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Gumball. This game provides a unique opportunity to showcase superhuman skill, and is quite interesting, with the ability to control the gumball release rate. It also exists for Apple II, and should probably be TASed on that platform. Naturally, the TAS would raise the rate as high as possible to help meet the quota for each level. The multitasking requirements for each level increase. Level 1 is two colors plus rejects, and is fairly trivial for humans. quota is 8 Level 2 is three colors plus rejects, and a bigger quota. quota is 18 Level 3 is all four colors, and a bigger quota of 29, but you can still do it in one trip. Level 4 adds a quota of 40, too big to get all in one trip, and the explosive gumballs, which must be disarmed to avoid a game over by shooting them with a pair of crosshairs, which freezes up the rest of your controls. even if they are sent off the screen down the rejects tube, they will explode when the timer hits zero. if they reach the ground or a cart, they will explode. Explosion is instant game over. Level 5 has more bombs and a quota of 50. beat that and you win. If you send anything but a reject down the right garbage, or let any gumball hit the ground, the quota may be increased by 1. video of the apple II version, where someone gets to level 4, and then looses to an exploding gumball that's sent down the rejects area. beaten, but not perfectly.
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Since the game has no rng at all, if the game were fixed to properly cap the speed of the cars, beating the toughest level would count as a win anyway. Were i coding the game, i would have level 10 be the final level, with the maximum car speed of 255, and a congratulations screen upon beating it. The existing TAS is a probably perfect win.
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nymx wrote:
GJTASer2018 wrote:
The error message indicates something wrong at line 260, this controls advancing the level number variable "LV" after beating each level according to the code listing at the end of the magazine you link to. Perhaps it doesn't work properly when going from 9 to 10? (E.g. Treated as going from 9 to 0 or 255 instead, which causes rollover errors and places unintended values in the variable...)
Yes...that is my conclusion...even though I haven't looked at the code. I'm just surprised that it was from 9 to 10 though.
the error is probably here. 260 LV=LV+1:POKE 830,LV:POKE 171,PEEK(17l)+2:POKE 54276,0:GOSU8 460 at level 9, PEEK(171) is probably 254 or 255, and the +2 goes to 256 or 257, which is bigger than one byte, and can't be POKEd into a single byte memory location. the increment from 9 to 10 isn't what did it. that said, the game probably breaks either way at this point, even if the crash is dodged. Either that or fixing it will make the game endless.
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btw, if you are wondering why speed 20 was not picked, that's because the snake goes clear to the wall in one frame and will crash unless you hit a star. speed 20 was deliberately unplayable.
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nesrocks wrote:
About the vault code: You don't need to hack the game, break the vault code combination or look it up online. You can play the game several times, find all the notes yourself and write it down. Afterall, it's just 31 possibilities. Or, more easily, you can do it once and restart until you get the same, and then speedrun it. This is acquired knowledge on the game, and don't we all do that before speedrunning any game?
I still think it's bs, but seems to agree. they define 100% as actually getting all the clues instead of restarting until you get a password with the right starting letter to get the fastest to enter password. This is all because they couldn't spare four bits in the password to store the number of clues collected to make sure you actually got them, even though two bits were wasted in the password scheme (no password goes past the start of world 5, meaning the 5th room bit never gets set, and the most significant treasure bit will never be set in real play, and is unlikely to be set with password hacking, because you can't start with over 1998 after first treasure room, and would need an infinite loop that gains health.
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the simplest rule is does the poke have any affect outside of the game at all. if NO, then the poke is fine. note that there are pokes that while they do not have immediately observable effects, it doesn't mean they have no effect outside of the game. If it does have an effect outside of the game, then it should be disallowed on general principle, with the only exceptions allowed being directly manipulating time of day, or manipulating the seed for a built-in RNG/
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The loader on the disk is unchanged. you are still using the loader to load it. you essentially poked in a modification to the system libraries. Pokes can be used both to create and execute arbitrary code. its also possible as i said to add a wedge. something interrupt driven that can modify things later without actually changing the code at all. And this would beat the rule against using the unmodified loader My point is that there's no distinction between data and code in early computer memory, and no matter how cleverly you try to write things, the only way that actually works is to whitelist specific POKES as okay, as the poke command is just too powerful to list what you can't do with it, so you have to instead list what is okay to do with it. Messing with the system time is specifically allowed, so doing that with a POKE is fine. Most other uses of pokes simply wouldn't fly. Messing with uninitialized ram is also arguably okay, provided no ram that IS initialized is POKEd. And quite a lot of RAM on the c64 IS initialized by the bootup process. so messing with it is not fair. If it has a consistent default state, then changing this default shouldn't be allowed, unless it's the TOD clock. For example if Cheatmen 2 was a c64 game, POKEing some ram to let you get past the crash would be okay, specifically because it's unintialized RAM. And if a game is really silly enough to use uninitialized ram to seed the RNG, then poking to take advantage should be fine.
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How the game actually works. The 100% goals are 1) beat all environments. 2) get the square pinballs 3) beat the default high score. 4) drain all balls The real truth. To get the ball changed, advance to sun. to do this, either go through the left inlane and hit the advance target on the right, OR complete the left 3 bank of drop targets. Once you've reached the sun and collected its special, the balls will turn to triangles. To beat all environments. collect the solar value. to do this, lock both balls, relock one ball, and shoot the other up the ramp. This takes you to the next one. If NO chest lights are lit (true at start of game(, the lights will light in rows and columns one at a time. if you hit the lit one, that instantly completes the chest, and opens the visor. provided you do NOT strike any targets after opening the visor, you will get the same opportunity after the visor closes again from scoring the solar value. First solar value takes you to green/blue board. second one gets you to orange board. third gets you to blue board, fourth gets you to white board, and fifth gets you to green board, and upgrades the ball from circle to triangle, or from triangle to square. Sixth solar value collected brings you to back to purple/blue board. Unlike real pin*bot, you CANNOT just keep shooting one back into the visor to collect the next solar value. you must complete the visor, and relock both balls to re-enable the solar eclipse from locking a single one in the visor. However, you CAN do the fast open, provided you avoid hitting *any* visor targets after you open it, because you will get another fast open skillshot, even if you still have both balls.
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I will give a real example. Jumpman has a simple ml loader inside basic that uses the kernal routines to load the main program, and then jumps to it's start address. But you can write a small M/L routine to copy the kernel to RAM underneath. You can do it with pokes (easy to do rapidly under TAS conditions), then do another poke to change the vectors to make it start automatically without a sys command, and the routine can restore the vector you just poked. Then you can bank out the kernal with another poke. now kernel is in RAM, and you can directly modify it with pokes. Now you patch the load routine so that after the load is finished, and before the routine returns, it JSRS to another bit of code you poked in that changes the RAM of the game. say, to disable sprite to sprite collision checks. it just patches blind. The code runs after the first load, but does nothing. it also runs after the load of the main program, when it's there to modify. and this time it does something. Now you are cheating, and everything you did was BEFORE the load that kicks off starting the game normally. Alternatively, you can create a TSR with POKEs that messes with the loader to do some similar cheating. For a basic game, you can copy BASIC to ram, and then modify the basic interpreter itself and use THAT to cheat in a BASIC game. Pretty much the only thing that is far is messing with the rng, though if a game is silly enough to make assumptions about the starting background and text colors and not set them by hand, i'd say those are fair game to change.
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Pokes can be used to do many things that are not okay. for example you can poke in a small ML routine, and then redirect a vector to it and that could affect the game later. It's very possible if you are clever enough to add a cheat before load by pure POKEing. For c64, the only thing that should be acceptable is messing with the time of day clock before load, and adjusting the random seed before load. Anything else is either cheating or will lose time. Poking in a trainer, messing with the games program with pokes, and messing with system vectors is right out.
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I investigated the copyright for this game, and the company that owned it got out of the video game business, so i figured it was sufficiently abandoned to be safe. The only protection the game had was against typing LOAD followed by SAVE. I take it sending direct messages to TAS authors is the proper way to do it?
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here's the actual original disk. converted to .d64 format. yes, its' actually the original. direct from c64pp. Mod edit: Link to ROM removed.
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The game is confirmed at c64pp to have no protection. so that disk is most likely the original after all.
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The RTA Speedrunners have now supposedly TIED the Human Theory TAS all the way up to 8-1. once someone does that, and gets world 8 correct, there's literally nothing more to improve.
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Don't forget to use the .d64 image i said to use, as it loads fastest of all originals. btw, use the following commands to load it. this will knock off a few seconds. pO43,0:pO4,64:lO"1",8,1 sY2049 this will save a few seconds. :) you can type the sys command as soon as LOADING is printed to the screen. (this moves the start of basic to $4000, which prevents the computer from trying to relink it after loading to the USUAL basic start place, loads the main program, and starts the game) yes, this works when a real person does this, but a TAS can type fast enough to actually save time this way. it does not affect gameplay.
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Btw, it my be possible to improve the time by collecting more diamonds. The extra life sparkles delay end of level. Ideally you wish to get them early in the level, instead of during the countdown, but as long as it stops sparkling before the end, you are good. On cave B, you get sparkles during the countdown. but if you collected two more diamonds on that level, the sparkles would be before the cooldown, and if the last gem was taken far away enough from the exit, you could avoid the delay. This may or may not save time immediately, but... With the 100 extra points, there will be no more delay on cave C at all. the sparkles will stop in time, and not delay that level. Cave D would likewise trigger the sparkles before exiting, and thus save some more time there. Keeping an eye out for opportunities to manipulate the score by collecting extra diamonds to time your extra live animations may save time overall.
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I can max out the difficulty loop much faster unassisted. You see, difficulty is determined by score. and there's a glitch that can increase score very rapidly. naturally, under TAS conditions, the glitch can be set up a lot quicker, and abused to get the score much higher. The video i linked appears to max things out with two repetitions of the glitch, maxing it out on level ONE. this may be an illusion, but i'm pretty sure the actual dificulty depends purely on score, and the glitch is the fastest way to get score. the intermissions routine is separate, and gives up at a specific number of levels.
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Awesome movie. Now we need to make a new VVVVVV version that patches this, and see if someone else can STILL credits warp.
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Okay. that was seriously awesome, and hilarious. This ranks right up there with a boy and his blob for crazy brokenness.
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also, you may want to try TASing Supaplex in DOS. this has a ton of different levels, and the smooth motion for everything allows lots of crazy stunts that are easy for a TAS.
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Note that a lot of the smooth motion tricks from NES version don't work at all here. BUT you can still slip past enemies at times. notably, you can walk upwards past a trapped enemy on the left side to set it free without getting hurt. This is because of the way the game scans from upper left to lower right. When the enemy is higher, it's scanned first, and doesn't see you next to it. then you move up, and are now next to it. but because it's been scanned already, it doesn't kill you. then when you are scanned again before the enemy, you can move upwards again . Then when the enemy is scanned again once again you are not next to it, so no explosion If an enemy is directly above you, or to the left of you, it will blow up when it sees you next to it because it's scanned first. but If you are above or left of it, you are scanned first, and can take a step away before it sees you. enemies scan for you before they move. you can appear to walk right next to an enemy, provided you are above or left if it, because it scans before it moves next to you again, and then you can move before it sees you again. Many levels created by other players for this game (with level editors) depend on this all important behavior to even be solvable. Cave F showcases this in the TAS, where he keeps slipping past enemies over and over again when it seems like he should be dead. but with framestep and knowledge of the cave scan, it's clear how this works.
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that version i mentioned IS an official release, sold in stores. it loads faster that the tape. i can provide the game for you if you want. but turns out the fastest loading original is the first star software PAL release. but it runs just fine on ntsc. game code for all releases of bd is confirmed identical. the game does not actually function correctly on PAL anyway. intermission 3 is impossible, though this does not prevent progress.
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Seems there is still debate 1) It must be possible in theory to verify the run by replacing the keyboard and joystick inputs with a bot in theory. This disqualifies ram injection/vdrive/virtual device traps. 2) The fastest loading original should be preferred. Cartridge is always fastest, but if it's not available for cart, usually disk is faster. But taking advantage of a glitch only present in an earlier release. 3) Format conversion was never intended to be possible. as programs were usually copy protected. It sometimes is still doable without extra peripherals. There are a number of tape to disk transfer utilities. The action replay cart, for example has a built in "novaload transfer" routine that will save a novaload tape to disk for later loading. many cracking groups wrote their own tape transfer utilities. But you would often usually need to crack the protection. transferrig form tape to disk can speed load times. transferring from disk to tape is pointless. transferring to cart is impossible under our guidelines. 4) while glitches are generally fair game, glitches that are only present when the game runs on the wrong video game system, and affect gameplay beyond the 50/60 hz change are not fair game, and mean you must use the video system where the glitch is not present, unless the game was officially released in that territory. 5) i still disagree on the decision that running a game that was not released in ntsc territory in ntsc is a valid choice. It's not a valid choice because real people don't have that option. their real tvs back in the day can only handle their own video standards. This is also to provide parity with console releases, where PAL versions must be tased on PAL emulation, admn NTSC versions must be tased on ntsc emulations. If we are allowed to tas pal released c64 games on NTSC settings, we would also allowed to tas pal NES game son NTSC settings. The fact that many games run on both is not a valid argument. c64 preservation ( is an authority on if an original is PAL or NTSC for games released on disk. Look up the game there if it's a disk image. I will throw some examples. Great Giana SIsters. if you look it up there, ther'es only a (PAL) version. that's a very strong clue that the game is PAL. it was neve released in the USA at all. Ollies Folies. It notes that the loader crashes on NTSC, but the game doesn't appear to be PAL. NTSC is correct for this game. Encounter. The disk release is NTSC, as it's by synapse software. all novagen releases of the game are PAL, because they crash on NTSC intentionally. the game was developed on PAL, but got a commercial NTSC port. The novagen tape orginals only run on PAL, so they must be TASed there. There IS a ROM difference, in this case. Uridium. the game has pal releases, as well as a worldwide release by mindscape. NTSC is correct. It turns out most of Andrew Braybrook's games (Uridium, Gribbly's Day Out, Alleykat, etc.) account for pal/ntsc differences in their coding. Whichever is faster should be used, and it's probably NTSC. Any game that accounts for differences is a glabal release, even if not actually sold as such. For uridium he outright states that the us and europe releaes are identical. Thing on a Spring. there's no PAL after it, s it got an NTSC release by Epyx. TAS that release there, or other tape releases on pal, if it's faster. Working out pal/ntsc is not as hard as it seems. If you can't find a disk release of the game, unless it was made by a known US company (Epyx, Synapse,Activision non lucasfilm, br0derbund, etc.), the game is most likely PAL. If you CAN find a disk orginal, and it works fine on NTSC, it's PROBABLY a NTSC game. high voltage sid collection is a fairly authoritative resource. you simply punch the game title into the sid search, and usually it will come up. there's usually enough info to make a reasonable determination. That said, it's still not perfect (it say Commando is PAL, where a listen and compare with the arcade says otherwise, and c64 preservation confirms a US release from data east).
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Most of the c64 longplays around are in fact tool assisted, but they are not usually optimized.
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The SUper Boulder Dash release by Electronic Arts loads considerably faster. assuming bizhawk supports .g64 images, it should boot. if not you can convert this .g64 to a .d64 and it should still work. there's fault in the protection checker where if it fails it will keep retrying, and then continue and load the game anyway. whoops! This is without a fastload cart. if action replay v5 NTSC is attached as well as the .d64, nearly any disk release of the game will will load very rapidly, and faster than this one. But with no external hardware, this one loads fastest. It is indeed the same game, just with an extra EOA logo on the title screen.
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