OK, so I messed around with some ROM hacking in the Pokemon picture address area. It seems like Missingno's picture only appears once, although I don't know where. Modifying the beginning of the first Pokemon ('M) would cause it to mess up, right? Actually, the first pokemon in the list is Rhydon, not 'M. Everywhere I've checked, it seems like Missingno's sprite is skipped, and only normal pokemon are stored in those areas. Glitch pokemon also don't appear (it seems) in the pokemon pictures. Modifying any addresses after Victreebell, for example, doesn't affect "A".
So where are the pics then? Are they glitch trainers (which have a separate address, I haven't played with those yet)?
It would really, really, help if I could find out what the next address that the picture decoder goes to is. The decompression routine is at 251A, although I don't know where to look after I break there.
Er, are we casually chatting or are you really not understanding and asking something?
Both, if it seems like I'm asking/discussing obvious stuff, it's because I really don't know.
OE 81 is not ascii for B, it is B in pokemon terms already, I believe the ROM should have the string.
Yup it does, all the pokemon names are stored on an array, so I assume the base stats have their own array and all the stuff separately instead of an array of "struct PokemonSpecie". It starts somewhere at 1BFFC and I could find BULBASAUR and later two MISSINGNO. right next to each other followed by GROWLITHE, it seems they have 50 to signify end of string but if the string is too long they just cut at "max length" of 10 and omit the 50.
Thanks, I checked around there, and it just looks like I entered the wrong string earlier.
That comment by HyperHacker is interesting, but I dont know how the decompressor works to help you with that. If you can't find anything even among rom hackers maybe just maybe loadingNOW. is still active, I think I last saw his nick here http://www.filb.de , IIRC he used to obtain the images from pokemon games, but not sure if he tackled RBY.
I just want to know why the decompressor spazzes out when it gets to MissingNO/ZZAZZ type pokemon. Is it because it reads something like:"[next address] is FF, that means I need to read 255 bytes before stopping"?
It obviously does because the area of memory belongs to something else and the game just reads it as an image.
All of the pokemon graphics data is stored in chunks, I just mean that you have Bulbasaur in D189-DA55 (or whatever) and Ivysaur in DA55-FFFE. Soooo....that would mean that MissingNO's graphics should just be pulling data from the pokemon picture area that normal pokemon would be using. I don't think it's from memory that's being used, reinforced by the fact that there are more than one MissingNO at different addresses that are exactly the same. So I guess MissingNO is a placeholder then, right?
something else and the game just reads it as an image.
So what is that "something else"? If I end up finding the address where MissingNO's picture is, there's a possibility that the data actually is used, just not in the picture addresses. Maybe it's deleted tiles/sprites/random junk? It had to have served some purpose at a point.
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Generally text is stored not as text, but as offsets to image tiles that make up the names.
Does that mean I could find pokemon by searching for [offset for B tile] [offset for U] [offset for L] etc?
Link , how can you have garbage data exactly? Is the value is too high for the decompressor, so it tries to write stuff until it runs out of room or something like that?
One more thing I wanted to add:
According to this thread, all the pokemon pictures are compressed. I tried looking for pokemon locations/names when they need to be loaded (pokedex, wild pokemon), and I can't find them. BULBASAUR, (as a name) which would be 81 94 8B 81 80 92 80 94 91 in hex, doesn't appear anywhere. Does this mean all the pokemon data is compressed before use? Is it because the data is in Japanese and that's why it doesn't appear in English somewhere?
Sorry if I'm going a little off topic here (not a lot of activity anyway).
I wanted to find out some more about MissingNO, mostly why it's so glitched up when you see it (why it gets drawn the way it does).
With a little experimentation, I found the address of the temporary place where your name is kept: 0000D158-0000D15E
Don't know if this is useful or not. Gets changed during the OLD MAN glitch sometime when he picks an item and changed back sometime when he is throwing the pokeball.
I didn't see this mentioned earlier either, the pokemon you randomly encounter is stored at D889-D88D. D887 stores the 'chance of encounter', but it's 0 at the time of the glitch...
Also, I don't particularly like how the RAM search and watcher values are stored backwards. 8E 8B 83 7F 8C 80 8D is this way in the hex editor, but 8D 80 8C 7F 83 8B 8E in the search/watcher.
EDIT: Is it possible someone could write me up a memory map? Things like the affected addresses of ZZAZZ are common knowledge, but they're not listed on the Pokemon Tricks page.
The instructions there are slightly obsolete - they assume that you're building JPC-RR from source rather than using the prebuilt version. (The BIOS images are already present in said version.)
Yep, I was using the newer pre-assembled version.
At least a handful of other people running Windows 7 have reported that removing "java -jar" from the command line in start-jpcrr.bat yields success. What do you mean by 'doing nothing'?
I kept trying to remove the 'java -jar' command by running "jpcrr-r10.4.jar" with just the -library disklibrary -autoexec assemble.bat switches, instead of doing the obvious and physically editing the start-jpcrr.bat file. So yeah, I got it working, thanks.
3. only unzip these files .\resource\bios\bios.bin .\resource\bios\vgabios.bin and .\resource\images\floppy.img, put them in your jpcc\library folder
What jpcc folder? I was only told to extract those two files. Do you mean 'create a folder in C:\, name it jpcc, then create a library subfolder'?
4. Open a command prompt.
Start > Run > cmd
5. Type:
path = "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\bin"
6. ???? Profit!
7. Switch to your jpc directory, i.e. Type:
cd C:\jpcrr
Uh, what? I thought the folder was named jpcc, not jpcrr?
Running start-jpcrr.bat fails because of the "java -jar" thing, and running jpc-rr-r10.4.jar gives me an error message saying "Disk library missing. No library specified (-library foo)"
I tried running the program without the 'java -jar' switches, but it ended up doing nothing when I ran it.
Wow. I've been waiting for the full movie for quite some time, watching every WIP that came out. I'm very impressed.
What's next, Banjo Tooie? MWAH HA HA!
I believe you just have to get one of these LG dvd drives, and it will be able to read the discs. Then, copy/paste.
I don't know if it works, I've never tried it myself.
The WIP is hilarious. How does the beak-bust-through the floor thing work? How did you go through the glass window like that?!
Anywho, I'm amazed at the progress so far. I can't wait to see the finished product.
Sorry to be changing the subject, but I've noticed a problem that I can't get around. I was thinking about the possibilities of a Adventure 2 run, and I found out that when I select 'Adventure 2' from the screen, the file for the Xenos' (to the second credits) run is darkened, and un-selectable. The funny thing is, there is the same problem with my N64: I got all the trophies, Wizpig and TT amulets, keys, balloons, beat Wizpig 2 multiple times, etc., and it still won't let me do Adventure 2. It will let me do the tracks in Track mode however.
Xenos your run looks great so far btw.
<p>The biggest time saver was the abuse of the Sonic 3 enforced screen boundary for Tails' flight: whenever you start flight (or boost) at or above the top of the stage, vertical speed is set to zero, preventing horizontal speed loss due to drag.
Isn't the hack kind of a cheat? If you use sprites for tails from Sonic 3, why not take the sprites for Sonic from Sonic 3, and use him to make a speedrun? Also, wouldn't the same go for Knuckles too?
The movie is good, I'm just concerned about the 'fairness' of using the hacked rom.
I think you need to see antd's youtube page. Everything you're looking for is there, no need for any submissions to show what antd already does.
I disagree. Youtube is good and all, but the video is so choppy sometimes it makes the movie impossible to watch. Example: Mario beating up Captain Falcon movie. Not fun. Also, it would be better to have a 'official' place to get the videos, instead of Youtube. Having competitions i.e. "I can make a better Fox VS Pikachu movie than you." type of thing would be good.
IF a run were to be made and published (unlikely though), that's where it would go, since it doesn't fully complete the game and go to credits. There's nothing wrong with ZeXr0's statement. Honestly, just because you're an ******* doesn't mean you have to act like one ALL THE TIME.
I think you need to see antd's youtube page. Everything you're looking for is there, no need for any submissions to show what antd already does.
I disagree. Youtube is good and all, but the video is so choppy sometimes it makes the movie impossible to watch. Example: Mario beating up Captain Falcon movie. Not fun. Also, it would be better to have a 'official' place to get the videos, instead of Youtube. Having competitions i.e. "I can make a better Fox VS Pikachu movie than you." type of thing would be good.
Oh and Comicalflop, stop swearing.
I've got a cool idea for a non-speedrun. Instead of trying to beat SSB as fast as possible, you would instead do a multiplayer VS match between two or more characters. It would aim to be the most visually amazing fight. As an example, Mario VS Luigi, four different Yoshis going up against each other, etc.
Um, so I need suggestions. I have seen the You-Tube glitch video, but I still don't understand. How do you do the pipe glitch, the bubble glitch, the 'skip Wario' glitch, and the 'ant level in under 15 seconds' glitch? I really don't think the Space world is that bad, by the way. It's the Turtle one that gets me.
Everyone needs to stop making SML2 runs. Why? Because i've already made one! It runs about 26 minutes, but i'm still 'polishing' it, so it could be 24 minutes or so after i'm done. Anyone have any suggestions, though? I really didn't know this game had any glitches!
The BLJ. The. Best. Glitch. Ever. Imagine if every game had that glitch, imagine Link, Samus, or any other Nintendo characture Yahoo-ing themselves to the end of the level. It's fun to think about.
(Dash Rendar: "Yahoo, yahoo, yah,yah,yah-" *flip to last battle) :)
Sorry, I had no idea there was a Blast Corps thread already... and why won't Mupen emulate BC? I thought it used the same rsp and everything from Project 64, which I KNOW can emulate it really well. (Mostly because I've already played it).