Double Post and WIP 2.
New WIP up to a little over a quarter of the way through the game. If I had to guess I would say this run will end up being 20 minutes +/- 5 minutes.
Redid the first level over again because I found not only is it faster to get the "double jump" bonus it is actually required to beat some of the later levels.
The Level Completed screen is pretty terrible and takes up a large percent of the run. I know it wouldn't be allowed for encodes but if someone could tell me how to do fast-forward in Lua when a certain RAM value is met it would be more enjoyable to watch and would certainly be better for me.
Other than the level completed screen I believe this run is pretty solid and could be publishable once it is done. Jumping results in slower acceleration but allows you to maintain maximum speed even on slopes resulting in a very quick and fluid progression through the levels. Having to stop to get keys can slow momentum but I do not think it is so bad to lose entertainment. Also, TAS allows for a few shortcuts like in the second to last level how I get the last two keys. You are supposed to hop up, get the key on the left and then jump up over a series of platforms and then down breaking the blocks, which would probably almost take an extra minute. The trick to get the right key first requires frame perfection as if you hold jump for an extra frame or wait too long it won't work.
As usual feedback is requested and I hope you enjoy.