I've got a work in progress going for this game. Currently working out the number of items I may need later, as I'm at the ship game. Garland dies (starts breaking apart) at frame 6000, and at frame 20000 the battle with the 9 pirates is starting. I beat them in three rounds. So far, no damage taken.
I'm using a bit of a different team though, so I'm still kinda unsure about if I want to work down this path. Right now I'm more interested in planning out and working out a reliable path through the game, as well as testing a few other things along the way.
I'm interested in Tafatt's WIP's, but all his links are dead. Any comments are welcome (and actually wanted). There was only one thing so far that I'm still going back and trying to fix in the run, and that's that coming out of the Black Magic shop in Pravoka is placing a NPC in the way, and I can't seem to manipulate him to not be there. Stuck losing frames waiting for him to move. The ship game was just me testing it out, until I figure out if I can move the NPC in the town I'm not continuing too far on.
Here's the current WIP.
I'm going to (try) and manipulate a Deathbringer sword, since it should be effective against both forms of Marilith, Tiamat, and Kraken. Lich should be killable by using earthquake, but I'd have to be level 26 to buy the spell, which is sold in Crescent Lake... which is way way out of the way.
So yeah, any thoughts? The only real annoying fights are going to be Lich, Lich, and Chaos.