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We all worked on this. Complaining at one another what should work and stuff.
Thanks RGamma for the encode
Fastest movement is sliding.
This is how we managed to get a really good time for a 106%.
  • Requires: Free DSP ROM (A few of us couldn't find the right DSP)
Then again those ball levels and the swimming levels, we had to put a lot of effort into those.
It was crazy!
Now these are all the runners that helped...
The submission didn't accept the amount of names.

-ziplock-, /*-, aaa2, AB1, Abahbob, abeshi, Acmlm, addbball, Adebis, adelikat, AGGRESSiON, Aglar, aglasscage, agwawaf, airman2, Airwe, ais523, AjAX, AKheon, ALAKTORN, alden, AlejaKaiser, Alexandre, alexis_neuhaus, alexpenev, alexph, Alorxiel, alpha1233, Alter, AmaizumiUni, Amaraticando, amaurea, AndiHoffi, andrewg, Andy, AndyD, andymac, andypanther, AngerFist, Animadverto, AnotherGamer, AnS, AOi, Apo123, apple bapple, applepieman, Aqfaq, Arc, architorture, arkiandruski, Arne_the_great, Arnold0, aroduc, ars4326, arukAdo, Arykado2, asdfgary, Ash Williams, asutoro, Atma, Atomnium, atro city, axelito, Azite, Azorae, £e Nécroyeur, Bablo, BackwardLongJump, Bag of Magic Food, bahamete, bangbaew, Baxter, BBkaizo, beelzebub, benbenrx8, Bernka, Bestiajerules, Bhezt Rhy, BioSpark, birozombie, Bisqwit, blackshellbowser, Bladegash, Blaze, blechy, Bleh, blitzag, bloobiebla, bloodyspare, Blublu, bob whoops, bobmario511, Bobo the King, BobyPoula, Boco, boct1584, BoltR, bortreb, braceyj, Brandon, BrotherMojo, Brushy, Buddybenj, Burning Death, BYRAIN, byrz, BZero, c-square, C0DE RED, caitsith2, Callmewoof, Captain Forehead, Cardboard, Carl Sagan, Carmealio, carretero, catnap222, CeSaR74, cetaka, Chamale, charles1q2w, ChaucersSquire, Cheetah 7071, Cheez, Chef Stef, Cherry, chis, chupapi, ch_mand, cideprojekt, coconou, ColorAndPSK, Comicalflop, computerbird, Contendo, CoolBumpty, Cooljay, CoolKirby, cpadolf, criticaluser, cstrakm, CtrlAltDestroy, curtmack, Dacicus, Dadoc, daisukejigen, Dammit, daniayaw, Daniel Maroto, dantynbelmont, Dan_, Dark Cloud, Dark Fulgore, Dark Mana, Dark Noob, Dark Rain, DarkKobold, DarkMoon, dark_rocco, DaShiznawz, Dasrik, das_64, DaTeL237, dave_dfwm, David Wilson, DDRKhat, Deathray, DeHackEd, Deign, DennisBalow, Dessyreqt, devanwolf, Deviance, devindotcom, dex88, dezbeast, DiamondPhoenix, Diego Montoya, diggidoyo, Diman, DJ Skull, DonamerDragon, DootBeep, Dooty, Dragonfangs, dragonmiles18, dragonxyk, DS13, DudicalRat, DukeNukem007, dunnius, dwangoAC, ECCO, echo314, Ego Buff, Egor305, EgxHB, electrospecter, emi3d, emu, Equinox, Eratyx, ermacone, erokky, errror1, ersatz, Espyo, EvilRiu, Exim, Explosion Pills, Exxonym, 西坡, Fabian, FatRatKnight, feasel, feitclub, Felipe, feos, Ferret Warlord, FerretFaucet, fetofs, FFGamer86, finalfighter, fiskerN, Fladdermus, flagitious, flashthe, Fleetze, Flip, Flygon, foda, Foone, ForgoneMoose, FractalFusion, Frenom, fsvgm777, funnyhair, FunStyle, fuzi2, FuzZerd, FVDTSUYOSA, gab950912, GabCM, gabrielwoj, gamerfreak5665, Gamerskillsfull, gather, gbreeze, Gemini-Man, GeminiSaint, Genisto, georgexi, georgiek, GGG, gia, Gigafrost, Ginger, girfanatic501, gleison, GlitchMan, GlurG, GManiac, gocha, God-Hand, GoddessMaria15, Goemon, goldfish, Goldude, goofydylan8, Goofyman, got4n, grassini, Greenalink, grillo, Grincevent, GSGold, gstick, GTimeKiller, guacho80, GuanoBowl, Gunty, Gvozdevik, hadock, Halamantariel, Hanzo, hanzou, HappyLee, happy_mario, HardCoreMangeur, Haze Rever, Hâthor, hegyak, Heidman, Heisanevilgenius, heldtogetherwithtape, hellagels, hellfire, henke37, Hero Chaos Chao, hero of the day, HHS, highness, hikaru, Hiryuu, hisatoki, Hoandjzj, hogehoge61, Hongbaichaoren, hopper, Hotarubi, Huffers, Hutch, ideamagnate, iiro2, Ilari, inakilbss, Infinite Combos, INfintido, inichi, Invoker, inzult, Iriasu, irthemann, Ismaw34, IsraeliRD, IvanovishGC, izanamu, Jack Lv, Jackic, janus, jaysmad, JayTheBrainMann, jc564, jecy, jerfo, JetlagJad, jhp, Ji-chan, Jigwally, jimsfriend, JKRtas, jlun2, jnx, Johannes, Johnnypoiro, jonathangm, Josh, josh l., Josh the FunkDOC, jprofit22, jse, juancito87, JuanValdez, julianch, Jungon, JWinslow23, JXQ, K, KaitouKid, kaizoman666, Kale, kamengtaiv, KameZa, KamiKaze, Kaz, kchrules, Keirden, kengenken, KennyBoy, ketomei, Ketsueki, keylie, KFCMARIO, khv-user, kirbymuncher, kirkq, Kiske, klmz, KMFDManic, knbnitkr, kooz, kopernical, KP9000, krieg747, krieger, Kriole, kristmortal95, Krocketneo, kuja, kuja killer, Kumquat, Kurabupengin, Kyman, Kyrsimys, LagDotCom, lapogne36, laranja, laughing_gas, LAVOS5, leandroff5, lezard, LFNMai, Lieza McDohl, Lil_Gecko, LIMO, link_7777, lithven, LLCoolDave, Lollorcaust, Lollybomb, Lord Tom, lordofvt, Lord_of_Olympia, Lorenzo_The_Comic, LSK, lu9, Luke, LYF, m.i, macK, magus, Malleoz, mamuuuut, Marcokarty, Marcolaranja, Marik the Gamer, marioprincess, Mars608, Mart, Marx, marzojr, Master of Pigs, Masterjun, mat1er, mat89, mataniko, MATCH6974, maTO, MattyXB, Matyu, max12187566, Maximus, Maza, mazzeneko, mazzic, Mc GeeK, McBobX, McHazard, Megafrost, megaman, Mephistus, MESHUGGAH, Michael Fried, MICKEY_Vis11189, MiezaruMono, mike89, MikeRS, mil94, milquetoast, Minaya, mindnomad, Mister, Mitjitsu, mkdasher, mky, mlw7, mmarks, mmbossman, monthenor, mookish, Morrison, Mothrayas, motogiri, Mr. Kelly R. Flewin, MrGrunz, MrIvan97, mrlemonlame, Mro314, MrOmicron, MrWint, mrz, mr_roberts_z, Mr_Sweed, mtbRc, mtvf1, mugg, Mukki, mushroom, mvpetri, mz, Mzscla, N?K, Nahoc, namespoofer, namflow, Nanahocha, nanogyth, Naohiro19, NaturelLorenzo6000, NDS_Emil, NecroVMX, nEilfox, Neofix, neo_omegon, Newpants87, nfq, Nibelung, nicklegends, nico, nico30620, nicorido, nifboy, Nightcom, nineko, nintendo, NintenKai, Nisto, Nitrodon, NitroGenesis, nitsuja, nji9, Nodn, Nomade, Noob Irdoh, Noodlez, numerics, NxCy, Oasiz, Odongdong, OgreSlayeR, okaygo, Olivebates, OmegaForce, omegaredzero, OmegaWatcher, OmnipotentEntity, oneeighthundred, orugari, ouendan, Ouzo, ozort, p0rtal_0f_rain, p3r, p4wn3r, Palidian, Panda, PangaeaPanga, parrot14gree, partyboy1a, Pasky13, Patryk1023, paul_t, pdk, pekopon, Perfect Death, perfectacle, Peristarkawan, phantom321, Phil, philipptr, phoenix1291, Pictian, PikachuMan, Pike, pirate_sephiroth, pirohiko, Player1, plusminus, pom, poptart1234, Power Rangers, praetarius3, PreddY, prettyBoyRage, primorial#soup, prower, ptorflaxendrosis, QBOB, QoiZ, qqwref, Quibus, quietkane, Quietust, Qwerty6000, raboni, RachelB, Radz, Ragowit, Randil, RattleMan, rchokler, red-crowned-crane, ReichMan, reiki, Remafer, Remzi, RetroHolo, Rick, Rikku, RingRush, Rising Tempest, Robert_Ordis, rockfistus, Rolanmen1, RT-55J, Rum, Rushnerd, Ryuto, S@G, sack_bot, Sacrifices, Sam, Sami, Samoht, Samsara, samurai goroh, saomoore94, Saturn, scahfy, Scepheo, ScouSin, scrimpeh, scubed, Scumtron, SDR, Selene, SeNn, sergio89, sgrunt, shadow byrn, SHADOW_538, SharpKitten, Shinryuu, ShinyDoofy, Shiru, shisu, Silver, Sir VG, sirstarmagic, skamastaG, sksk1990, skychase, slamo, sleepz, sliverjazz, Slotermeyer, SmashFiles, snc76976, Soig, solarplex, some pickles, SonicBoom737, sonicmason, sonicpacker, Sonikkustar, Sopreti, Sotel6, SoulCal, soulrivers, sp00ky, sparky, speedofsound92, spezzafer, Spikestuff, spoonshiro, Spoony_Bard, SprintGod, sprocket2005, starpower60, STBM, Sticky, STV_Brozer, stx-Vile, SuperChan1990, SuperMario12, superninja, Supper, suwei, Swordless Link, Synahel, t3h Icy, Tailz, tall, Tanooki Teabag, TaoTao, Tarion, TASeditor, TASVideoAgent, Tatsuhiko, teammy, Tee-N-Tee, teh noj, TehSeven, teowind, Terimakasih, terrarising, tetora_X, TGPrimus, THC98, the BEST taser, The Dust Bunny, The Mario with Famtasia, TheAxeMan, Thedarksnw, theenglishman, thegreginator, TheHepper, TheKDX7, TheKoopaPatrol, TheLegendaryJirachi, TheRandomPie_IV, therealssjlink, TheSwordUser, Thevlackdemonn2294, TheYoungStarsOfTheWorld, TheZlomuS, TheZZAZZGlitch, the_nightrider, Thorning, tianwodeai, Tilus, tim333, TimmyAkmed, Tinister, tmont, Tompa, tool23, Toothache, tormed, Torn, Torn338, totodiletrainer01, totoro, Touch-me, Townsocks, tpfire123, Trask, trazz, TrenchAce, TRT, True, Truncated, Tseralith, Tuggummi, Tuplanolla, turbofa, turgish, turska, turtle, tviks, Twisted Eye, TylerArtrip, Ubercapitalist, Uintathere, umekor, unagi, unclejed, upthorn, Valagard, Vampier, VANDAL, VanillaCoke, Vatchern, vecna, Vector188, Vegetable, ventuz, Vespa, veup, videogamefreak, Viewer, VIPer7, VladimirContreras, Vlass14, VolcanoStormWind, Volkov, vsmk3, Vykan12, Waffle, Wak017, Walker Boh, Warp, was0x, waymuu, wazkatango, weatherton, Weirwindle, White Gastra, wicked, WiiS360, windeu, WinEpic, woabclf, Wodball, wonamik, WST, wwmarx, wyster, x2poet, Xaphan, xebra, xenos, XHAOS, xipo, Xkeeper, xoinx, XTREMAL93, xxNKxx, xxstimpzxx, Xyphys, y479021776, yagz, yep2yel, YoungJ1997lol, YtterbiJum, yuigenron, Yunshui, Yuzuhara_3, Zakatos, zefiris, Zene01, ZENEO9, Zer0, Zerstorung, Zettaijin, zggzdydp, zidanax, Zoizite, Zowayix, Zurreco, Zus, zvsp & zyr2288
NitroGenesis: Hi! I am a robot. I took a few screenshots of this movie and placed them here.

Bisqwit: Rejected on the account of it not being reproducable.

Active player (420)
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Good job everyone we did it
Player (101)
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I did what now?
Former player
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Bobo the King wrote:
I did what now?
Well, you were quite drunk when you handed the WIP over to me, so no wonder you don't remember.
Joined: 1/17/2012
Posts: 838
Location: Chile
This is the shit.
Active player (398)
Joined: 5/1/2012
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I vote yes. That noob Cortex got 0wned. He is too slow to react to your mad skillz.
Emulator Coder
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I find it insulting that no one asked me to join in on the production of this.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Moderator, Expert player (4152)
Joined: 8/14/2009
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Ah yes, I vaguely remember TASing exactly two frames during the bootup sequence. Two frames with null input, of course. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
Expert player (2748)
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Nach wrote:
I find it insulting that no one asked me to join in on the production of this.
But it was a surprise to you. Master. Instead I made you upset. I'm sorry master.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Reviewer, Expert player (2450)
Joined: 5/21/2013
Posts: 414
It feels great to be part of such a monumental achievement. Voted yes and nominating for Star-tier.
Player (101)
Joined: 8/5/2007
Posts: 866
Nice to see Dacicus, Brandon, and Flygon all came out of retirement to contribute. (I'm sure I'm missing others. Somebody help me out.)
Experienced player (766)
Joined: 11/23/2013
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Uhhh.... Wuts mah name doing there...? EDIT That poor TAS robot... its gonna be a long week for the machine...
Here, my YouTube channel:
Editor, Player (91)
Joined: 3/8/2004
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That is a rather long topic title.
Player (247)
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I remember suggesting to press start on the game menu, could you add me on the authors list please?
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
Experienced player (556)
Joined: 8/7/2012
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Location: Brazil
I loved working on this TAS with all of you, great job everyone! Even though I don't remember doing it
Youtube Channel | Twitch Channel • Finished projects: GC Sonic Adventure DX - Sonic | GC Sonic Adventure DX - Tails | GC Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Hero Story | GC Sonic Heroes - Team Sonic • Current projects: GC Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Dark Story - 1st WIP • Paused projects: GC Sonic Adventure DX - Knuckles - 1st WIP • Individual levels records: Sonic Adventure DX | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle • My Discord: Tales98#0408
Editor, Player (91)
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Location: Arzareth
Request encoding with proper subtitles.
Skilled player (1100)
Joined: 9/15/2013
Posts: 116
do you fucks know where this TAS would be if I didn't find fuckin wrong warp from BIOS to press start screen? exactly, you're fucking welcom fuckers
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4052
ForgoneMoose wrote:
do you fucks know where this TAS would be if I didn't find fuckin wrong warp from BIOS to press start screen? exactly, you're fucking welcom fuckers
I would call that a 'right warp'
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Patashu wrote:
ForgoneMoose wrote:
do you fucks know where this TAS would be if I didn't find fuckin wrong warp from BIOS to press start screen? exactly, you're fucking welcom fuckers
I would call that a 'right warp'
I added the left input there, it was CLEARLY a left warp.
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
Patashu wrote:
ForgoneMoose wrote:
do you fucks know where this TAS would be if I didn't find fuckin wrong warp from BIOS to press start screen? exactly, you're fucking welcom fuckers
I would call that a 'right warp'
I added the left input there, it was CLEARLY a left warp.
I payed attention to who was working on this. mudkip you did nothing, I know. You didn't even ask to join :( I see on my list. I think I drank the Crazy Potion just now.... shit.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Player (247)
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I uh... had the idea to turn on the console? I'm sure the run would've desynced without that.
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
Expert player (2748)
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thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I uh... had the idea to turn on the console? I'm sure the run would've desynced without that.
That was Moth who did that.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Player (118)
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I remember this so fondly, all the hard work I put in. Yes vote.
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Player (247)
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Spikestuff wrote:
thelegendarymudkip wrote:
I uh... had the idea to turn on the console? I'm sure the run would've desynced without that.
That was Moth who did that.
Oh yes, I remember now. uh... I had the idea to submit it on april fools just in case by whatever reason it got rejected so we could call it an april fools joke to avoid embarrassment? surely that was me? And I also helped influence the yes vote RNG, surely that was a useful part of the run, no?
Current TAS: [SNES] Jelly Boy [NES] Street Fighter 2010
Former player
Joined: 6/30/2010
Posts: 1110
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
It was so great to work on this fantastic TAS, I will never forget this <3 Star material for sure!
Current project: Gex 3 any% Paused: Gex 64 any% There are no N64 emulators. Just SM64 emulators with hacky support for all the other games.