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i've made a much better build, will post soon included executables are against tas-input branch, but if you rebuild from source, probably will work against other branches. contains modifications to video dump code, as well as some (commented out) debugging for the sound dump. git patches are included. http://www.mediafire.com/?af25vm0wasnf8m7 functionality is all automatic; frames that should be dupped get dupped to the avi stream. it also creates dolphin_syncout_v2.txt which might be useful to me. i doubt this will be at all useful to anyone. if you want to report failure/success of it, make sure to keep around dolphin_syncout_v2.txt (it's automatically overwritten each time you dump, so make sure to rename/move it if you want to preserve it) edit: for NTSC titles, use AssumeFPS (27000*60, 26999). For Pal titles (50 or 60), the original AVI framerate should be correct
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+1 natt. Will test this weekend on a friend's computer that is *much* more powerful than my 2.8GHz quad core.
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i doubt this will be at all useful to anyone.
Oh you.
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I can't open any Wii game with this emulator. Always i want open a Wii game comes this warning (SetupWiiMem: Can't find setting file). After press Ok comes this warning (ERROR: Compiling at 0.LR=00000000 CTR=00000000). And after press OK again crashes the emulator. Can i fix this anyway?
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ReneBalow wrote:
(SetupWiiMem: Can't find setting file).
The download only includes the changed executables. You should unzip them on top of a full dolphin distribution, such as the 32-bit one in here: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12484
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New build: http://www.mediafire.com/?vhrsxi513z8g88r Yanked out a lot of useless stuff, fixed some stuff, added some stuff. Compiling: git patch serial is in the patches subfolder. You're on your own for the rest. Installing: Unzip the executables on top of an existing recent build (preferably 32 bit TAS-Input branch). Installing: Unzip the executables for the desired architecture (32 or 64 bit) on top of a suitable build (preferably TAS-Input branch, matching architecture). Features: If you turn on DSP "Dump Audio", you get the same crappy audio dump as always. DTK may or may not work in it, there can be gaps, etc. You also at the same time get a sequence of dump files which form a much more accurate audio dump. The sequence is split every time the audio frequency changes (can be 32k or 48k). This new dump should have perfect timing, but does not include DTK at all. If you turn on DSP "Dump Audio to AVI", and Video "Dump Frames", you get a an avi with both video and audio track. The video track will be time compensated to match the audio, which means occasional drops and/or dups. The audio track will be the same as the improved audio track in "Dump Audio", except that it's all combined to 48khz. The upsampler used is not very good. If you have on Video "Dump Frames" but not DSP "Dump Audio to AVI", you'll get a silent AVI file with each frame dumped once at an irregular framerate. Since AVI can't store VFR, you'll get a matroska timecodes file as well. This is the same video dump as in normal Dolphin, except now you get the information you need to reconstruct correct timing for it. There are also various debug text files that can be made. They're not likely to be useful. DTK support is planned for the future. The discriminating tasvideos encoder should use the separate dumps (which can both run at the same time, just turn on dump audio, dump frames, and turn off audio to avi), not the combined one. The combined one force-resamples audio to 48khz, which is not optimal if a game is 32khz. The combined one forces video framerate to 60:1 exactly (or 50:1 depending on region), which can result in slight dup/drop discrepancies if the real framerate of the game is one of the alternate framerates (say, 60*27000/26999). I'm currently working on a customizable VFR->CFR converter for avisynth which allows more control over the VFR->CFR process; you can see the error level and dup/drop levels of a particular VFR->CFR conversion, and tweak the parameters for a better one (which takes near zero time to do, as compared to redumping).[/s]
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New build: http://www.mediafire.com/?mpxe68utrpn8al5 Fixes an issue with 2GiB split. 64 bit builds are also included (I don't test them as much though). If you make a dump with "audio in avi" on, and it comes out wrong (or you think it comes out wrong), send me the cfrdbg.txt file (should be in the same folder as dolphin.exe). Note that cfrdbg.txt is automatically overwritten every time you start a new dump, so make sure to send the right one.
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figured it out
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Dolphin locks up if you try dumping audio to avi and load a save state, or start dumping while it is running.
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http://www.mediafire.com/?boz76qoc1bcwbk8 New build based off of a488b2c0cab861ca93a02ebf05a0dd813618bf84 blah blah blah
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Existing builds put an extra no good frame at the beginning of each avi file. In avisynth, you can counter this with Trim (1, 0) (but for video only, so if you're using the audio track on the avi file as well, do an AudioDub). Applies to each segment. Fixed patches, as well as builds off of a488b2c0cab861ca93a02ebf05a0dd813618bf84 : http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y6r0wuee55q0465
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Existing builds have problem with missing audio at the start in CFR mode, because dolphin is weird. Workaround: use "dump audio to avi" (to get your cfr mode) and "dump audio", and then use the dspdumps instead of the audio actually in the avi. Fix: built off of 0d577d886a7dff77a0e39758a2823106415606f8 : http://www.mediafire.com/?12l6ew9ng8jr59l
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i've posted my work on github. i'm not so great with this whole "git" thing, so not sure if there are problems... https://github.com/nattthebear/dolphin-avsync
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Hi ! I'm having huge desync between audio and video (example)with the build rbc61dbdf58a8bb088109839c5f25e7183830b166 merged with TAS-input by rog, can you try please to import your hack to this version too ? And if you do so, will i have to restart my tas or would it still sync ?
rog wrote:
edit: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11111638/Dolphin%20desync-fixes%20x64.exe http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11111638/Dolphin%20desync-fixes%20x86.exe This is the desync-fix clone i linked above (rbc61dbdf58a8bb088109839c5f25e7183830b166) merged with tas-input. I defaulted to otu0001's changes in WII_IPC_HLE_Device_usb.cpp, as mentioned above. I don't know if there's anything important missing there, but hopefully not. Until someone who knows wtf looks at it, there's nothing i can do about it. I did send otu0001 an email and suggested he merge more-save-fixes himself though, so with any luck he'll do it right.
Also, what codec should I use to dump the frames ? For the example above I was using Lagarith Loseless Codec, is it good ?
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Is it possible to apply these patches to a newer version of dolphin? cause I want to make a youtube videos of the TASes im currently working on, but they dont have the sync hack.
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Yes it is. At the moment, I'm trying to work out a bug that was recently brought to my attention though...
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For some reason my movie only syncs with the latest official git build (3.0-763). Anything below 751 makes it desync.
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I resolved a pal60 bug, so I'll throw up some new builds. Is mainline 3.0-763 what people want?
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well, rog suggested that when TASing with Dolphin, you should use the latest current version to prevent desync problems. I originally used 757 to start, and then they came out with 763 which is the latest version. so yeah, I assume most would be using the latest version.
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gamerfreak5665 wrote:
For some reason my movie only syncs with the latest official git build (3.0-763). Anything below 751 makes it desync.
Dolphin's core changes pretty much constantly. Movies won't usually sync very far through revisions. Just pick one, and stick with it.
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Hi ! Thanks again for your work ! But what are the settings to record without lag ? And what codec to use ? I tried to dump frame, dump audio to avi and dump audio and then to only take audiodump.wav, but it still have sync issue :( (I'm using the latest version of your A/V hack. EDIT : I made some test, and for some reason I can't capture the level 1 : it always skip the part between where I jump on the cliff to when I open the egg which give the hatcher costume... The audio is captured though, the frames are just not there.
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STBM wrote:
Hi ! Thanks again for your work ! But what are the settings to record without lag ? And what codec to use ? I tried to dump frame, dump audio to avi and dump audio and then to only take audiodump.wav, but it still have sync issue :( (I'm using the latest version of your A/V hack. EDIT : I made some test, and for some reason I can't capture the level 1 : it always skip the part between where I jump on the cliff to when I open the egg which give the hatcher costume... The audio is captured though, the frames are just not there.
What game? edit: of course it's Billy Hatcher... I have that here, I'll run a test later If you use dump frames, with dump audio to avi on, you shouldn't touch any .wav files that are created. All the audio you want is in the avi files.
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Billy Hatcher And The Giant Egg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxLcQxDSSYQ With your version of Dolphin, the part between 0:14 to 0:18 is totally skiped, but the audio record it (even the audio in the .avi) I recorded it with Dolphin 3.0-758 (this one) and tried to encode it with 3689S of your GitHub. Annnnd the sound desyncs too for me, but I must have done something wrong in the settings x)[/url]
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mmm, not seeing any skip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0-ypmXoMA8 i do see the slight sound desync though... not sure what to make of that yet, all of the a\v sync stuff appears to be working right you hear that sound desync in realtime when watching it dump, which leads me to believe that it's either a bug in the game or, more likely, an actual timing problem in the emulated dsp and\or emulated video...
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That was made with the original Dolphin :) Here is an encode made by your build, 64 bits with lagarith loseless codec. This is only the .avi, not the dumpframe : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx8Vey7JX_k&t=135 As you can see at 2:17, 4 seconds of the cinematic are skipped... But the audio continue, which create a desync.
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