Bebe's Kids... It's Tool Assisted.
Okay jokes aside. This is the game off the shoddy animated film of an okay stand up act. Well known from the Nostalgia Critic's game review.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: Snes9x v1.51
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes Damage to save time
  • Takes items(projectiles) to save time
  • Kills enemies only required to progress
  • Manipulates Luck (Boss Fights)


I made a TAS of this, because no one else on TASVideos had done it already.
I was also interested in watching this poor poor game get torn to shreds.

Stage by stage comments

  • Fairway Stages:
Just the simple run of the mill beatdown of the guards, mascots. I ignore the dogs simply, because it's faster to keep going despite taking damage. For some reason I manipulated luck that the dogs only appear on the last one.
  • Haunted House:
I use various save states to find the fastest way to get to the exit.
  • Pirate Ship:
Pretty much the same ordeal as fairway stages except you have to kill some parrots to progress. However I save some projectiles for the boss.
  • Pirate Ship Boss:
Use my projectiles I had left over, and grab some more, then finish him with an uppercut. Manipulate Luck to my advantage.
  • The Pit:
Use save states to find the fastest way out. Kill only 4 enemies that are needed to progress.
  • Final Boss Lair:
Just another case of beating people up to progress, and for some reason killing the bats too.
  • Final Boss:
The most cheapest boss ever. His hitboxes are so non-existent. I have to manipulate luck for when he can be hit even if it takes getting damage.

Enemy AI notes

  • Guards/Big Pirate/Small Pirate
Does 3 Strides, turns for a few frames, does 3 more strides. Can grab you if you bump into them. Takes 3 hits to kill. Unusually fast.
Small pirate throws swords at you. I dodge one sword in the run.
  • Mascots
Can only hurt you if you bump into them. Not terribly difficult to deal with.
  • Dogs
Hard to dodge, Can't be hit with uppercut. If you continue running during damage you won't fall sometimes. I simply just keep going forward, because it would be faster than fighting them all off.
  • Booth Lady/Hiding Robot
Throws projectiles at you that are almost always aimed for you. Can be dodged somewhat if you do things in certain ways. I dodge twice from a jump at the near the end of the level, and by sliding down to below on the pit level.
  • Paintings
Just moving quickly will avoid their projectile
  • Mummies
Pretty much on pursuit to hit you. I almost get hit by one by running to a bookcase.
  • Ghost Book
Jumping while it is getting out will make you not take damage. If it hits you, then it goes back into the book.
  • Robot Bear
Hard to dodge, Can be hit with an uppercut. You will fall during damage regardless if you run or not.
  • Nixon Bot
Shoots super fast projectiles. Can be dodged from far away.
  • Parrots
Can be defeated with kicks only. Tries to hit you then go back. I let on hit me just so I can kill two enemies in a short span, and because there wasn't much of a way to avoid him either.
  • Bats
Only attack when they are fully near the ground. Can be defeated with kicks or punches in the air.
  • Hooded Robot
Not that difficult of an enemy to deal with due to him being easier to catch up to.

Other comments

Audience will enjoy
  • Watching a horrible game get dominated.
  • How stupid the AI is
  • How quickly I beat the hardest levels.

Nach: Sure, I'd love to judge what was known as the worst game of all time!

Nach: This game lives up to its reputation. Not only for regular play is it bad, it's pretty bad for a TAS too. The game looks like it's running in slow motion all the time, not just to create the TAS. The gameplay is rather boring, and 10 minutes for a game this bad is just way too much. Most of the audience can't stand this game, rejecting.

Nach: After some reconsideration, this looks like a decent vault choice. Never imagined I'd end up accepting this drivel.

Brandon: Publication underway.

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #3635: Cooljay's SNES Bébé's Kids in 10:19.10
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Link to video Mediafire download: (~25.8MB)
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Thanks for the Encode Fractal
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Awesome music. But was there a game at all? Didn't notice any. No.
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Any reason for character choice?
Editor, Skilled player (1412)
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I fear Bebe's Kids isn't a good game for TASing, as there is nothing that looks like it required frame precision to pull off, with the entirety of the run being a long, linear drag through the levels. If there were some glitches to break the monotony and speed up the run, I would be more favorable towards it. The game itself is amusing to look at, if only for the laughable music and visuals and the ludicrous sampled sound bosses make when they get hit. However, as inclusionist as I tend to be, I'm afraid I'll have to vote No on this submission. As it stands, this is one of the few games that I see absolutely no TAS potential in. Sorry, man.
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meh vote from me it doesn't look all that good as a tas i do have to say tho that it looks like a entertainingly hard game to just run through without a tas. personally tho meh either way for me.
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deuxhero wrote:
Any reason for character choice?
The girl is more powerful from what I've heard, also just saving frames.
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That was really monotonous action. Absolutely nothing entertaining about this game. I have to vote No for game choice.
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I've had the misfortune of playing this game. Controls are bad, they aren't even trying with the sound, and the difficulty comes from sluggish movement and reaction. I managed to watch the entire run, but that was a bit of a chore. This game makes even the best run look clumsy and imperfect simply because the game is itself so awkward. Also, beat-em-ups are a bit tough to enjoy because so many end up using only one attack or string of attacks. I lean a bit towards archival completion in my preferences, so I don't want to dismiss the game too easily. This is definitely a game that would benefit from extensive LUA enhancement and commentary to show hitboxes and why you need to swing as you to in order to hit certain enemies. I just keep getting this feeling that the run could see significant improvement, but I wouldn't doubt that it's a side effect of the game simply being that awkward in mechanics. As it stands, a weak "Meh" vote, leaning no. I think the bar is very high on the technical end just to extract a decent TAS from this game.
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Risato wrote:
This is definitely a game that would benefit from extensive LUA enhancement and commentary to show hitboxes and why you need to swing as you to in order to hit certain enemies.
I would actually be interested in seeing hitboxes myself for the final boss. I don't know LUA personally, but if anyone who knows how to do it without taking too much of their time. It would be greatly appreciated. Not for sake of the run. Just out of curiosity
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In the glass shop (at about 1:35) you try to kick a pink bowl and miss. Apart from looking sloppy, isn't there any way to break it?
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c-square wrote:
In the glass shop (at about 1:35) you try to kick a pink bowl and miss. Apart from looking sloppy, isn't there any way to break it?
Absolutely no way. I did of fair share of rerecords just trying to hit it, but it wouldn't register. I did both by either jumping kick/punch or regular kick/punch at the end. Getting at different angles or positions to see if it would register.
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Voting no due to being boring, and the general gameplay seems it can be optimized more.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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We should add a special exemption to the rules that any game reviewed by the NC is automatically published without going through the voting and judging process.
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How many games has the Nostalgia Critic reviewed? I thought he did movies? (I don't watch his stuff)
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
How many games has the Nostalgia Critic reviewed? I thought he did movies? (I don't watch his stuff)
He touched only two games one as a review (Bebe's Kids) and the other as a Let's Play of Bart's Nightmare. Which was already published
Post subject: Meh, unfortunately...
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I watched the entire run and there were a number of places where it looked like there were mistakes and lost frames but I can't prove it. I understand that the gameplay is very difficult but I'm in agreement that if the hitboxes are as bad as has been stated it would be best to supply a Lua script which shows the hitboxes. At the very least, the submission text needs to be fleshed out to note when there are places where the gameplay looks sloppy but is as optimal as possible. Based on the current submission text and lack of other context I'm voting Meh for now. A.C. ******
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Updated the submission text with notes about some of the AI from what I've seen TASing this and some reasoning behind my actions.
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I'm not very picky when it comes to old games, I know the limitations of resources back in the day, but this game is painful. I'm voting No, basically for game choice, sorry.
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.
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can anybody who played the game tell me if this run is well done and optimized?
TAS i'm interested: megaman series: mmbn1 all chips fighting games with speed goals in general
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It would be one thing if this run was bad in the way a game like Cheetahmen is bad- hilarious and glitchable. This is just pure monotony :(
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NitroGenesis wrote:
How many games has the Nostalgia Critic reviewed? I thought he did movies? (I don't watch his stuff)
The review of Bebe's Kids was part of his feud with the Angry Video Game Nerd back in 2008; the Nerd in return reviewed Ricky I, a Rocky spoof. See:
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Looks sloppy
Jungon wrote:
if I was to have a Tool-Assisted real life ... I'd.. I could abuse death, just to see if it saves time ..
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om, nom, nom... blech, bitter!