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Just wanted to get a topic started on this. Maybe someone besides me will take on one of the games I made topics on here in the DOS section. ^^ I think this could make for a decent speedrun. In this click and point game, you play through a half dozen missions. There can be different scenarios depending on your actions (see this playthrough series that delves into that). I'm not sure if you have to restart a mission if you take a bad action. If not, it could make for a little fast paced run. E.g. instead of teleporting over to the hijacked ship and shooting people down, you can teleport a bomb over, get yelled at and just go back to your ship and take on the next mission. Since DOS TASing is still so user unfriendly, I don't know if I will be able to run this. (same with dozens other games btw, like Mystic Towers and Boston Bomb Club. At some point, someone has to guide me through JPC-rr again and really tell me from scratch what to do since I'm so lost. Or I wait until 2025 when another DOS emu comes.)
Post subject: Re: Star Trek 25th Anniversary
Editor, Expert player (2489)
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This is cool.
MUGG wrote:
Since DOS TASing is still so user unfriendly, I don't know if I will be able to run this.
Maybe somebody who has DOS TAS experience could help getting it started? It is unfortunate that so little DOS TASing has been done over the years. Ilari did great job with the emulator, but I guess there are not as many DOS enthusiasts around here as I imagined. And some DOS enthusiasts like me just don't have what it takes.
Editor, Expert player (2357)
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I'm looking into this game some more. Note that there is a GOG version that has the game run in Dosbox with music/voices running. I never managed to make music/voices run in Dosbox without this version. ----- Walkthrough - text Walkthrough - video How to not play the game-walkthrough - watch if you haven't, it's entertaining ----- In mission1 "Demon World", giving the key item to the alien while simultaneously doing another action causes glitches in the game. See the video. In mission 2 "Hijacked", after warping to the main bridge and after the Elasi captain shoots at the controls, it takes about 1 minute 30 seconds until the ship crashes. (During this time, if you talk to Spock, the game brings up an empty text box due to a dev oversight.) In mission 3 "Love's Labour Jeopardized", it takes about 16 minutes 20 seconds until Spock dies due to the virus. In mission 5 "Feathered Serpent", you can walk into the electricity and die. But you can interrupt the dying animation by walking somewhere else. In mission 5, you can also shoot the pulsing red globe with your phaser twice. This causes everyone except Kirk to die. You can talk to the red pixels of your crew that remain on the floor. Walking into another room makes everyone appear again. In mission 5, after making it past the pulsing red globe and stun-shooting the guard, if you shoot at him again when he is lying on the floor, the game softlocks (Kirk assumes shooting animation but never finishes.) In mission 5, when walking into the bomb at the seaside, you can do an action at the same time as the bomb goes off. You can also beam back to the enterprise (and not get a gameover). In mission 5, if you call the enterprise and choose to beam to Vlict's position while walking into a loading zone, the "beam up" animation is skipped. I will post a list of actions to complete each mission in the shortest time. Some missions offer scenarios were if you choose bad dialogue options, the enemy will start fighting you with 3 or 4 ships at once, it's basicly a garantueed game over. What if you survive though? Nobody ever tested that...
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In mission 7, it is possible to make the game unwinnable if you divert power to shields before diverting power to weapons first. If you do that, you cannot switch it back and you cannot learn that the weapons are jammed, therefore you cannot continue. In mission 7, after the Elasi ship appears, it takes 1 minute 40 seconds until you gameover, if you didn't raise your shields. I found a really useful bug in ship combat: You can bring up Kirk's menu options (by pressing K) between firing projectiles, and the cooldown will run out while the game is paused like this. This enables you to shoot powerful blue projectiles rapidly and destroy even the Enterprise II in mission 7 quickly. Here is a step by step solution. I wrote it so that I can understand it. You will need to get familiar with the game yourself in order to understand it.
Lose the battle


N	Map --> (19)Pollux
O	Orbit planet
K	Beam over
(Go north)
Phaser enemies
Pick up hand from floor
(Go south)
(Enter top building)
Use glass container, dialogue option 2, 6
Pick up Metal
Use hand on desk
(Leave, go south)
Use red phaser on rocks (top left first)
Use hand on panel
(Go south)
Use YRB panel, set all to below middle
Use metal on alien



N	Map --> "(15)Beta Myamid"
Win battle
O	Orbit planet
H	Hail ship



N	Map --> "(3)ARK-7"
Win battle
S	Lower shields
K	Beam over

(Go right door)

Use freezer
Pick up virus (needs to be get G item cursor)

(Go topmost, west wall)

Use left shelf
Pick up antigrav unit

(Go right)
(Go south)

Pick up Wrench
Use Wrench on left panel
Pick up insulation
Use red panel 
Use Wrench on N² tank
Use Antigrav unit on N² tank

(Go bottom)

Use insulation on machine (bottom)

(Go topmost, west wall)

Use Wrench on tank valves
Use polyberylcarbonate on synthesizer output panel
Use control panel
Pick up TLTDH gas
Use Wrench on tank valves

Use antigrav unit on O² tank
Use N² tank on empty space
Use Wrench on tank valves
Use control panel
Pick up Amonia

(Go right)

Use Amonia on left input
Use virus on right input
Use McCoy on right input
Pick up cure

(Go north)

Use Wrench on grid panel
Use TLTDH gas on open vent

(Go south)
(Go topmost, west wall)

Use cure on synthesizer output panel
Use control panel
Pick up Hypo

(Go right)
(Go down ladder)

Use tied people (left)
Use Hypo on Romulan (right)
Talk to Romulan



N	Map --> "(4) Harlequin"
Win battle
N	Map --> "(5) Harrapa"
S	Lower shields
K	Beam over

(Go north)

Use Spock on blue button
Use Spock on purple button

(Go leftmost door)
(Go north)

Use Spock on controls

(Go southwest)

Use Spock on sphere
Use tricoder on sphere

(Go north)

Use controls, option 1, 2


N	Map -->"(7) Digifall"
dialogue options 2,1
O	Orbit planet
K	Beam over

Talk to Quetzecoatl

Pick up rock from floor
Use rock on vine
Use rock on vine
Use vine

(Go left)
(Go left)

Use rock on warrior
Use rock on warrior

(Go left)
(Go left)

Use redshirt on path

(Go left)
(Go left)


At the trial, dialogue option 1,3



N	Map --> "(12) Alpha Proxima"
O	Orbit planet
K	Beam over

Pick up rock

(Go forward)

Use panel, code = 10200

(Go forward)

Use panel, code = 122

(Go forward)

Use tricoder on door panel

(Go right - laser drill room)

Open box
Pick up wires
Use tricoder on controls
Use controls, "100"
Use rocks on impression
Use controls, "001"

(Go left)

Use card on panel

(Go forward)

Use wires on right computer
Use left computer




(Go bottom)
(Go to Auxilary)

Pick up Saw

(Go bottom)
(Go to bridge)

Use Saw on support bar

(Go bottom)
(Go Sickbay)
(Go left)

Pick up Hypo
Pick up Saw

(Go right)

Pick up wire
Use support bar on rubble
Use red phaser on rubble

(Go forward)
(Go to Transporter room)

Pick up wire

(Go bottom)
(go to Engineering)

Use red phaser on rubble
Pick up Power unit

(Go left)

Use red panel on left
Pick up journals
Use Hypo on oil canister

(Go right)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Sickbay)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Auxiliary)

Use drill on panel
Use panel
Use Oil Hypo on panel
Use panel

(Go forward)

Use journals on right slot

(Go bottom)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Sickbay)
(Go forward)
(Go to Engineering)
(Go left)

Use wire on port
Use wire on port
Use junction box

(Go right)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Sickbay)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Auxiliary)
(Go forward)

Use tricoder on left space
Use McCoy on left space
Use left controls --> weapons
Use Spock on middle controls

(Go bottom)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Sickbay)
(Go forward)
(Go to Transporter room)
(Go left)

Use power unit on slot
Use monitor
Use controls

(Go right)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Sickbay)
(Go bottom)
(Go to Auxiliary)
(Go forward)

Use communicator, hail Elasi, dialogue option 2
Use left controls --> weapons
Use middle controls

Win battle
Here is the star map. If you select any other destinations, you will be off course, fighting enemies and most likely gameover.
Post subject: Re: Star Trek 25th Anniversary
Active player (381)
Joined: 9/25/2011
Posts: 652
MUGG wrote:
At some point, someone has to guide me through JPC-rr again and really tell me from scratch what to do since I'm so lost.
I'd be happy to give you some pointers to get you started, and help with any questions along the way. JPC-rr isn't so bad once you get started, the only major pain being refactoring. I've also upgraded the emulator with some useful enhancements to make things easier, with the ability to drag the mouse pointer being the biggest one for this run. Let me know if you're interested in giving it a shot. We could keep all conversations in this thread so others could look here in the future if they need pointers too.
Editor, Expert player (2357)
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Hey c-square, thanks for your help! I'm interested in DOS TASing, but I have already seriously attempted to get started on JPC-rr 2 or 3 times in the past and those attempts all ended in me stopping or not getting things to work properly. So I'm not sure if it will work this time. I imagine Star Trek being very TASable, as long as I can get the mouse cursor to work. My previous post has been written mostly from an RTA perspective.
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What was it that really frustrated you the last few times? I’m curious if it’s something that I could help address.
Editor, Expert player (2357)
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c-square wrote:
What was it that really frustrated you the last few times? I’m curious if it’s something that I could help address.
Reading through pages that I don't know if they are up to date. I got a version and later got told there's a newer one. Setting everything up and assuring that audio is being emulated. The actual TASing that is done via the virtual keyboard is kind of counter-intuitive. I wish I could map the "game keys" to my own keyboard. I think in one instance, in order to get the cursor to "maybe" work was to contact a person who had a luascript, or to create the luascript myself, which I didn't feel like doing. I also never really figured out how to start a movie.
Editor, Judge, Expert player (2267)
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I highly suggest using c-square's modified emulator. It's MUCH easier to actually complete a TAS with than trying to use menu/keyboard commands to move the mouse cursor. I've never played the game, but I'll help out with what I can.
Editor, Expert player (2357)
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I will try the improved emulator soon.
MUGG wrote:
Walkthrough - text
Mission 7 is not possible to complete in the way that this guide described. But I figured out why. Apparently they expanded this mission in the CD-ROM version. It was possible to complete faster in the Floppy version (this might be interesting for speedrun purposes). I will look for more differences between the two versions.
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MUGG wrote:
Reading through pages that I don't know if they are up to date. I got a version and later got told there's a newer one. Setting everything up and assuring that audio is being emulated. The actual TASing that is done via the virtual keyboard is kind of counter-intuitive. I wish I could map the "game keys" to my own keyboard. I think in one instance, in order to get the cursor to "maybe" work was to contact a person who had a luascript, or to create the luascript myself, which I didn't feel like doing. I also never really figured out how to start a movie.
The version I use is v11.2 which is not the latest, but syncs perfectly with the latest version. The latest info on the site on how to start up is still accurate. Usually, if you go with the generic settings sound will work out just fine. If you want to be sure, do a quick test movie where you start the game (unoptimized), and then create an avi file out of it to see. Instructions on how to do this are below. An improvement I made was to map keys to the virtual keyboard. Now, when the virtual keyboard is the active window, instead of clicking on the keys, you can just type on your own keyboard. Saved me a lot of headache in the Quest For Glory runs. Also, to move the cursor, now you just have to click on it and drag it with your own mouse cursor. No luascript needed. :) Finally, the emulator is always recording, so it's impossible to start or stop recording the movie. You'll usually save your movie using save states, however if you want to play it back then you have to actually save a Movie file. To do that, go to Snapshot > Save > Movie. Once you've saved it, load it again using Snapshot > Load > Movie. It will start at the beginning. To create a video, start at the beginning of a movie and select System > Start Dumping. Run your movie by letting the emulator run and stop the emulator when you want your video file to end. Select System > Stop Dumping to end the video file. Finally, at the command prompt, run
dumpconvert --video-width=640 --video-height=400 --video-framerate=125875/1796 --output-cscd=%2,crf=0,fullrange=on %1
where %1 is the name of your dump file and %2 is your desired output AVI name. Or better yet, throw that line in a batch file so you don't have to type it out each time. Then run your AVI in something with the proper codex (I use VLC). If you do decide to give the enhanced emulator a try, be sure to check the readme file bundled with it for a quick introduction. And, of course, feel free to ask any questions you have here!
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I downloaded the emulator. There is no start-jpcrr.bat and running jpcrr-r11.2.jar doesn't do anything. I believe you have given me a linux version. I'm on Windows so I cannot use it.
Editor, Judge, Expert player (2267)
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c-square wrote:
Also, to move the cursor, now you just have to click on it and drag it with your own mouse cursor. No luascript needed. :)
One note on this. Some programs accelerate the mouse movement in weird ways, so clicking and dragging doesn't always drop the cursor exactly where you stop. Sometimes the resulting location will be farther than you dragged, but it will still be in the correct direction. Example Game: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (yes I've started a run of this among my 20 or so other projects).
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MUGG wrote:
I downloaded the emulator. There is no start-jpcrr.bat and running jpcrr-r11.2.jar doesn't do anything.
Doh! I tried to get rid of any unnecessary files and I ended up getting rid of necessary ones too. I've fixed it and reuploaded. Try downloading it now (same link) and let me know if it still doesn't work.
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DrD2k9 wrote:
One note on this. Some programs accelerate the mouse movement in weird ways, so clicking and dragging doesn't always drop the cursor exactly where you stop.
This could be for two reasons. First, ctmouse by default accelerates mouse movement, meaning that moving x by 100 has much more than double the effect of moving it by 50. You can turn off this setting by unloading ctmouse and reloading it using "ctmouse /r32". That will make it scale linearly, meaning 100 will be exactly double the movement of 50. To check if this is the case, use the 'M' key to bring up the manual mouse movement screen and move your mouse's x by 10. Reload and move by 20. Reload and move by 30. If it's linear, then it should move equal distances between the three. If it's not, then 30 will be bigger than three times 10. Second, if the resolution of the mouse area is different than the games I've been playing, then it will move differently. You can adjust the sensitivity of the mouse movement by using the 'Y' key to bring up the mouse speed screen and alter the numbers till you find ones that work. Note that this will only work if the mouse is moving linearly.
Editor, Judge, Expert player (2267)
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c-square wrote:
DrD2k9 wrote:
One note on this. Some programs accelerate the mouse movement in weird ways, so clicking and dragging doesn't always drop the cursor exactly where you stop.
This could be for two reasons. First, ctmouse by default accelerates mouse movement, meaning that moving x by 100 has much more than double the effect of moving it by 50. You can turn off this setting by unloading ctmouse and reloading it using "ctmouse /r32". That will make it scale linearly, meaning 100 will be exactly double the movement of 50. To check if this is the case, use the 'M' key to bring up the manual mouse movement screen and move your mouse's x by 10. Reload and move by 20. Reload and move by 30. If it's linear, then it should move equal distances between the three. If it's not, then 30 will be much bigger than three times 10. Second, if the resolution of the mouse area is different than the games I've been playing, then it will move differently. You can adjust the sensitivity of the mouse movement by using the 'Y' key to bring up the mouse speed screen and alter the numbers till you find ones that work. Note that this will only work if the mouse is moving linearly.
Thanks! I'm pretty sure mine wasn't running linearly. Glad I wasn't very far into the Indy run. I'll try the different settings.
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I managed to run the emulator now, and I'm running the game (Floppy version).
go to Snapshot > Save > Movie. Once you've saved it, load it again using Snapshot > Load > Movie. It will start at the beginning. To create a video, start at the beginning of a movie and select System > Start Dumping. Run your movie by letting the emulator run and stop the emulator when you want your video file to end. Select System > Stop Dumping to end the video file.
I can select neither Save>Movie nor Start Dumping while I'm running the game. I can save movie before "starting" but when I "load" it later, it doesn't seem to play back. --- Also, if I want to run the CD version, and I have the game as a .bin and .cue file, how should I proceed to run it in JPC?
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MUGG wrote:
I can select neither Save>Movie nor Start Dumping while I'm running the game. I can save movie before "starting" but when I "load" it later, it doesn't seem to play back.
Stop/pause the game (T) and both of those options will become available. When you save a movie, it essentially makes a file similar to a savestate with all inputs up to the point where you save the movie. The difference between the files is the savestate file has extra information; the movie file will have minimal necessary info and input events. Savestate files and movie files are the same file type just with slightly different information. You can open/playback a savestate as a movie file. Once you have a saved movie file/savestate with inputs; load the movie and start dumping before starting the movie. Once the movie runs as far as you want to dump, you can stop the movie then stop dumping (also, I believe it's possible to simply close the emulator and the dump will be good). Once you have a dump file then you can convert that to a temporary encode (avi, etc.) that you can watch on VLC or other appropriate video player.
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I managed to dump a short file, will need to look into making an avi of it and report back to you. Thanks.
Also, if I want to run the CD version, and I have the game as a .bin and .cue file, how should I proceed to run it in JPC?
By trying around, this is what I found: - I used daemon tools lite to open the .cue file and extract the CD. The CD is mounted to k:\ - I trimmed the folder to get rid of unnecessary files (Readme, Demos). - I installed the game to d:\trekcd using DOSbox. Music and sound config is set to Sound Blaster Pro. - In DOSbox, I typed
mount a k:\ -t cdrom
This makes it so that DOSbox thinks the CD is inserted. (which is mandatory to run the game, apparently) - In DOSbox, I typed
mount b d:\trekcd
cd trekcd
This runs the game with music and voices, (almost!) like the pre-set GOG version. Only problem was that it was slow, default is 3000 cycles in DOSbox. So I typed CTRL+F12 to increase cycles to above 4500 (although over 10,000 seems best), this makes the game run smoothly. I'm sure it's possible to make a HD image of the CD version. I'm just worried if performance will be good, and if it works out (with the CD needing to be inserted etc.) Question: How can I make sure the game gets enough cycles in JPC-rr? Wouldn't I want to make a CD image instead of HD? I'm not sure what I'm doing here..
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MUGG wrote:
How can I make sure the game gets enough cycles in JPC-rr?
You can set the CPU speed by adjusting the 'CPU Divider' during assembly. A higher number yields a slower emulated CPU. Divide 1 GHz by the divider number to get the effective CPU speed. As this game was released in 1992, the default CPU speed in JPC-rr should be fairly accurate already. As a note: the faster the emulated CPU speed is set, the slower it will appear to run while TASing or playing a movie in the emulator itself. The dumped AVI will play in a media player at the appropriate rate for the CPU speed settings. I hope all that made sense.
Also, if I want to run the CD version, and I have the game as a .bin and .cue file, how should I proceed to run it in JPC?
I've not yet done a CD based game that required the CD to play. But I believe you can make a JPC-rr image of the CD as you do an HDD image of the installed game. In the assembly settings I think you can set the CD drive image similar to setting the HDD image. c-square or slamo may have better info on this.
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@DrD2k9 I tried to run an HD image of the (trimmed) CD version. It tells me the game needs 560K of free low memory and 1024k of free EMS (expanded) memory. I currently have 610K free low memory and 0K free EMS memory. How can I set up enough memory to run the image? Again, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. --- When creating an image, JPC only lets me choose between floppy and hard disk. It does not let me choose CD. (If that makes sense.)
Editor, Judge, Expert player (2267)
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MUGG wrote:
When creating an image, JPC only lets me choose between floppy and hard disk. It does not let me choose CD. (If that makes sense.)
When importing a disk image, select your CD .cue/.iso file as your 'Image file/Directory' It should then add 'CD-ROM Disc' to the 'Image Type' drop-down box. EDIT:
MUGG wrote:
@DrD2k9 I tried to run an HD image of the (trimmed) CD version. It tells me the game needs 560K of free low memory and 1024k of free EMS (expanded) memory. I currently have 610K free low memory and 0K free EMS memory. How can I set up enough memory to run the image?
Try not skipping autoexec.bat at startup. That should load the needed memory. There's also slight possibility that memory amount in the PC settings is actually set too high. This can occasionally cause some games to think there's not enough.
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DrD2k9 and me both tried to get the CD version to run in JPC-rr without success. We created an HD image out of the CD version files, and JPC-rr reports there is not enough memory (see my previous post). I might look into running the floppy version for the time being, and if for nothing else, to get more familiar with using the emulator. My question to anyone that knows (slamo, c-square, ilari): 1) How can I configure the hotkeys such as frame advance, savestates and loadstates? 2) What is the fastest / recommended way to go through the boot-up part at the beginning? (As in, is there a key to skip the loading?)
Editor, Judge, Expert player (2267)
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I've made some progress. Within jpc-rr, I edited the fdconfig.sys file to contain the line
device=emm386.exe RAM
I then had to edit the autoexec.bat file and delete
I reset the system (from the file menu). Then tried to run the game. This got me past the memory problem....but now freedos doesn't have the CD drive installed....I don't know how to do that part.
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Posts: 652
MUGG wrote:
DrD2k9 and me both tried to get the CD version to run in JPC-rr without success. We created an HD image out of the CD version files, and JPC-rr reports there is not enough memory (see my previous post).
Unfortunately, I've never run something that required a CD, so I won't be much help there. Reaching out to Ilari, the creator of JPC-rr would probably be your best bet. If you figure it out, please post it so we can all know. As for memory, DrD2k9 is right, you need to run config.sys to get any extended memory going. You should still be able to skip autoexec.bat. In terms of your questions:
1) How can I configure the hotkeys such as frame advance, savestates and loadstates?
You can't configure them (without hacking the code), and I can't see anyone needing to. 'F' is frame advance and the 'F1 - F10' keys are for savestates. Shift-F1 - F10 will load the corresponding savestates. I added functionality to change the directory of your save states ('D'), so you can have unlimited savestates.
2) What is the fastest / recommended way to go through the boot-up part at the beginning? (As in, is there a key to skip the loading?)
Best instructions are on the JPC-rr instructions page under "Doing the BIOS and DOS sections"