rockman version of Rockman & Forte ;)
Either way I'm going to encode an .avi of this (at least for myself) once I have the time for it.
oh,I think I will redo this movie and fix some problem(CD)
And I hope it can less than 37min
It may spend two or three week