Post subject: 5.3693175 MHz, 7.15909 MHz and 10.738635 MHz
Joined: 7/17/2012
Posts: 547
Location: Switzerland
So, the PC-Engine have three dot clock modes, 5.3693175 MHz, 7.15909 MHz, and 10.738635 MHz -> 256, 352, or 512 pixels in display width. According to Wikipedia and some forums & websites, "The majority of TurboGrafx-16 games use 256×239, though some games, such as Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective did use 512×224." Is there a list somewhere that lists each game as well as its correct resolution?
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Joined: 3/28/2005
Posts: 216
Not that I'm aware of. But it is known that some games use multiple resolutions. Order of the Griffon, for example, is normally in 256 mode but switches to 320 mode for menus. Art of Fighting switches between 256 and 320 mode to simulate the Neo Geo's scaling of the play field in and out.
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