When you vote, please also post a message that explains your opinion.
This helps the author of the movie and the judges who decide whether to publish it.
emulator: Gens 9c
warps/passwords: none
programming errors: hit area. this encompasses many things such as the character, the enemies and even platforms at times. as well, nightcrawlers teleport which im not sure actually is a programming error; but how its used in some spots is.
take hit/death: i take damage to save time. i do not use death.
100% kills/items: no. instead, its an aim for a fast time with entertainment value (though a lot of aesthetics had to be removed to save time).
X-men 2: Clone Wars - an alien race (Phalanx) has invaded the X-men universe. its up to the X-men and Magneto to put a stop to the threat.
Movie Making:
desyncing once more. and this time for reasons unknown. freezing occured as well. however, its all been pretty much cleared up. i know where to expect it now (Lab level with Cockroaches)
almost every stage is played faster with a few exceptions:
-Exodus Battle (after falling in Avalon; its the same time as the last)
-Magneto Battle (same time as the last)
-Apocalypse Battle (lost a second or so; which is odd considering i deal more damage)
-Master Brain Battle (Savage Land Boss; i maybe lose a second or less)
-Elevator with Robots only (this stage goes either by enemies killed or time as i saved no time and yet lost no time)
-Brood Queen (she takes more time to defeat, about a second or so)
but everything else is well optimized.
When you vote, please also post a message that explains your opinion.
This helps the author of the movie and the judges who decide whether to publish it.
are we getting the idea here? please post why you vote what you did.
Umm... so why the heck did you use Beast for the first stage, when I came up with a way to use Wolverine?
And some boss battles are slower? Why didn't you just redo them then?
There are some nice new routes, especially with the teleport move (obviously - it's three minutes faster than the last submission), but that doesn't mean you are allowed to be sloppy in other parts.
Umm... so why the heck did you use Beast for the first stage, when I came up with a way to use Wolverine?
over the holidays, ill rework it. as i said in the post, you posted that when i was close to completing the movie.
And some boss battles are slower? Why didn't you just redo them then?
some may have been slight miscalculations. they arent significantly slower (i took into account the seconds, not frame rate for the most part when doing this). but apocalypse is slower for unknown reasons... i mean, i did more damage but it still ended up being a bit slower. and the master brain got that hit off on me every time i tried. thats the only reason it really goes slower.
There are some nice new routes, especially with the teleport move (obviously - it's three minutes faster than the last submission), but that doesn't mean you are allowed to be sloppy in other parts.
finals ends here on friday. ill start a new one then. but please elaborate on the sloppy parts you mean. id like to know if its something other than boss battles.
Overall I liked this submission, especially the moves with Nightcrawler in the temple(?) were cool.
But as Truncated already said, there's obvious improvement to be made in the first level, so I'm not going to vote yes for this one. I'm sure the next version will be up for publishing.
For the other sloppy parts I cannot really say, I have never played this game and it moves quite fast to be really observant. Only thing which I noticed was the stage with insects and plants looked a bit sloppy, but maybe it was because you took more hits there.
Nice game you chose to run. I'll be sure to watch for the next version.
"Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home."
( Pratchett & Gaiman: Good Omens )
Only thing which I noticed was the stage with insects and plants looked a bit sloppy, but maybe it was because you took more hits there.
truncated suggested to take damage there to save time. overall, there are a few seconds saved on each of the FALLING parts that are saved which adds up to quite a bit.
Maybe I came off harsher than I intended. What I meant was, why did you submit a run that you knew could be improved several seconds? The submission queue is for runs intented to be published, and you probably knew your run wouldn't be published given those facts.
As for being sloppy, I meant that you didn't redo parts which you knew was slower than last time (i.e the bosses). I didn't see any other bad parts upon first inspection, except possibly for hitting an unneccesary switch in the pyramid where you could have teleported trough the spikey poles. But I'll have to look again to confirm it, I cannot say for sure now.
Good luck with the exams.
What I meant was, why did you submit a run that you knew could be improved several seconds? The submission queue is for runs intented to be published, and you probably knew your run wouldn't be published given those facts.
was more of an appeasing thing i think. i wanted to show my progress and i dont really have a website or anything. and i never really do know what people are going to publish. the beast thing... i honestly had 3/4ths of the game done by then (hence me posting "DAMMIT") and didnt think that wolverine would be that much faster on the first level than Beast. but i am redoing it all none the less. and yes, i do have strange logic.
As for being sloppy, I meant that you didn't redo parts which you knew was slower than last time (i.e the bosses).
i did actually. several times over. but the result was always the same. apocalypse was originally taking me about 5 more seconds so i really dont know what the hell his deal is. and some of the boss battles were miscalculations (thats why i thought i ran over by a second when i actually had lost no time). they are a second or so slower, but the frame rate is the same or less.
I didn't see any other bad parts upon first inspection, except possibly for hitting an unneccesary switch in the pyramid where you could have teleported trough the spikey poles.
okie doke. if there is anything that you do see, be sure to let me know so i can either explain or clean it up. im back to the game now but its constant desyncing (once for every level, and i am NOT joking) is making it more painful than it should be. ive had to re-alter strats several times already; so when you see it and say something along the lines of "why didnt he just jump through that enemy" or something like that, please try and keep this in mind. i did originally, did not get hit, and good times were had by all.
however, during playback, it screwed up and bad times were had by all. (i try and take this with humor now rather than screaming at programs and glorified calculators). Gens players should seriously get a therapy support thread for dealing with the heartache of desyncing.
Joined: 5/1/2004
Posts: 4096
Location: Rio, Brazil
/*- wrote:
i wanted to show my progress and i dont really have a website or anything.
hmm this can be a problem to the submissions system, it really shouldnt be used for that as it confuses the judges, can't you ask someone to host it for you?
I also had the problem of no webspace. x0u and then Highness helped me with that. If you want to put up half-finished versions or versions for inspection, I can host it for you. Mail any such runs to ( trunkerad at gmail dot com ). Or you can check out filespace.org, Josh uses it and it seems to work.
Okay, nitpicking on movie will now commence:
Level 2:
The computers at frame 7273, 7970, 11900 aren't destroyed at the edge, so you have to walk longer than neccesary afterwards.
At 7770 somewhere, you should try to land before falling down so you can jumpkick left directly when passing the ledge. 8070, 9045 same thing.
At elevator, I think you can jump + teleport earlier.
Level 3:
9210, you should jumpkick after bouncing from the enemy instead of stomping.
Some of the jumps+kicks in the narrow corridors are of different height/length. Find out which way is faster and stick with it.
Nightcrawlers double jump gives a speed boost as well as a height boost - can it be abused more?
With wolverine, for example going up the pyramid, it looks like you don't hit the edge of platforms when jumping and then switching directions.
Avoid only running in 12000 somehow.
Too short teleport at 15390. Always use full distance when possible.
Teleport trough fire at 16340 instead of stomping and then waiting. 17150 maybe the same thing but I'm not sure. Check all places where you use the stomp and missing a jumpkick, the stomp doesn't look like it adds that much speed.
You could probably have done one more jumpkick after falling below the ledge just before the exit.
Level 4:
Just at the end with the four mines, make sure you don't hit the right wall and wait to drop down to the exit.
Level 5:
Boss is a lot better but I can still see him stop blinking sometimes. Is the stomp the fastest way or just the most convenient one? The teleport looks like it scores hits faster, but maybe it doesn't help since he goes invincible for a while.
Level 6, 7, 8:
nothing much
Level 9:
Some jumpslashes are longer than others. As before, find out the best way.
When you jump up platforms, it doesn't look like you hit them on the very end.
What's the point of using Wolv and not NC here? Is Wolvering that much faster on the boss.
And the boss: he stops blinking sometimes. Hit him sooner.
Level 10:
Possible to take damage and go trough first spikepole?
37660, do you really need to hit the switch? You teleport trough the spikepoles anyway, that should be even easier if it's moving towards you. If you really need to hit the switch you should teleport sooner anyway, now you stand still for no apparent reason for a while. (This is the portion I was talking about previously)
Why hit the switch at 38800 somewhere? I think you can go trough here anyway. Is it to get the next portion faster? Maybe in other words: do the switches affect all the spikepoles or just one line? (It seems like yes but I want to make sure.)
Level 11:
No ideas. Or maybe one silly one. Does it matter how much you hit him before he comes out the last time? Maybe it's faster to leave him alone the first time.
Losing concentration now, it's late. Maybe I'll look at the rest of the levels later. Hope this helped any.
...well, i did ask for it... hahaha
thanks for the links as well, everyone.
Level 2:
The computers at frame 7273, 7970, 11900 aren't destroyed at the edge, so you have to walk longer than neccesary afterwards.
there are some overall teleportation issues. it seems to have specific space you will go to that it glitches to. a little like the jump kicking glitch where nightcrawler goes forward. it has to do with placement i think...of objects and such. and i did try it on some edges and all i got was 2 hits and 3 are needed to kill the things.
At 7770 somewhere, you should try to land before falling down so you can jumpkick left directly when passing the ledge. 8070, 9045 same thing.
am doing so.
At elevator, I think you can jump + teleport earlier.
Level 3:
9210, you should jumpkick after bouncing from the enemy instead of stomping.
jump kick as in the 45 degree angle or jump kick as in where i sail across the room? im taking it as the prior and have somewhat tweaked.
Some of the jumps+kicks in the narrow corridors are of different height/length. Find out which way is faster and stick with it.
have done so.
Nightcrawlers double jump gives a speed boost as well as a height boost - can it be abused more?
you'll see...
With wolverine, for example going up the pyramid, it looks like you don't hit the edge of platforms when jumping and then switching directions.
ah, heres a tricky little thing. if i hit the jump once more, he would have done a little spin in the air. thats if i hit it too soon.
Too short teleport at 15390. Always use full distance when possible.
gotcha. however, to do a teleport in midair when trying to jump far seems to require that you not be able to fully complete the jump (C) or not attempt a kick (B).
You could probably have done one more jumpkick after falling below the ledge just before the exit.
that last ledge is a pain. you don't even reach the edge and it knocks you over to the elevator.
Level 4:
Just at the end with the four mines, make sure you don't hit the right wall and wait to drop down to the exit.
fixxxer'd up'd.
Level 5:
Boss is a lot better but I can still see him stop blinking sometimes. Is the stomp the fastest way or just the most convenient one? The teleport looks like it scores hits faster, but maybe it doesn't help since he goes invincible for a while.
i have tried refixing this. the problem is the timing between the headstomp and when the next one will occur. Cortez goes invincible but can still damage your character. i try and do it sooner but he gets me afterwards. and if i do it later, he gets me afterwards.
Level 9:
Some jumpslashes are longer than others. As before, find out the best way.
have found a faster way, no worries.
When you jump up platforms, it doesn't look like you hit them on the very end.
explained earlier.
What's the point of using Wolv and not NC here? Is Wolvering that much faster on the boss.
he is much stronger and yes, he is faster than nightcrawler (not level wise, but he more than makes up for it on the boss).
And the boss: he stops blinking sometimes. Hit him sooner.
he does. and i tried hitting him sooner but he would damage me. so i just have to wait until he gets back into position.
Level 10:
Possible to take damage and go trough first spikepole?
it desyncs sometimes because of this.
37660, do you really need to hit the switch? You teleport trough the spikepoles anyway, that should be even easier if it's moving towards you. If you really need to hit the switch you should teleport sooner anyway, now you stand still for no apparent reason for a while. (This is the portion I was talking about previously)
suppose not. i will fix that.
Why hit the switch at 38800 somewhere? I think you can go trough here anyway. Is it to get the next portion faster? Maybe in other words: do the switches affect all the spikepoles or just one line? (It seems like yes but I want to make sure.)
this area is different. see those pillars? i cant teleport through them so i have to break them, which to be done well enough would require a teleport. however, i also need teleports to get through the spikes.
Level 11:
No ideas. Or maybe one silly one. Does it matter how much you hit him before he comes out the last time? Maybe it's faster to leave him alone the first time.
i believe it to be cumulative but that cant be either because i clearly do more damage to him and get a slower time. ill compare the two movies before attempting this once more.
>jump kick as in the 45 degree angle or jump kick as in where i sail across the room? im taking it as the prior and have somewhat tweaked.
To make it clearer:
jumpkick - forward B, fly forward
bounce - the 45 angle kick which makes you bounce off the enemy
stomp - down B, go downward fast, used on Cortez
After bouncing, I think it's faster to jumpkick than to stomp. It doesn't matter that much when you hit the floor, the horizontal speed is more important.
From memory, I'll check it later:
At the enemy base thing with savages and yellow aliens, you take some nifty shortcuts with the teleport, but sometimes it seems like you stand still and wait for the teleport to charge to max. Just start charging earlier.
Also I remember some place where you went too far on a ledge when you had to switch directions , and that you had to teleport away from a savage while destroying the blocks in front of a door. I can check the framecounts later. Would you rather have them in min:sec:fr than just frame by the way? Or should I stop pestering you alltogether? :P
At the enemy base thing with savages and yellow aliens, you take some nifty shortcuts with the teleport, but sometimes it seems like you stand still and wait for the teleport to charge to max. Just start charging earlier.
on the first complex (blue building of the savage lands), if you mean how i sort of "dawdled" to get the 45 degree left teleport to work, it was more leverage. but i agree on whole about the teleporting being maxed. the only problem is timing and how its done. chraging the teleport early may cancel out the jumps i need to make it that far in the first place (i believe it did so for the crawling bit at the beginning for complex 2).
Also I remember some place where you went too far on a ledge when you had to switch directions , and that you had to teleport away from a savage while destroying the blocks in front of a door.
that irritating little jerk. perhaps if i'd of killed him or sailed further over him or done something different, he wouldnt have gotten to me. ill be trying that differently for sure.
I can check the framecounts later. Would you rather have them in min:sec:fr than just frame by the way?
the min:sec:fr i'd prefer as i have to guess when hitting esc and i usually miss it by a frame or so. with min and sec, i can slow the game down and watching it.
Or should I stop pestering you alltogether? :P
dont be silly, at least you have valuable input. and that is what i wish to get more of. but i have to admit, when i saw your last post, i think i just stared at the screen blankly for a few seconds before even attempting to type.