Merry Christmas TASVideos! This is our improvement of 1367 frames, or ~22 seconds over the previous run.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Snes9x 1.43 v17
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Uses death to save time


This run has taken us a few months and we found many more improvements than we initially thought was possible. If you wish to enjoy the movie to the fullest we suggest you watch before reading ahead.

New Tricks

Chuck-Eat Glitch
This glitch was discovered by nathanisbored. The glitch abused the fact that chucks erroneously have the "Give Power-Up when eaten by Yoshi" bit set. Watching sprite table $7E:167A shows this. Thus, when we eat a chuck, we get something strange in our reserve box or a crash. When we eat a Clappin' Chuck as Fire Mario, it produces a goal sphere in reserve. Other chucks with other power-up statuses give other strange results but these aren't relevant.

Level comments

Level comments in (brackets) are over our previous smv, which is for the same submission but replaced 07/01/12 (dd/mm/yy)

Yoshi's Island 2 (4)

ISM suggested an idea of losing subpixels in order to perform additional corner boosts in this level. These are lost early in the level when 6/5ing. We perform 2 additional corner boosts. Then it became clear that performing one more boost would cause the goal to spawn a frame earlier; we managed a corner clip on a pipe near the end, which is set up via the corner boosts.
Lag is reduced at the goal too, by landing further to the left it seems. Lag is temperamental in this area.

Yoshi's Island 3 (27)

Many frames are saved on the duplications due to PangaeaPanga. Improvement of the sky level is taken from ISM's 96-exit wip.

Yoshi's Island 1 (-2559)

For information on the Item Swap glitch, please see the previous movie's comments.
Many optimization improvements occurred in this level. The aim of yi1 is to eat the Clappin' Chuck as fire mario by using the item-swap glitch; this yields a Goal Point Question Sphere, sprite 4A. We have two strategies to perform this. The first one (smv) is to collect a sprite coin from Jumping Piranha Plant while it is on Yoshi's tongue. We burn the Piranha Plant with Yoshi flames from the red shell near the midpoint. We turn the Piranha Plant into a coin, then collect it while it is on Yoshi's tongue. This triggers an item-swap. This strategy might be thought to be very fast, but because of bad placement of the Piranha Plant and the Clappin' Chuck, it costs a lot of time to die. The second one, which we've chosen in our run, is to fill sprite slots by dropping four resereved powerups and then use the fifth reserved powerup to item-swap. This strategy has an advantage, that we can die with no cost of time, but it costs a little time to collect powerups and we also had to R-Scroll.
(Until recently, these strategies matched after heavy optimization. But thanks to insight from regnum0nline (Dawn), 8 frames were gained for the latter strategy. This idea involved 49 hopping most of the way.)

Yoshi's Island 4 (-2559)

No change.

Iggy's Castle (1287)

The large portion of the improvement in this run happens here. The Goal Point Question Sphere we acquired from Yoshi's Island 1 is used.

Donut Plains 1 (1287)

No change.

Donut Secret 1 (1291)

Just before the first pipe entry, speed oscillation is changed from 17¨15 to 17¨16, which saves a subpixel and hence a frame. In addition, this enables us to beat the frame rule of sprite interaction so we can hit the red koopa a few pixels further to the right as it is unnecessary to slow down and it saves another frame.
To reduce key entry lag, we hit the sleeping fish to the left, with no loss of time thanks to the timing of cape spin.
(A frame is lost due to level transition lag.)

Donut Secret House (1290)

(A frame is lost due to level transition lag.)

Star Warp (1292)

We beat the frame rule of star warp and gain 4 frames on previous movie.
Related addresses:
  • $7E0013: In-Game Frame Counter
  • $7E1F19: Mario's Y Position in OW (2 bytes)
  • $7E1DF7: Star Warp speed
  • $7E1DF8: Star Warp Rotating Timer
OW transition starts as soon as $7E1F19 hits a certain value or less, and warp speed increments depending on the in-game frame counter, or more precisely, it increments when the value of the counter modulo 8 equals 1. So the star warp has a frame rule whose cycle is 8 frames long. Due to its strange behaviour, beating just a half of its cycle may save a frame , and hence the other half 7 frames.

Star World 1 (1296)

New optimization idea of smashola saves 4 frames. This gives us glitchy colours in this level, also.
(A frame is lost from level transition lag.)
Delaying key entry by 2 frames may remove 2 frames of lag.

Star World 2 (1296)

No change.
Delaying key entry by 4 frames may remove 2 frames of lag.

Star World 3 (1296)

No change.

Star World 4 (1302)

By platform boosting at the beginning, we gain some subpixels allowing us to corner clip once more. This saves us a frame. At the keyhole we reduce lag.
(A frame is gained from level transition lag.)
Delaying key entry by 3 frames may remove 2 frames of lag.

Star Warp (1302)

We managed to beat just the whole cycle of the frame rule, which means no time is lost due to the frame rule. If this was not the case, we could sacrifice a few in-game frames, in such a way we would end up losing no time after star warp, to remove lag frames. We were previously on this plan, but the new sw4 improvement finally enabled us to beat the frame rule and this old plan became useless.

Bowser (1367)

A new innovative method involving manipulating Bowser phases allows us to end input much earlier. We can reset a long counter during a phase by hitting Bowser at an appropriate time. For example in the second phase, by hitting Bowser as he begins his routine to drop a Big Steelie, we can avoid this and instead have him throw Mechakoopas on next round. Addresses 7E14B0-7E14B9 are important in this.
The credits would never be triggered by goal spheres being used at any places of Bowsers Castle. It only puts Mario to the overworld.


  • Mister thanks #TASers and pirohiko
  • #tasvideos
  • amaurea and gocha for their helpful Lua scripts
  • nathanisbored for finding Chuck-Eat glitch
  • ISM for some ideas used in this run
Thanks for your patience while we worked on this! Enjoy.

Translation into Japanese - 対訳

この対訳は Mister (Mr.) によるものです。ところどころ私の主観が入っています。


  • 使用したエミュレータ:Snes9x 1.43 v17
  • 最速を目指す
  • プログラムエラーを悪用する
  • 時間短縮のための死亡を許す




このバグは nathanisbored によって発見されました。このバグは「ヨッシーがブルを食べるとパワーアップとして認識される」という(誤って設定されたであろう)仕様を利用したものです。本来食べることのできないブルを口寄せバグ等によって食べると、マリオのパワーアップ状態が変化したり、本来想定されていないストックアイテムが得られたりします。この動画では、ファイアマリオで手拍子ブルを食べることで、ゴール玉(ラムネ海溝の沈没船のゴール)をストックしています。



ヨースター島コース2 (4)

ISM のアイディアをもとにした二つの変更点があります。ひとつは、ゴール口寄せ直前での挙動の最適化、もうひとつは、コーナーブースト等を可能にするために数サブピクセルを犠牲にするというものです。ISM によると「コーナーブーストを2回追加することはできても、ゴールを1フレーム早く出現させるには1サブピクセルだけ足りない」とのことだったので、更に数サブピクセルの犠牲を払い、土管での角抜けを1回追加し、1フレームの短縮につなげました。ヨッシーが居ればこのタイプの角抜けが出来るというのは、この時点ではまだ誰も知らなかったようです(もちろん私も)。

ヨースター島コース3 (27)

PangaeaPanga の妥協のない最適化によって、ブロック増殖部分が大幅に短縮されました。今回はヨースター島コース1でヨッシーを使うため、ここで捨てずに持ち越します。翼を取ったあとの空の面では、ISM の全クリ TAS を参考にしています。

ヨースター島コース1 (-2559)

検証の結果、このふたつの方法はまったく同じ速さになると思われていましたが、regnum0nline (Dawn) の最適化案により、ふたつ目の方法が8フレーム速くなると結論付けられました。彼のアイディアは草陰のキノコ以降慣性移動するというものです。

ヨースター島コース4 (-2559)


ヨースター島の城 (1287)


ドーナツ平野コース1 (1287)


ドーナツ平野秘密のコース1 (1290)


ドーナツ平野の隠れ屋敷 (1289)


スターワープ (1292)

  • $7E0013:ゲーム内フレームカウンタ
  • $7E1F19:マップ画面でのマリオのY座標
  • $7E1DF7:スターワープ時のマリオの速度
  • $7E1Df8:スターワープ時のマリオの回転タイマー
ワープによるマップ移動は $7E1F19 が特定の値以下になったときに始まります。また、ワープ速度はゲーム内フレームカウンタに依存して1から4まで増加します。より正確には、カウンタの値を8で割った余りが1のとき、ワープ速度が増加します。つまりスターワープは8フレーム周期のフレームルールを持っていることになります。一方でスターワープは少し変わった挙動をするので、周期のちょうど半分、4フレームだけ短縮した場合、ワープ後の更新量は1フレームあるいは7フレームとなります。1フレームの場合は更に4フレーム短縮すると残りの7フレームが更新されます。逆もまたしかりです。

ネイティブスターコース1 (1296)

前記録ではマリオの押し出し判定のフレームルールが合わず、このコースに入るのを1フレーム遅らせていましたが、今回はそれを回避することができました。コース内では smashola の新最適化案により、4フレーム短縮しています。また、クリア後のマップ読み込みで1フレームロスしています。

ネイティブスターコース2 (1296)


ネイティブスターコース3 (1296)


ネイティブスターコース4 (1301)

コース内に入るときのマップ読み込みで1フレーム更新。bahamete によるリフト加速のアイディアに、改良型角抜けを追加することで1フレーム短縮。リフト加速のみや、通常の角抜けを追加するだけでは、次の角抜けにつながらず、短縮には至りませんでした。改良型角抜けとは、角抜け中に数サブピクセル犠牲にすることで、ブースト回数を増やし、結果的に通常の角抜けよりも数サブピクセル分のアドバンテージを得るための方法です。また、鍵の挿し込みを最適化して2フレーム短縮し、鍵穴エフェクトのラグも1フレーム軽減しています。

スターワープ (1302)


クッパ城入り口 (1367)


DarkKobold: Judging.

DarkKobold: This run will obsolete the current any%. We will not be changing the branch name.
DarkKobold:Delaying submission while the authors improve the movie. And you only thought it happened to Mario in 3 dimensions.

DarkKobold: Verified and replaced, setting back to accepted. Nice new bowser fight. This run will obsolete the current any%. We will not be changing the branch name.

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Voting no since this run: is faster and MUCH better at demonstrating how TAS differs from a "normal" speed run. I did enjoy this run. I saw the WIP on the forum. It was quite interesting to see the first castle skipped in such a fancy way. But, the new run, glitches the game so much that the game gives up and says, "The End."
When TAS does Quake 1, SDA will declare war. The Prince doth arrive he doth please.
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hegyak wrote:
Voting no since this run: is faster and MUCH better at demonstrating how TAS differs from a "normal" speed run. I did enjoy this run. I saw the WIP on the forum. It was quite interesting to see the first castle skipped in such a fancy way. But, the new run, glitches the game so much that the game gives up and says, "The End."
I'm not sure if you realize that that run is aiming towards a completely different category.
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Oh! Oh! This looks like fun! >>That's even more arbitrary. If you want to stay within the Mario universe, take SM64 for example. There used to be a 16-star run, but a 1-star run soon made short work of that. Now call me crazy, but that run seems to skip just as big a percentage of the previous run as the SMW credits glitch TAS. If I am wrong, why did the 1-star run obsolete the 16-star run instead of being put into a separate category? sm64 16 star run, what's the goal? Complete the game as much faster as possible than the fastest intended path (hint: it wasn't a 17 star run, or a 38 star run, or a 69 star run, etc, because 16 was fastest). So when it is discovered that you can do it faster than faster than the fastest intended path, it's still the same goal: to complete the game faster than the fastest intended path. Since fastest is now 0 star (hint: it still isn't 17 star run or 38 star run or 69 star run), it has the same goal as the 16 star. So it is the same category/branch/voodoo magic. sm64 70 star run, what's the goal? Complete the game in the fastest intended path (I think? not a sm64 guy myself). Why no accepted? Beats me. Perhaps it was too difficult to stomach using a glitch (BLJ seto007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) that would let you take a non-intended path through the game but collecting the same amount of stars as the intended path, thus making your goal choice self contradictory. Since the goal is the intended path. bwaaah?! smw11: the goal is to complete the game in the fastest intended path. If it were faster to go through vanilla dome like the smw small 15 exit run does, then that is the path it would take. But it's faster to take 11 exits (in an order that was intended by game devs). Which this run does do. This is why I pretty much always call it smw11 rather than smw any%. smw glitched: the goal is to complete the game faster than the fastest intended path. PS: I lied when I said Joey says Nyeh! 750 times. I forgot to multiply by 8. He says Nyeh 6000 times.
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
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The run has already been accepted, just delayed for an improvement pointed out by Dawn, and the decision for separate categories has been confirmed by DarkKobold. I just hope he sticks to his guns :p You're free to do as you wish but I feel seperate categories discussion is best in here.
Retired smw-96, smw any%
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Posts: 14
DarkMoon wrote:
DJWebb32 wrote:
voting no is quite frankly disrepectful to kaizoman666, bahamete, mister, and pangaeapanga for all the hard work they put into redoing a tas that most of them just submitted a few months ago. they started and completed this TAS with the goal of obsoleting the current any%, which they will have done once the new improvement mister found is put in, while the same cannot be said for masterjun, who made his TAS with the hopes of showing off a completely new and gamebreaking glitch and making a new category. great job to all 4 of you as this was a top notch TAS
Both TASes were exceptionally made and both should be accepted to the site, in my honest opinion.
I agree completely
Joined: 2/16/2005
Posts: 462
This run caused me to log in for the first time in over 3 years. Very amazing, voting yes.
This signature is much better than its previous version.
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DarkMoon wrote:
So using any glitch at all constitutes a "glitched" category?
In my opinion, there should be no such thing as a "glitched" category in the first place, but rather a "no player-defined restriction" category which should be the default. The existence of any other category by introducing player-defined restrictions should be based on whether or not introducing these restrictions is an interesting goal in itself and if the final result offers something significantly new and/or different from the others, such as "no save data corruption by resetting" or "no wall clipping" for example. In the case of this particular submission, the restriction added is "no credits glitch". In my opinion, this is not an interesting goal in itself, and the only thing new and different in such a category when compared to no restrictions or a glitchless restriction is the item box glitch itself, which would most likely be used in a (glitched) 96-exit restriction in more interesting ways. Sure, the item box glitch is interesting in itself, but I fail to see the pertinence to add a separate category just for swapping a level-skipping glitch with another one.
DarkMoon wrote:
Because you need Yoshi, of which there are none in YI1.
Ah I forgot about that. However, there's a Yoshi in YI2, so why wait until after beating YI3 before backtracking to YI1 to perform the glitch?
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SmashManiac wrote:
Ah I forgot about that. However, there's a Yoshi in YI2, so why wait until after beating YI3 before backtracking to YI1 to perform the glitch?
You need the Yoshi in YI3 to do the Yoshi-Wing exit.
Current projects: Yoshi's Island Disassembly Yoshi's Island any% TAS with Carl Sagan
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DarkMoon wrote:
SmashManiac wrote:
Ah I forgot about that. However, there's a Yoshi in YI2, so why wait until after beating YI3 before backtracking to YI1 to perform the glitch?
You need the Yoshi in YI3 to do the Yoshi-Wing exit.
Oh I see, and then there's no quick way to exit YI1 with Yoshi after triggering the glitch! Thanks DarkMoon for the explanation!
Joined: 2/16/2005
Posts: 462
I agree with the "glitched" run being a different category. While it's true both runs use "glitches", using memory corruption to jump directly to the credits is particularly destructive and no longer resembles normal gameplay. It is hard to call that "beating the game" when the actual game is bypassed. You're not talking about taking short cuts on the way to the finish line, you're talking about reconfiguring the course so the finish line is next to the start line. That is approaching the game with a different objective and warrants a different category.
This signature is much better than its previous version.
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I think the better choice is: A glitched run, a low glitch using warps, a without Warps and a small only :P (I'm missing some? lol)
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Marcokarty, then you run into arbitration. I still hate that Bowser boss battle. It's always so dull and drawn out.
When TAS does Quake 1, SDA will declare war. The Prince doth arrive he doth please.
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hegyak wrote:
I still hate that Bowser boss battle. It's always so dull and drawn out.
Hey, at least they brought up a new strategy this time!
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Clear yes vote. Nice xmas gift. :)
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I'm way late to the party here, I'm sure everything's been discussed to death already, but I'll just throw this out there anyways just in case. What's wrong with SDA's method of differentiating these kinds of runs? The term "(With large skip glitches)" is appended to their speedrun titles with, well, with large skip glitches. It seems specific enough to draw a reasonably hard line between runs, but vague enough to include most runs of this kind. And as for categories, just speaking as a lay-person who generally just watches these TASs, I think the current system of new categories being decided by the community is best. New categories are great, especially for popular games, but need to be different/interesting enough to please the community at large.
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Posts: 466
PotatoHandle wrote:
What's wrong with SDA's method of differentiating these kinds of runs? The term "(With large skip glitches)" is appended to their speedrun titles with, well, with large skip glitches.
What's wrong with it is that (some of us think) this site should be primarily about pushing games to their absolute limit, no matter what. There's plenty of room for people to see entertaining runs with objectives that show more varied gameplay, of course, but the run that a new user first sees when searching for a game should be the absolute fastest, most broken thing we have to offer, and if one branch is going to receive most of the frame-warring attention, it should usually be that one. Other people obviously disagree, which is why there's all this brouhaha. In the end, it doesn't matter a huge amount -- everyone's runs can on the site, it's just a small matter of labeling. But it does feel unfair for the fastest run of a game on a site supposedly dedicated to, to quote the submission rules, "break[ing] all existing records" not to be displayed most prominently.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
Joined: 7/30/2010
Posts: 16
Maybe a slight redesign (Easier said than done, I know.) would be appropriate then? Give each game a single entry on the console's page, with a priority on speedrunning but would have a "View other categories" link or something similar for alternate runs, walkathons, PAL roms, warpless, playarounds, etc, etc. You could decide which run gets main page exposure by either drawing a hard line at fastest completion, or you could use the community ratings to choose the community's favourite of the categories, which would usually give you the most impressive and/or glitchiest run available. If you draw a hard line, then stuff like SMW where the desire for a more full run is likely, the 2-minute run would take precedence, but you could easily link to the 10-minute run in the description for added exposure, like I've seen done before to great effect; I use those links all the time. While all this wouldn't solve the problem per se, it would certainly lessen the blow a bit for those who make brilliant runs like this that many people will want to see; only to have it potentially rejected, or runs like chrono trigger, and still allow viewers such as myself access to all our beloved categories. It would also open up the doors a bit for people to add more creative categories, as they wouldn't be cluttering up the game page anymore. And would still be moderated by the community to filter out the garbage. Just some thoughts, hopefully there's at least something in there that hasn't been said yet, haha.
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Posts: 167
Personman wrote:
In the end, it doesn't matter a huge amount -- everyone's runs can on the site, it's just a small matter of labeling. But it does feel unfair for the fastest run of a game on a site supposedly dedicated to, to quote the submission rules, "break[ing] all existing records" not to be displayed most prominently.
Technically speaking, the easiest way to fix this situation of "what should or shouldn't be labeled" is to force a label for every game with more than one category. So, hypothetically speaking, Super Mario World would end up with a "fastest glitched" run, a "fastest non-glitched" run, a "100%" run, and a "max% small-only" run. (Names tentative, of course.) No runs that are simply "Super Mario World". Of course, like any option, this one would also have its detractors. However, it would strike a compromise in allowing the absolute fastest runs to be showcased, while also permitting appearance of runs with fewer game-skips to get attention (to combat the "TASes are only glitchfests" misconception).
First a movie gets submitted, and ends up accepted despite breaking rules other runs have been rejected for. And when I vote less than spectacularly on this movie, I become the victim of harassment and threats. Yay, favoritism.
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Posts: 466
Saethori wrote:
Technically speaking, the easiest way to fix this situation of "what should or shouldn't be labeled" is to force a label for every game with more than one category.
This is pretty darn reasonable.
Potato Handle wrote:
Maybe a slight redesign (Easier said than done, I know.) would be appropriate then?
I think you're exaggerating the size of the problem. No good runs on the table right now are in danger of rejection, nor are runs for movies with multiple categories hard to find.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
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PotatoHandle wrote:
What's wrong with SDA's method of differentiating these kinds of runs? The term "(With large skip glitches)" is appended to their speedrun titles with, well, with large skip glitches.
That is sort of the same as "glitched", just slightly more verbose. I fail to see how adding 3 words makes it magically better. I forgot who mentioned it, but we do need to add "glitched" to our glossary, to explain it.
Saethori wrote:
Super Mario World would end up with a "fastest glitched" run, a "fastest non-glitched" run, a "100%" run, and a "max% small-only" run. (Names tentative, of course.)
Glitched covers the first. The second is any%, etc, etc. Not to mention, any% isn't non-glitched, it is just missing a glitch which fundamentally alters the flow of the game.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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Posts: 167
DarkKobold wrote:
I forgot who mentioned it, but we do need to add "glitched" to our glossary, to explain it.
Guilty as charged. >_>;
DarkKobold wrote:
Glitched covers the first. The second is any%, etc, etc. Not to mention, any% isn't non-glitched, it is just missing a glitch which fundamentally alters the flow of the game.
I wasn't actually suggesting category renaming. I was attempting to meet a compromise between mentioning all the categories, and my mind outright blanking. And by "non-glitched", I was referring to the stipulation you yourself brought up to me, about how "glitched" meant "significantly warped/skipped through the use of glitches", as opposed to "a run with one or more glitches of any degree". I was just simply suggesting a compromise that would give the pair of runs that each complete the game as quickly as possible, but with one using a game-breaking glitch and the other avoiding it, a sort of equal footing. Otherwise, we'll always kind of be stuck with people arguing which one "deserves" to have the base, non-category-marked, version, or questions on what "deserves" to obsolete what.
First a movie gets submitted, and ends up accepted despite breaking rules other runs have been rejected for. And when I vote less than spectacularly on this movie, I become the victim of harassment and threats. Yay, favoritism.
Joined: 7/30/2010
Posts: 16
DarkKobold wrote:
PotatoHandle wrote:
What's wrong with SDA's method of differentiating these kinds of runs? The term "(With large skip glitches)" is appended to their speedrun titles with, well, with large skip glitches.
That is sort of the same as "glitched", just slightly more verbose. I fail to see how adding 3 words makes it magically better. I forgot who mentioned it, but we do need to add "glitched" to our glossary, to explain it.
Wasn't expecting a reply from my favourite TASer, big fan, haha. There was a lot of discussion over the use of "glitched" being too general, as nearly every TAS uses a glitch somewhere, which is why I thought a slightly more specific version might've made things a bit more clear; however, a glossary entry defining the term in a TAS context could work just as well.
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I see a difference between data and code corruption. Manipulating the program stack or instruction pointer is a different beast than abusing an algorithm to change standard variables' values.
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Joined: 4/15/2010
Posts: 199
Location: England
Here is our new smv, I don't think I can replace it myself. We're sorry it took so long to update. This contains an 8 frame improvement in yi1. Thank you to Dawn for his insight. However, due to level transition lag, we lose 2 of these frames so this is in fact a 6 frame improvement. Also, we had to redo the Bowser Battle due to a desync, which I think is now more entertaining than before. ^^
Retired smw-96, smw any%
Player (173)
Joined: 12/28/2007
Posts: 235
Location: Japan, Sapporo
Nico encode of the updated movie: As to the update, the precise changes of time are: 8 frames gained in yi1 1 frame lost at ds1 exit (level-transition lag) 1 frame lost at dsh exit (same) 1 frame lost at sw1 exit (same) 1 frame gained at sw4 entry (same)
Retired because of that deletion event. Projects (WIP RIP): VIP3 all-exits "almost capeless yoshiless", VIP2 all-exits, TSRP2 "normal run"