Back from the dead!
@Bag of Magic Food
I. Map stuff
First of all I made some other maps for BLUE version. I've added to pack also the one which Bag of Magic Food has already made, so all credits goes to him.
I've added:
- zak's castle
- carber bay
- grasslands (with clouds above)
- graveyard
Due to lazyness/inexperience the carber bay is a messy. The water is unsynchronized, accidentally some parts are moved by one pixel making it a bit unfortunate in final effect.
I haven't founded it in your texts, BUT, you can pick-up item without "action animation". Whille, beeing near (but not at the range of picking it up), you can "jump on it". And while beeing midair you can pickup, saving frames for picking up animation.
Second one is resetting some enemies position by hitting menu screen. While getting back to game, some enemies (mices for sure), they are resetted to starting locations. Although it takes quite lot frames for that trick, it may save your time if you somehow have to avoid them.
III. Strategy
While I'm pretty sure you don't want to share it, I want to ask if your strategy includes:
- picking up objects and dropping them somewhere for future usage
- taking damage for saving time, the problem is that fruits are only one-time usable
You want to talk about strategy? I'm listening XD.