-- Webpage -- RTF
I found a year-old document of this on the internet, and the owner is no longer updating it, so I decided I'd take up the mantle. Anyone interested in helping can find my contact details within at the beginning and end of the document.
Basically, Unicru is a company that many major businesses facilitate their hiring process through, and they have, as part of the application process, a personality test that looks for a very specific kind of person to hire. you are asked about 75 questions to which you can respond 'strongly agree', 'agree', 'disagree' and 'strongly agree'. Based on your answers, you are placed in one of three piles: green (will be interviewed if positions are available), yellow (may be interviewed if they run out of greens), or red (will almost certainly not be interviewed).
I feel that this is an intolerable form of discrimination that needs to be fought against, and, as such, I am heading a fight. To do so, I am distributing the answers to the questions, and making the system useless as a result. The base of this document contains answers that were leaked by an employee (a programmer working on the test), who disagreed with its morality. Using these answers as a base, I have made headway on further questions added to the test.
I'm posting this here to get a little more widespread knowledge of the document, and am also posting to a few other internet communities. You can help by passing this document on to anyone who is, will be, or knows someone who will be applying for entry-level positions to just about any major business at any point in the future. So pretty much anyone under 25 or so. Thank you for your time.