Enemy spawns position depends on the value of 00C0 address. It's actually was explained before by Alyosha so i deleted that post. 00C0 it is just a simple enemy counter. It counts only enemies that randomly spawns (zombies, ghost, flying knights, crows at the level 2). So you start the game with 00C0=0. If zombies spawns 00C0=0+3=3, because zombies spawns in pack of 3. If then ghost spawns 00C0=3+1=4 etc. It loops around after 16. So to change enemy spawns in the movie you have to get at least one extra random enemy spawn or one less spawn on any level before level 5 because 00C0 doesn't resets between levels. I was thinking, that killing the ghosts can force one extra ghost spawn. And yes, getting 1 extra spawn can dramatically change every spawns on the next levels so it can be really bad.
As i think 00C0 affects only spawn position, but sometimes that blue flying thing at the level 5 can spawn near that wall and you can boost like with out waiting at all, so it definitely can save some time.
And i think that flying knights at the level 1 is the best for getting 1 extra spawn. I think they requires minimum time lost.
In current movie 00C0=10 at the level 4 and so at the beginning of level 5. It has to be something different to get different spawn. So at the middle of the level 3 you can already tell what spawn you will get at the level 5, because there is no random enemies from that point until the level 5.
And also maybe killing this skeletons a better way to manipulate platform than picking money bag?
http://i.imgur.com/Sw4PCey.png If you wait till enemies spawns anyway.
Bad English