Post subject: Eryi’s Action
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making topic to stop derailment of the submission one
krellator wrote:
I don't mean to be rude, but will the TAS for this game ever be updated? With the secret code that skips the Artie fight and a method of entering levels earlier on the world map (skipping the flowers and the bomb levels 2 and 8 throw out at you) that I found, there's still a lot of improvement to be made.
sounds interesting, do you have videos of these things? what other improvements do you have in mind? I could probably TAS this game if I wanted to, but I probably won’t have the time to for a while
Joined: 6/3/2014
Posts: 3
Sorry for derailing that other thread. I have evidence of early entrance to level 2, skipping the flower throw in my speedrun of the game here (38 seconds in) As far as I know it can be done on all levels on the map after the first, including level 8, where the bomb gets thrown at you. This seems to be caused by hitting the level select button on a specific frame after exiting the previous level, but I haven't been able to get it consistent. The Artie boss fight skip involves entering a special command once you gain control of the marker in stage 9. Up up, down, down, left, left, right, right, grab, select. Get it right, you'll hear a ping and Eryi will do 9999 damage to Artie, ending the fight about 25 seconds quicker. Another thing I think might be quicker is, in Eryi's house, instead of running past the pan, exit to menu and go back in, you start at the marker for level 1. By the way, I play English ver 1.02. *Another inclusion, restarting Croco's stage as soon as you enter it skips his cutscene and makes him start throwing the spiky balls immediately, saving about a second. This may cause the UFO at the end of the game to not appear, but I'm not 100% sure on that.