Post subject: MaternalBound - EarthBound to Mother 2 SNES Hack.
Joined: 2/23/2015
Posts: 1
Good day, TASVideos community! I know that this forum has a focus for Sonic related hacks, but I wanted to present to you a hack in which I've been working for the last 2 months. NOTE: Before you continue reading this post, I would like to ask for some ASM help in a particular glitch. More on that at the end of the post.
The main focus of this hack is to give the Mother/Earthbound franchise fans a proper american version of Mother 2. What differences are there between Mother 2 and Earthbound? Aren't they the same game? Well... Not exactly. The final release of EarthBound had many censorship inclusions. My hack provides an uncensored version of EarthBound, and also changes text and graphics to reflect that of Mother 2, but preserving american references/jokes/names. I only changed some names for the sake of continuity with Mother and Mother 3, like Porky.
It even includes a custom Gas Station Screen and a proper "Mother 2" title screen! No longer will this game be called EarthBound, but rather an american version of Mother 2!
If you want to read a more in-depth explanation of the changes done in this hack, click on the following link: The thread in that link explains everything:
    Graphics modified to match Mother 2. Text changed according to Tomato's "Legends of Localization" website topic for EarthBound. Additional implementations (Hidden NPCs, Run Button Patch) Cast Sequence text modified to match new names. Gas Station screen modified. Typos/grammatical errors of the original game have been fixed.
Requesting ASM help to fix the last glitch of the hack and release the final patch![/color]
As I said at the beginning of this post, I wanted to ask for help regarding a particular issue, which is the last bug I have to push a final release of the hack. You see... There is a glitch with the Title Screen sequence. If you try to press any button before the title screen finished loading, the game will crash. This means that you will have to wait until the whole introduction sequence finishes so you can enter the Load/Save screen. Thing is that some pointers (I believe) get screwed up during the modification of the title screen, and it is the hacking tool that does so. I have included the pointers located in the ROM's data related to the Title Screen in the original Mother 2 Title Screen hack in this post: And here you have the ROM map for the original EarthBound: These are the addresses that we are insterested in from the original ROM's data:
    21B07C-21B082 (000007) = Title Screen Text (Static) Palette
    21B083-21B0FC (00007a) = Title Screen Text (Animated) Palette
    21B0FD-21B17C (000080) = Title Screen Highlight (Animated) Palette
    21B17D-21B410 (000294) = Title Screen Static Layer Arrangement
    21B411-21C8E4 (0014d4) = Title Screen Static Layer Graphics
    21C8E5-21CFE0 (0006fc) = Title Screen Text Layer Graphics
    21CFE1-21D007 (000027) = Title Screen Copyright Text Palette
    21D008-21D1AE (0001a7) = Animation Control Data for Title Screen
The pointers will most likely be in a table, in which case the original location should be in Little Endian format, or they will use Assembly, in which case the code will be [A9 XX WW 85 0E A9 ZZ YY 85 10], where the address is in the format 0xWWXXYYZZ, so you would search for that string with the original address and replace it using the new address. If you have any suggestions, questions or comments, don't hesitate to tell me!