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Necessary info:

  • About bullet:
IDNameMax bulletsDamageCDOthers
00 2/bullet3
02C34/2 frames5Sometimes miss(takes no dmg)
04F 2/2 frames
05L73/bullet Can't shoot until all of the previous bullets disappears
Also, there are some other difference between 2D and 3D mode:
  • In 2D mode
    • For S gun, shoot 5 bullets in each time. And only could shoot again while a set of bullets are disappearing. (Especially, if 3 bullets of the first set disappears, and 2 of the second disappears, you can't shoot next new set of bullets.)
    • For L gun, you'll shoot a long laser if you press Y button at one frame.
  • In 3D mode
    • weapon system is similar to nes contra.
      There is no CD RAM. Or I didn't find out it... Normally, pressing Y button discontinuously is faster than continuously.
    • Movements is same as Jackal. X or Y speed always equals 2. Not only on horizontal or vertical, but also on diagonal.
    • movement is not friendly. I searched the speed and position RAM though, speed is not so intuitive. Instead, calculating the position's change is important. And after comparing the different rotation angle, walking on the 45° angle is the fastest. (The actual speed = 2*√2=2.8284)
    • For S gun, you can shoot S bullet just when any bullet disappears.
    • For L gun, you can only shoot ONE bullet in every 2 frames. If you want to shoot a long laser, you need to press Y button continuously.
It's hard to manipulate RNG, different from nes contra games, but similar to ds contra 4. You can change RNG by shooting C. Because C explodes randomly every time.
6 more lag at the beginning... Though I saved 1 frame by pressing START earlier. I don't know how to compare between snes9x 1.51 with bizhawk 2.3.2. So hope someone could help me make a comparision list to show that difference.
And I'll show you a comparision without the emulators' difference.
StageFrames savedTotal saved

Level-by-level notes

  • Stage 1
Due to more players on screen, I got more lag. But it saved some time at boss fighting.
  • Stage 2
Two players saved a half of the route.
Better weapon choice and better weapon used.
  • Stage 3
    • Pay attention: After that plane boss, there are 8 tracking bullet, and they are attackable. And they will bomb while moving out of the screen. It looks like hit by the player. To make sure if they are been hit by me, you can find their HP RAM and do a test. RAM changes by getting damage, otherwise it unchanges. My RAM list includes them.
Faster boss fight with better gun choice, better gun used, and double damage.
  • Stage 4
Just faster boss fight.
  • Stage 5
Specially, that red spider out from the nest has 32 HP. And it decreases 1 HP in each 8 frames if it is in the whirlpool. You can watch the spider's HP by $0D46 or $0D86. And if the nest is ruined, the spider will die. Also, if the spider killed by the player, the player's score will increase 200 or 500.
  • Stage 6
Better weapon choice, better bullets shooted, and better luck manipulation (Especially for the heart boss).
Specially, the final boss r2, you need at least 3 rounds to beat it. And after a round, boss's HP will decrease 1/2. And each attack form has its own timer. Here a picture shows every timer.(It's not absolute, it's around that value.) So player's damage in the first round is 1/4, in the second round is 1/2. So you need to choose a shorter timer form in first two rounds.
It's different from the fastest goal, I choose the same type for the round 2 as round 1 this time. Because those enemies can't be killed.

RAM watch

Because running ram watch window is much slower with bizhawk, I used lua to watch them, instead. And I'll give you the lua file in the forum.
  • Other RAM I used
Some ram I didn't show in the lua, So I will give you here.
1E444 bytesHexhi score
1FA04 bytesHex1p socre
1FB64 bytesHex1p bonus life rest
1FE04 bytesHex2p socre
1FF64 bytesHex2p bonus life rest
1C024 bytesHexclear bonus socre
BD801 bytesignedif it's 2D stage
1F841 bytesigned1p 1st gun
1F861 bytesigned1p 2nd gun
1FC41 bytesigned2p 1st gun
1FC61 bytesigned2p 2nd gun
0D461 bytesignedred spider HP
0D861 bytesignedred spider HP

Memory: Judging
Memory: So this TAS appears on the surface to be well optimized. It can probably be optimized further but it is good enough for an improvement and unlike the other submission, this one does beat all known records.
There wasn't too much feedback since the author has deleted their temporary encode, but what there was was positive for the most part. There was questions over using 2 players to obsolete the published pacifist TAS that uses 1 player. Ultimately, 2 players makes pacifist more entertaining since there are now 2 players that have to dodge enemies instead of just one and still maintains a distinct feel from fastest completion. A TAS that doesn't use the game end glitch that uses 1 player could potentially be published alongside the existing branches if it is considered uniquely entertaining, but I do not feel pacifist is the place to fill that niche.

Editor, Publisher, Expert player (2606)
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Soig wrote:
Going off this point specifically and using what Colin translated through Google (since Point 1 and 2 are in my opinion poorly translated from Google/Bing). That is not the goal of TASVideos. You're allowed to have TASes with errors in 'em as long as they're not painfully obvious to the naked eye or just as hard as possible to maintain an improvement, we have an EarthBound TAS that was Published this year that had improvements pointed out in the forums of WIPs but it was still accepted. No one for this this TAS made some type of WIP or made sure to check that this is not improvable. This TAS was accepted without issue, and to point out we've had a shit ton of Contra obsoletions for this year alone so you saying this should not be a case. No single TAS is perfect. You can argue that the most perfect TAS (SMB1 "warps") is perfection, but it could not be. One day there might be a trick discovered for TAS only that can inch further on improvements on the current TAS but that's not there yet. We've had SMB3 going under massive improvements by lag frames that no one thinks of for example. This TAS is fine, the reasonings for what you made are concerning.
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Reviewer, Skilled player (1315)
Joined: 9/12/2016
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Location: Italy
I agree with everything Spike said above here. However, Soig, if you still think that this submission is not enough good, then please explain what does it need to be improved, so that someone else could make a better TAS with your help.
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
Joined: 1/8/2020
Posts: 1
OK, let me calm down and say something. I changed the e-mail, so that account is abandoned now. PASSWORD for that account and this one is: [MOD EDIT]---------. You can do everything you want to those two accounts. I just want you to delete my account and my movies in this site. Delete my account and my movies in this site. Delete my account and my movies in this site. (Say 3 times because it's very important.) I don't know why it's so hard for you to delete my account and my things. You just need to click some times with your mouse. Do you still think you want me to stay here with my bad actions? Is it good for you? Is it worthy? Deleting those won't make big influence to this site. It's being famous. And many people submit their good movies to this site as usual. Just delete my own history in TAS. It's just bad for me, one person. In any network game, I can delete any things, including my own character. Even I've cost so much money. But why can't I do it here? You didn't pay any and I didn't, either. I just gave you that and you keep that because both of us wanted at the beginning. But in someday, oneside doesn't want that, why you still stay it? It's not fair for we real-authors. Why don't I be allowed to delete my own things? A ROM could be deleted by the game-author in a ROM download site. A video could be deleted by the uploader or the real author in a video site. A link could be dead by any reason in every site. But I can't delete the movie as the movie-creator in this site... As someone said I said bad words. That's because another guy did that first, I just paid back. He said "hell" once, "shit" twice, and "bullshit" once. One word in once. I beared 3 times then I did that with just 2 bad words in once after his forth time. Both number and times of me is fewer. How funny that only I was warned... I don't care if you don't allow me to say anything in the forum at all. Because I can still submit rubbish movies and say something in the submission text. Or I can register new accounts, too. I can change my IP address with VPN or using random computers in a random cybercafe. If I do that, I do know I can't make any big influence to your site. But you and I can't have a good time during these days. And I'll waste many time to do those bad things, you'll waste many time(maybe less than me) to delete those bad things. Thanks for a boy tolerating my not good things during these years. Gave me useful suggestion and help with my work. Persuaded me with a gentle tone in a previous year and a previous month for twice like a big brother. Thank you very much. But what I want during these months is just making my movies and my account disappear here. Even I gave you a very very bad impression at last. I think it's very worthful. Deleting my things in this site is the first in my mind. I can't understand why you keep so dirty me and every my dirty things nowadays... You can keep that 2 submissions submitted by me which contains another author. And you can keep the video encoded by you before, if you want, if you don't fear to be stained by those things. But delete those submissions including emulator's movie files and all comments made or written by myself (including the text history). I've deleted all my WIPs and videos containing "" words in youtube uploaded by myself. It's time for me to say goodbye. Only if you delete my things. That's my last demand.
Skilled player (1242)
Joined: 3/17/2019
Posts: 280
akdsjfakldsf wrote:
In any network game, I can delete any things, including my own character. Even I've cost so much money. But why can't I do it here? You didn't pay any and I didn't, either. I just gave you that and you keep that because both of us wanted at the beginning.
TASVideos doesn't exist just as a place for individual TASers to show off their movies. It also exists as a place to document the fastest means of beating games, and to archive the specific movies that have held the record for fastest way of beating a game over the years. Additionally, it serves as a way for future movies to have documentation of what strategies appeared in earlier runs so that they can use these strategies to obsolete old movies. If all of your old videos and movie files were deleted from the site overnight, then this would create a lot of issues for the site as a whole, since all of these movies would need to be TASed by somebody else in order to re-appear on the site, and furthermore, the original strategies that you used in your TAS would be lost, making it even harder to make new TASes for the games. However, at the end of the day, all of this is irrelevant. When you submitted your movies you agreed to submit them in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License. This gives TASVideos permission to display your movies for as long as they like, even if at a certain point you decide that you don't want your movies on the site anymore. This may not be what you want, but ultimately, the existence of TASVideos as an archive of the fastest completions of games (and the fastest completions of categories of games) depends on users not having the ability to ever remove old movies once they have been published. Imagine if they didn't have this rule. To give you a simple example, let's suppose that users could delete their own movies as they pleased, and I deleted all my movies and all links to my movies that I had ever submitted right now. I have had multiple TASes of The Lion King for the NES published, and I am the only one who has had a movie published for the game. If I removed all my movies, then there would be no movie on the site anymore for this game, and all the strategies and techniques that I found for saving time in my movie would be deleted, which would make it take much longer for somebody to make another movie of the game which was as fast or faster than my most recent submission.
akdsjfakldsf wrote:
I don't care if you don't allow me to say anything in the forum at all. Because I can still submit rubbish movies and say something in the submission text. Or I can register new accounts, too. I can change my IP address with VPN or using random computers in a random cybercafe. If I do that, I do know I can't make any big influence to your site. But you and I can't have a good time during these days. And I'll waste many time to do those bad things, you'll waste many time(maybe less than me) to delete those bad things.
I would hope that you value your time enough that you wouldn't spend time creating intentionally bad movies under a VPN and new account in order to waste every user of the site's time. Even ignoring whether or not these actions are justified, what you're suggesting still isn't very practical. Even if you reached a point where you were creating 30 new accounts per day each under a different VPN and were hindering usage of the website, this could still be avoided by temporarily having users who submit their first movie need their movie to be approved by a judge before being added to the workbench. If you were to create new accounts to flood the forums with meaningless messages, then in an absolute worst case scenario, (unlikely) this could also be prevented by temporarily requiring that the first post made by a user be approved by a judge before it appears. This would likely only need to be done for no more than a week (at most), since it's impractical to assume that you're going to spend 15 hours a day spamming messages on this site for 3 weeks or something like that. In short, besides being impractical, this idea is petty and would only seek to hurt other TASers on the site for the purpose of helping give you what you want. As such, please do not do this. If you want it to be like your account doesn't exist on this site then there is a simple solution: stop logging into your account(s) on the site, stop visiting the site, and stop obsessing over the idea of getting all of your movies and account history purged from this website.
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akdsjfakldsf wrote:
Only if you delete my things. That's my last demand.
You are free to ask, and mods will often grant such requests. However, you can't demand because you submitted the files under a CC license, and that cannot be revoked once granted. You should have read that license, and if you didn't agree with it, not submit anything.