I do see the bug in the health bars now though, thanks for pointing it out! Looks like a bug in playfield priority setting, should be pretty simple to fix, I'm surprised it didn't come up before.
EDIT: oh yeah, I had trouble with that file too. mF8_sega.cs was included in the merge, and it shows up properly in the the folders, but for some reason isn't recognized by the project. I don't understand why though.
So it turns out this is a more complicated issue then I originally suspected. What the game is doing is setting playfield priority like this:
So it's loading A from the collision register that keeps track of collisions between missile 0 and playfield/Ball. Then it uses this to set playfield priority at 0A.
The problem is that the playfield priority bit is bit 2 of CTRLPF, but CXM0FB only uses bits 6 and 7. CXM0FB is a TIA read register, and as far as I know the CPU cannot write to the 2 bit of it (and anyway this would be a write to NUSIZ0 at 04 in the TIA write registers.)
This is all very confusing. I don't see how bit 2 of CXM0FB could be 1, as needed to change the playfield priority in this way, unless there is something unmodelled about the physical arrangement of these registers. Still researching an explanation.
Ok, apparently this is a well known issue of deciding what to do when there are unused pins on the data bus. Stella's solution is to simply use the last value that was there for each unused pin. It also however gives the option to randomly drive the pins.
Current AtariHawk code implicitly sets the pins to 0, since it's just returning a new byte with the appropriate collision bits set.
Apparently the unused ones are 'usually' in there previous state enough to make the Stella approach more desirable.
A bit sloppy to program something this way, but I'll try to account for it, since there are examples on real hardware that correctly display the health bar.

Ok, so on the left we see the old glitch version where the health bars show through the background. On the right the fixed version where they dont.
This is really just a programming error on the part of the game developer. Certainly he meant to write LDA #04, but forgot the '#' and simply wrote LDA 04 in whatever compiler he was using, a simple and common error. #04 is what is needed to change the playfield priority in the usual way. It is a stroke of luck that Loading CXM0FB doesn't change the bus state (04 being the last fetch and that register only effecting bits 6 and 7.) Any other situation would have made the error obvious.
Ultimately I simply added a bus state variable that is tracked along with everyhting else to fix this. Were it not for such an obscure case I surely would never have even thought of it. Maybe future work would be to make the bus state part of the CPU, but maybe not I'm not sure how practical / useful that would be.
Anyway that was an interesting excercise in bug hunting.