Finally done with this.
Whomp Em is a really fun Mega Man clone. You are an indian boy who is gonna collect 6 totems (I think). These are very much like Mega Mans weapons because each boss gives you a different weapon for different usage.
It´s a fastpaced and fun game. The controls are a bit slippery if you play it on normal speed and only that makes this movie cool.
Hmm, I take damage to save time. Sometimes enemies boost me to places and sometimes it was faster/whatever to take damage.
I don´t know of any mistakes I did so it should be enjoyable ;)
I also manipulated luck on the few enemies I kill and those of which I could actually grab the items from without loosing speed.
And last, the music is awesome!! Atleast in the first stage. It makes me wanna join a parade or go on a hunting or something like that ;)
Edit: Oh!! One thing that I forgot. I takes pretty much damage vs bosses. This is because I had to to be able to kill them as fast as possible. For example at the first boss. I say at the left side of him until he transforms into leaves, and then I take some damage. If I would have been on the right side I could avoid it but that would have changed my pattern and thus made me kill him slower. Hope that made some sense. It´s with purpose anyways,
As fast as possible
Manipulates luck
Takes damage to save time.
That´s it I think. Can´t come up with more to say. I blame tiredness =)
/Walker Boh

Bisqwit: Good enough :) Publishing.

Post subject: #307: Walker Boh's NES Whomp Em in 12:16
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?T?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?a?n? ?a?u?t?o?m?a?t?i?c?a?l?l?y? ?p?o?s?t?e?d? ?m?e?s?s?a?g?e? ?f?o?r? ?d?i?s?c?u?s?s?i?n?g? ?s?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n?:? ?<?b?>?#?3?0?7?:? ?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h?'?s? ?N?E?S? ?W?h?o?m?p? ?E?m? ?i?n? ?1?2?:?1?6?<?/?b?>? ? ?S?e?e? ?d?e?t?a?i?l?s? ?a?t?:? ?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?q?u?e?u?e?.?c?g?i???i?d?=?3?0?7?"?>?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?q?u?e?u?e?.?c?g?i???i?d?=?3?0?7?<?/?a?>? ? ?S?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?s?t?a?t?u?s?:? ?<?b?>?a?c?c?e?p?t?e?d?<?/?b?>? ?L?a?s?t? ?e?d?i?t?e?d? ?b?y?:? ?<?b?>?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?<?/?b?>? ?<?h?r?>? ?T?h?e? ?s?u?b?m?i?s?s?i?o?n? ?m?e?s?s?a?g?e? ?f?o?l?l?o?w?s?:? ?<?b?l?o?c?k?q?u?o?t?e? ?c?l?a?s?s?=?q?u?o?t?e?>?F?i?n?a?l?l?y? ?d?o?n?e? ?w?i?t?h? ?t?h?i?s?.? ?<?p?>?W?h?o?m?p? ?E?m? ?i?s? ?a? ?r?e?a?l?l?y? ?f?u?n? ?M?e?g?a? ?M?a?n? ?c?l?o?n?e?.? ?Y?o?u? ?a?r?e? ?a?n? ?i?n?d?i?a?n? ?b?o?y? ?w?h?o? ?i?s? ?g?o?n?n?a? ?c?o?l?l?e?c?t? ?6? ?t?o?t?e?m?s? ?(?I? ?t?h?i?n?k?)?.? ?T?h?e?s?e? ?a?r?e? ?v?e?r?y? ?m?u?c?h? ?l?i?k?e? ?M?e?g?a? ?M?a?n?s? ?w?e?a?p?o?n?s? ?b?e?c?a?u?s?e? ?e?a?c?h? ?b?o?s?s? ?g?i?v?e?s? ?y?o?u? ?a? ?d?i?f?f?e?r?e?n?t? ?w?e?a?p?o?n? ?f?o?r? ?d?i?f?f?e?r?e?n?t? ?u?s?a?g?e?.? ?<?p?>?I?t??s? ?a? ?f?a?s?t?p?a?c?e?d? ?a?n?d? ?f?u?n? ?g?a?m?e?.? ?T?h?e? ?c?o?n?t?r?o?l?s? ?a?r?e? ?a? ?b?i?t? ?s?l?i?p?p?e?r?y? ?i?f? ?y?o?u? ?p?l?a?y? ?i?t? ?o?n? ?n?o?r?m?a?l? ?s?p?e?e?d? ?a?n?d? ?o?n?l?y? ?t?h?a?t? ?m?a?k?e?s? ?t?h?i?s? ?m?o?v?i?e? ?c?o?o?l?.? ?<?p?>?H?m?m?,? ?I? ?t?a?k?e? ?d?a?m?a?g?e? ?t?o? ?s?a?v?e? ?t?i?m?e?.? ?S?o?m?e?t?i?m?e?s? ?e?n?e?m?i?e?s? ?b?o?o?s?t? ?m?e? ?t?o? ?p?l?a?c?e?s? ?a?n?d? ?s?o?m?e?t?i?m?e?s? ?i?t? ?w?a?s? ?f?a?s?t?e?r?/?w?h?a?t?e?v?e?r? ?t?o? ?t?a?k?e? ?d?a?m?a?g?e?.? ?<?p?>?I? ?d?o?n??t? ?k?n?o?w? ?o?f? ?a?n?y? ?m?i?s?t?a?k?e?s? ?I? ?d?i?d? ?s?o? ?i?t? ?s?h?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?e?n?j?o?y?a?b?l?e? ?;?)? ?<?p?>?I? ?a?l?s?o? ?m?a?n?i?p?u?l?a?t?e?d? ?l?u?c?k? ?o?n? ?t?h?e? ?f?e?w? ?e?n?e?m?i?e?s? ?I? ?k?i?l?l? ?a?n?d? ?t?h?o?s?e? ?o?f? ?w?h?i?c?h? ?I? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?a?c?t?u?a?l?l?y? ?g?r?a?b? ?t?h?e? ?i?t?e?m?s? ?f?r?o?m? ?w?i?t?h?o?u?t? ?l?o?o?s?i?n?g? ?s?p?e?e?d?.? ?<?p?>?A?n?d? ?l?a?s?t?,? ?t?h?e? ?m?u?s?i?c? ?i?s? ?a?w?e?s?o?m?e?!?!? ?A?t?l?e?a?s?t? ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?f?i?r?s?t? ?s?t?a?g?e?.? ?I?t? ?m?a?k?e?s? ?m?e? ?w?a?n?n?a? ?j?o?i?n? ?a? ?p?a?r?a?d?e? ?o?r? ?g?o? ?o?n? ?a? ?h?u?n?t?i?n?g? ?o?r? ?s?o?m?e?t?h?i?n?g? ?l?i?k?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?;?)? ?<?p?>?E?d?i?t?:? ?O?h?!?!? ?O?n?e? ?t?h?i?n?g? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?f?o?r?g?o?t?.? ?I? ?t?a?k?e?s? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?m?u?c?h? ?d?a?m?a?g?e? ?v?s? ?b?o?s?s?e?s?.? ?T?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?b?e?c?a?u?s?e? ?I? ?h?a?d? ?t?o? ?t?o? ?b?e? ?a?b?l?e? ?t?o? ?k?i?l?l? ?t?h?e?m? ?a?s? ?f?a?s?t? ?a?s? ?p?o?s?s?i?b?l?e?.? ?F?o?r? ?e?x?a?m?p?l?e? ?a?t? ?t?h?e? ?f?i?r?s?t? ?b?o?s?s?.? ?I? ?s?a?y? ?a?t? ?t?h?e? ?l?e?f?t? ?s?i?d?e? ?o?f? ?h?i?m? ?u?n?t?i?l? ?h?e? ?t?r?a?n?s?f?o?r?m?s? ?i?n?t?o? ?l?e?a?v?e?s?,? ?a?n?d? ?t?h?e?n? ?I? ?t?a?k?e? ?s?o?m?e? ?d?a?m?a?g?e?.? ?I?f? ?I? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?h?a?v?e? ?b?e?e?n? ?o?n? ?t?h?e? ?r?i?g?h?t? ?s?i?d?e? ?I? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?a?v?o?i?d? ?i?t? ?b?u?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?h?a?v?e? ?c?h?a?n?g?e?d? ?m?y? ?p?a?t?t?e?r?n? ?a?n?d? ?t?h?u?s? ?m?a?d?e? ?m?e? ?k?i?l?l? ?h?i?m? ?s?l?o?w?e?r?.? ?H?o?p?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?m?a?d?e? ?s?o?m?e? ?s?e?n?s?e?.? ?I?t??s? ?w?i?t?h? ?p?u?r?p?o?s?e? ?a?n?y?w?a?y?s?,? ?<?p?>?A?s? ?f?a?s?t? ?a?s? ?p?o?s?s?i?b?l?e? ? ?M?a?n?i?p?u?l?a?t?e?s? ?l?u?c?k? ? ?T?a?k?e?s? ?d?a?m?a?g?e? ?t?o? ?s?a?v?e? ?t?i?m?e?.? ?<?p?>?T?h?a?t??s? ?i?t? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k?.? ?C?a?n??t? ?c?o?m?e? ?u?p? ?w?i?t?h? ?m?o?r?e? ?t?o? ?s?a?y?.? ?I? ?b?l?a?m?e? ?t?i?r?e?d?n?e?s?s? ?=?)? ?<?p?>?/?W?a?l?k?e?r? ?B?o?h? ?<?p?>?<?h?r?>? ?<?a? ?h?r?e?f?=?"?h?t?t?p?:?/?/?b?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?i?k?i?.?f?i?/?n?e?s?v?i?d?e?o?s?/?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?.?h?t?m?l?"?>?B?i?s?q?w?i?t?<?/?a?>?:? ?G?o?o?d? ?e?n?o?u?g?h? ?:?)? ?P?u?b?l?i?s?h?i?n?g?.? ?<?/?b?l?o?c?k?q?u?o?t?e?>? ?<?s?m?a?l?l?>?
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Looks fantastic! Boss fights are done well, platform corridors are done well, the final test looks great... the one thing I wonder about is for the secret cliffs' last vertical shaft, why do you use the rising platforms for a little and then the cloud? One must be faster than the other, no? Very well done.
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I figured the cloud was faster because then I can "climb" upwards all the time. However, the effect of the cloud only lasts for awhile so I barely made it up there. Meaning, I had to jump on the elevators to get upwards a bit before I could use the cloud.
/Walker Boh
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Walker: When I tested this game I figered it out that if you use the "cutting-spinning-weapon-thing" on the Coccon-spider-medaljon-boss. he dies at 2 sec or something. =) otherwise.. awesome work.
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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?T?h?a?t? ?c?a?n??t? ?b?e?.?.?.? ?I? ?t?e?s?t?e?d? ?t?h?a?t? ?b?u?t? ?h?e? ?d?i?d?n??t? ?s?u?f?f?e?r? ?f?r?o?m? ?m?o?r?e? ?t?h?e?n? ?3?/?4? ?o?f? ?h?i?s? ?e?n?e?r?g?y?/?h?i?t?,? ?i?n?s?t?e?a?d? ?o?f? ?1? ?w?h?o?l?e? ?e?n?e?r?g?y?-?b?a?r? ?w?i?t?h? ?t?h?e? ?f?i?r?e? ?s?t?i?c?k?.?
/Walker Boh
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?I?f? ?I? ?g?o?t? ?i?t? ?r?i?g?h?t? ?y?o?u? ?m?e?a?n? ?t?h?e? ?f?o?u?r?t?h? ?b?o?s?s?.? ?T?h?e? ?b?r?o?w?n? ?c?o?c?o?o?n? ?t?h?a?t?,? ?i?f? ?y?o?u? ?d?o?n??t? ?k?i?l?l? ?i?t? ?f?a?s?t? ?e?n?o?u?g?h?,? ?m?o?r?p?h?s? ?i?n?t?o? ?a? ?b?u?t?t?e?r?f?l?y?.? ?T?h?e? ?s?p?i?n?n?i?n?g? ?w?e?a?p?o?n? ?I? ?g?o?t? ?f?r?o?m? ?t?h?e? ?f?i?r?s?t? ?b?o?s?s? ?h?a?r?d?l?y? ?w?o?r?k?s? ?a?t? ?h?i?m? ?a?t? ?a?l?l?.? ?A?n?d? ?i?f? ?I? ?s?u?c?c?e?d? ?t?o? ?g?e?t? ?a? ?h?i?t? ?o?n? ?h?i?m? ?i?t? ?t?a?k?e?s? ?a?r?o?u?n?d? ?3?/?4? ?o?f? ?o?n?e? ?c?i?r?c?l?e? ?a?t? ?h?i?s? ?e?n?e?r?g?y? ?b?a?r?.? ?M?e?a?n?i?n?g? ?t?h?i?s? ?w?e?a?p?o?n? ?i?s? ?p?r?e?t?t?y? ?u?s?e?l?e?s?s? ?v?s? ?t?h?i?s? ?b?o?s?s?.?
/Walker Boh
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [189] NES Whomp ‛Em by Walker_Boh in 12:15.67