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This is my 1st and may be my only TAS. I wanted to get a registered movie of Sim City SNES, since I love this game and it seams no TAS of this game is already done.
Note about encode: Temp Low Quality encode (After 47:50 I watch some of the city informations, this is not in the TAS and souldn't be in the final video)

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: BizHawk 1.4.1
  • Getting 600,000 people
  • Fastest last input


I saw that a unsubmitted run was done, and this game that I'm liking looked good for trying to do my first TAS. The rerecord counter is low, but I did many text editing at first before doing frame by frame buildings because it's less frustating (Because Sim City sometimes add some waiting frames). I used my own pattern that I tested to see if it can reach 600,000 with snes9x before starting the TAS. I didn't named the city because I started without reading the rules (I had to restart near the begining because I used debug menu...) and now I'm fear that changing it may dessynch the run. Also it win some frames so why not.
If you know money glitch you'll see that I stoped before getting 0 and I didn't go back in tax screen. What I did is simple, I keep enouth money to keep all fundings to 100% then, when the tax screen apear, I press L and keep it until I build something. Then, later I just have to let a single frame without input to make the money in a negative value (which makes it 999,999)

Other comments

You have to wait about 2 min near the start because I need to wait for the money glich and inputs froze the ingame timer so that's why I did nothing. The last input is at frame 24766 and 600,000 people is got at frame ~170000
Since it's my 1st TAS, maybe some moving could be inproved ? I'm also not sure if switching R/police/R while building the Residential part could be faster than building all police centers at the end.

Joined: 8/16/2013
Posts: 20
Location: Vire, France
OMG... Tryed 1.4.0 now, runs at 14 fps (with rewind ON, ~30 fps with rewind off) on the XP1800+ instead of less than 1... ;) At 14fps I think frame advance can be doable, I'll just try my movie file to be sure it sync fine :)
Redoing my Sim City TAS (New faster way to build Zones)
Editor, Skilled player (1209)
Joined: 9/27/2008
Posts: 1085 This is my own little start. I'll post a few more details in the other thread. You might want to know about it. However, I have no plans on finishing it up. ... If you don't see the post in the other thread yet, I haven't typed it up yet. Give me an hour, alright?
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4055
Arnold0 wrote:
Are you sure that's true ? o_O I don't know this site, I only uploaded my video over youtube, and 88k views in 4 days seams impossible... Anyways, I put this in descision : canceled and will post new version when done.
It's true, anyone can see the view count. Nicovideo has a larger TAS watching community than youtube does, and I've seen entertaining enough TASes break 100k in a few days (for instance, TASeditor's lttp TAS broke 100k easily) Of course nicovideo viewer count isn't a measure of TAS quality, just a novelty :)
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
Editor, Expert player (2126)
Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 3298
Arnold0 wrote:
OMG... Tryed 1.4.0 now, runs at 14 fps (with rewind ON, ~30 fps with rewind off) on the XP1800+ instead of less than 1... ;) At 14fps I think frame advance can be doable, I'll just try my movie file to be sure it sync fine :)
OK, I think I figured out what causes the slowdowns. It is SNESHawk's "Use Ring Buffer IO" option. Try disabling it on the most recent version of BizHawk (that syncs with the movie). See Thread #14542: (SNES) "Use Ring Buffer IO" option seems to cause slowdown for details.