Post subject: [Flash] Garden Gnome Carnage
Joined: 10/2/2005
Posts: 4055 (and probably many other sites) Garden Gnome Carnage is an arcade-style game produced by Daniel Remar (Iji, Hyper Princess Pitch, Hero Core) where you use garden-gnome-on-a-bungee-cord physics to defend your house on wheels from elves trying to spread Christmas cheer. Just like all those other games I mentioned, It also has a secret impossible difficulty level! Hit up up down down left right left right (think Konami Code) on the main menu to unlock 'ReallyJoel's Dad' mode, which starts at level 999. Elves teleport up the sides of your building instantly. Can TAS still survive, and if so for how long? Luckily for Hourglass/Gnash users, you don't need mouse input to start the game - just press Enter.
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Joined: 11/12/2010
Posts: 183
Location: Sweden
I've actually had a go at this game a while back, on normal difficulty that is. Sadly though I couldn't get farther than maybe half a minute up to a minute or so before the game/Hourglass would freeze and become unplayable at that point. Not really sure if it's due to me frequenlty save/loading, always frame advancing, or just something else I don't even know of yet. Nevertheless it would be fun to see if anyone else could run this game farther than what I did.
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