A multi-track script? Of course I want, and all the help I can get! If it's not asking too much, is it possible to add memory addresses for the enemy health as well? Thanks in advance.
anyway, I did a quick test on the Arcade version last night and I'm abandoning the SNES version, here's the file of the first stage completed, 1180 frames faster if anyone is interested;
My old Xbox360 controller helped me TAS all of my single player SNES runs.
It's time to stress the poor thing a little bit doing a three players run;
Left Analog Stick = Berserker's Movement
A & B Buttons = Berserker's 1 & 2 Buttons
Right Analog Stick = Bullova's Movement
X & Y Buttons = Bullova's 1 & 2 Buttons
Digital Pad = Blitz's Movement
LB & RB Buttons = Blitz's 1 & 2 Buttons
Left Trigger = Frame Advance
Right Trigger = Pause
Start Button = Save State 1
Back Button = Load State 1
Left Click = Save State 2
Right Click = Load State 2
It may seem confuse at first, but there's no need to press the buttons all the time,
not even the directions, in the Arcade you only need to press the buttons 1+2 to run.
So, if it's too much work adapting the multi-track script, please don't bother, I'm
really confortable with that controller setup and I'd prefer the memory addresses.
Oh, and I'm using this Rom Set; Finalburn 029725 if it can be of any help.
I can barely understand what those Lua statements means, so it will take more time to learn Lua than to finish this run...
But I just found some memory addresses for the Arcade version and
edited them in Dammit's input display script created a simple script;
--The Combatribes (US) - Arcade - Written by Dooty
print("The Combatribes (US): Player Input and Enemy Health")
function ctribe()
EnemyHealth = {
ene1 = memory.readbyte(0x0001C0359),
ene2 = memory.readbyte(0x0001C0419),
ene3 = memory.readbyte(0x0001C04D9),
ene4 = memory.readbyte(0x0001C0599),
ene5 = memory.readbyte(0x0001C0659)
for k,v in pairs(EnemyHealth) do
if v ~= 0 then
if k == "ene1" then enh,env,enm = 5,55,"Enemy 1: "..v; end
if k == "ene2" then enh,env,enm = 5,65,"Enemy 2: "..v; end
if k == "ene3" then enh,env,enm = 5,75,"Enemy 3: "..v; end
if k == "ene4" then enh,env,enm = 5,85,"Enemy 4: "..v; end
if k == "ene5" then enh,env,enm = 5,95,"Enemy 5: "..v; end
gui.text(enh, env, enm)
PlayerInput = joypad.get()
for k,v in pairs(PlayerInput) do
if v == true then
if k == "P1 Right" then inp,hor,ver = ">",55,230; end
if k == "P1 Left" then inp,hor,ver = "<",45,230; end
if k == "P1 Up" then inp,hor,ver = "^",50,230; end
if k == "P1 Down" then inp,hor,ver = "v",60,230; end
if k == "P1 Fire 1" then inp,hor,ver = "P",65,230; end
if k == "P1 Fire 2" then inp,hor,ver = "K",70,230; end
if k == "Coin 1" then inp,hor,ver = "C",75,230; end
if k == "Start 1" then inp,hor,ver = "S",80,230; end
if k == "P2 Right" then inp,hor,ver = ">",55,220; end
if k == "P2 Left" then inp,hor,ver = "<",45,220; end
if k == "P2 Up" then inp,hor,ver = "^",50,220; end
if k == "P2 Down" then inp,hor,ver = "v",60,220; end
if k == "P2 Fire 1" then inp,hor,ver = "P",65,220; end
if k == "P2 Fire 2" then inp,hor,ver = "K",70,220; end
if k == "Coin 2" then inp,hor,ver = "C",75,220; end
if k == "Start 2" then inp,hor,ver = "S",80,220; end
if k == "P3 Right" then inp,hor,ver = ">",55,210; end
if k == "P3 Left" then inp,hor,ver = "<",45,210; end
if k == "P3 Up" then inp,hor,ver = "^",50,210; end
if k == "P3 Down" then inp,hor,ver = "v",60,210; end
if k == "P3 Fire 1" then inp,hor,ver = "P",65,210; end
if k == "P3 Fire 2" then inp,hor,ver = "K",70,210; end
if k == "Start 3" then inp,hor,ver = "S",80,210; end
if ver == 230 then gui.text(5, ver, "Player 1:"); end
if ver == 220 then gui.text(5, ver, "Player 2:"); end
if ver == 210 then gui.text(5, ver, "Player 3:"); end
gui.text(hor,ver, inp)
anyway, I'm not working on the SNES version anymore so I don't think it make sense to keep editing this post.
I also don't want to create another topic on the Arcade section even though I'm working on it.
But I'll post the finished run here as soon as it's done, it will not be too long I think.