All right...this is it:
Black - guaranteed to work
White - if boss key w/out untwisting corridor is possible

0. Using the longshot, I was able to aim at a certain point so that Link slides off the tree branch and directly into the temple, saving 2-3 seconds. I am not sure if this is possible with the regular hookshot, but it's worth looking into.

Main differences:
1. Obviously, Acryte's
"Ultimate FT Sequence Break" is quite a challenge in itself. Good luck!
2. Since you said it yourself, collect the small key from the Floormaster in callout 10 rather than the chest in the entrance chamber, if doing so is indeed faster.
3. At callout 5, you'll need to use explosive hovers, since you don't have the necessary strength upgrades to push the blocks.
4. If the boss key can be obtained early via explosive hovers, follow the white route from callout 9 onwards. This will involve going up to the bow, deathwarping, and starting back from the entrance.
5. If the boss key cannot be obtained early, then follow the black route all the way through and return to the main chamber through the courtyard.
The old run took six minutes, and obviously you can expect to add on a few more this time around.