Post subject: Addams Family
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I just came up with the idea of this game. Anyone ever thought of doing a speedrun of it? I have completed it @ NES (not emulator) but it was a couple of years ago. The only thing I remember for sure is that you must have like 1.000.000$ to be able to finish the game. I haven´t figured famtasia out yet but I will try it. Unfortunately I kinda lack of time =/ Needs to start study seriosly the coming weeks. Anyways. Do you guys thinks that could be interresting? In my memory it´s a great and really hard game. But I can be mistaken =)
/Walker Boh
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Well never play this game on Nes but on Snes I really love it.
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Are we talking about Fester's Quest? I remember that being a long game that, like many NES classics, had to be beaten in one sitting. And if you died, you had to start over. But I think it was fun.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Nope, we are not talking about Fester's Quest...though that is a pretty good game and IMO a great speedrun candidate. They're talking about the Addams Family game for NES, which is kind of a Mario type platformer where you play as Gomez. In the SNES version I remember that you had to explore the house and save all the other family members, don't remember if that's how it was in this version as well. *shrug* -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Yess! That game was so cool! Would love to watch speedrun of it I rented it many times back then and almost got it through :) You have to save other family members on this game as well Here's two picture of the game to refresh memory:
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Josh. you are correct! ;) Well, if I manage to save some time and figure Famtasia out I can try to make a speedrun of it.
/Walker Boh
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The SNES version of this game is more fun..........
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but a speedrun of the nes game would surely make a great addition to the already great number of speedruns =) the more the merrier =)
// ZtanZ
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I just gave up on this. Got to the toy room and somehow managed to save where it was unavoidable to die. I guess I need alot of practice with Famtasia before I can do a speedrun. And maybe an easier game then Addams Family. It´s actually damn hard! Even with an emulator. Ok, to be honest I didn´t do much of planning ;P Saved before the room, went in, died a few times and tried to figure things out and then try to do em. Well. If anyone wants the record so far (I think it works until leaving the kitchen) just tell me.
/Walker Boh
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If you commit and error and save after it, you can always replay the movie and save again before the error, next time you load you'll restart from this point and the movie will also return to that point.
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!
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Oh! That´s great! Thanks Jackic. I will try to finish the movie of the game cus I think it´s a really cool and hard game. Dunno how long it will take though. Or if the best speedrun ever but it´s my first ;P
/Walker Boh
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Uhm ok. Here´s the deal right now. I have almost completed the game ;P My memory failed me in lot´s of places but i managed to get to end finally. BUT! I think I mixed my savestates somehow so the movie is fu**ed =( Anyways it kinda sucked so I'll have to redoit anyways. But, if I manage to finish the entire game (I know there is a lot to improve), can you Bisqwit please add it then? It would be a great honour for me and motivation aswell. If so I can try to finish it tonight. Thanks
/Walker Boh
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I don't like to promise things before I know whether I should do them. When you submit the movie, I'll see if it's good enough to be published.
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Noooooo. I might have done a terrible and stupid mistake.. Forgot to record..... Don´t laugh.. Im in pain here.. Is there anyway it could be done anyways without doing it all over again? I have savestat.. Arghh ----------- Baaah, it seems like it´s gone.. 3 hours wasted.. And it was pretty good =(( What the point in rerecording when it doesn´t work?!?! *whines*. Uhm. Bisqwit, do u mind if I send u the first part so far? It appears that I have to play the shit agan.. damnit.
/Walker Boh
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Unfortunatly, no.
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This might not be the right thread or section of the forum but it concerns my run.. Can I still record from the last save I made? Or do I have to start all over again? That would suck.. Would appreciate help.
/Walker Boh
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Did you not record at all, or did you just forget to record in the middle of the game? If you did not record at all, you will have to start over. If you stopped in the middle, you can continue from there.
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I stopped in the middle. So I can watch like 5 minutes of my gaming but then I dies cus i accidently saved it like so. Now i tried to load it from seconds before I die and redo it but how do I record from here? I didn´t get it to work.
/Walker Boh
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Play the movie. When it gets to the part right before you die, save it, then load it before the movie finishes
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Thats how I did it the first time. And thought it was recording.. So do I have to do something special? I tried this and pressed "record from this point" but nothing happend.. Im very thankful man. This would save me alot of time and a boring part of the game.
/Walker Boh
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Load a quicksave while in PLAYBACK mode - DO NOT select "RECORD". It will automatically start recording from the loaded position.
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Wohoo Walker is great! *sounding like Bender* (and indeed very naiv ;P). I finished the speedrun of Addams Family. I don´t know if you guys are gonna be impressed but im kinda proud. At some points I know there can be improvements. Like in the freezer, the wood, the pond and the attic. But I didn´t wanna die. Looks uncool and takes time so I avoided most of the stuff that tried to kill me. Gomez isn´t a great swimmer like Mario, more like a stone or something. Anyways. That was the best I could do for the pond without dying to much. I jumped wrong in the attics sometimes but that shouldn´t even show up as errors.. Most of the jumps anyways ;P Uhm, if it´s ok im gonna send it to you Bisqwit, cus I don´t have ftp or similiar where I can put it.
/Walker Boh
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Finally done. Thanks guys for all help and sorry for being lazy and so on. Today I managed to improve my run with 3 minutes because I didn´t take a long detour to a secret room to collect some money. It solved itself at the end ;P As I said, I know there can be improvements done in the wood, pond and freezer. But since I didn´t wanna die I can´t suffer alot of damage (Gomez is really weak and the damage system is strange). Now I'll just hope Bisqwit would be kind enough to put it up ;)
/Walker Boh
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Posts: 1873 This is a WIP of mine I made early September. At the end, I'm about 70 frames ahead of the published movie.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.