It seems that SNESHawk's "Use Ring Buffer IO", which is on by default, is the apparent cause of massive slowdown in SNES. It has been reported
at least once.
I don't know what that option is supposed to do, but when it is on, the emulation speed drops to less than 1 fps in my case. Turning it off restores emulation speed to about 30 fps.
This is also the apparent cause of 1.4.0's presumed speed superiority in SNESHawk, because "Use Ring Buffer IO" was
first implemented in 1.4.1. (I don't presume this anymore, but for a while, I was recommending 1.4.0 for SNES over more recent versions.)
So, if SNESHawk runs extremely slowly on your system, try turning off this option (when SNES ROM is loaded: SNES -> Options -> uncheck "Use Ring Buffer IO").
I don't know if anyone else has a different case (where this option improves speed or something).