Cameltry(On the Ball in US/EU) is a labyrinth game where you tilt a maze to navigate a marble to the goal. This is an arcade port, although there are some pretty significant changes to how the game plays, such as 70 extra mazes, as well as more significant speed up and the ability to tilt the maze much faster. The last goal is hit in 36:21.403, which is 18:24 faster than wr, although some of the courses are quit out of earlier, so accounting for that this run is probably about 16 minutes faster than the RTA all worlds WR. This improvement mainly comes from being able to optimize moving the maze as quickly as possible and avoiding hitting walls while doing it, which is unfeasible to do RTA.


This game has a lot of sudden camera movement and very disorienting visuals; so be aware if you're prone to motion sickness.


  • This run plays on the JP version, as you can skip the title screen animation by pressing Start in that one, and there's also a different final level that's faster.
  • Beats all of the mazes as quickly as possible; 'beating' a maze is defined by a time appearing on the time records screen, which you can reach with the password DATA. The encode verifies this by using the password after the run, although the verification is not in the movie file.
  • Reaches the credits, which requires greying out all of the courses on the final plane.
  • Doesn't go out of bounds, or clip through any walls
  • Takes damage to save time
  • No passwords other than the passwords to switch between planes

Level Structure

The game is split up into 16 courses which are divided into 4 planes, and you move between each of these planes with passwords that the game tells you after clearing the courses of the previous plane. Each of the courses has anywhere from 4 to 10 mazes, for a total of 100 mazes.

Basic Moves

  • Tilting
Left, L, and Y tilt the maze clockwise(cw), and Right, R, X, and A tilt the maze counterclockwise(ccw).
  • Increase gravity
By pressing B or down, you can increase the gravity of the maze to move the marble around more quickly
  • Jumping
If you press B or down when the marble is on a surface the marble will jump off of it.

Items and Obstacles

  • Timer Down
Yellow X's will decrease the time remaining by 2 seconds, and Red X's will decrease the time remaining by 5 seconds.
  • Stop/Go fields
If the text says "Stop" it acts as a wall, and if it says "Go" you can go through it, and it alternates between these every 89 frames, with the first stop happening at 1.5 seconds in the maze, and the cycles start at the beginning of the maze it's on, which makes some mazes have tricky cycles.
  • Bumpers
If you hit this you will be bounced and get 500 points.
  • Bricks
If you hit a brick with enough force, it will break, but if you don't have enough force it won't. It also stops your momentum, which makes it so in most cases, its faster to bounce off a wall or brick near it to regain speed quickly, instead of waiting for gravity to move the marble down.
  • Directional fields
There are some rows of red lines that will affect your gravity to go a certain way, however, unlike in the arcade version, it isn't that hard to bypass them generally by having enough force. Some have arrows indicating the direction they push the marble.

Advanced movement and glitches

  • tilt stacking
If you hold multiple of the cw or ccw tilt keys at the same time, the maze will be tilted faster, which helps in several cases.
  • gravity break out
If you jump, you will get a burst of speed, independent of the gravity, and if you keep bouncing on the walls in this state, you will get to a point where the marble isn't in the usual gravity state, and controlling this optimally is a lot faster than the conventional way in a lot of cases; mainly if there are a lot of bricks that need to be hit or you start right on a wall, as you can get and regain speed instantly.
  • reverse gravity wallbounce
bouncing off walls while also holding the other increase gravity button lets you bounce around the level much more quickly than the fastest movement otherwise
  • slope superspeed
Bouncing off slopes in reverse gravity levels gives you a big burst of speed
  • Wall clipping
By pressing the key to jump into a wall every other frame, you can clip through walls and most other other obstacles(including the Stop/Go fields). This is not allowed in this TAS, however.
  • Pause abuse
By repedately pausing the in game time will progress more slowly. This doesn't affect the cycles, however, so this isn't of any use in the run.

Types of Levels

  • regular gravity mazes
Generally, these mazes involve tilting the stage to reach the goal as quickly as possible. There are several stages, though, where it is faster to bounce off the walls to the goal even in these stages, as jumping gives you a burst of speed.
  • reverse gravity mazes
Introduced in the second plane, these mazes have the gravity in the opposite direction, which is helpful in a lot of cases, as you move to the walls, instead of falling to the walls.
  • limited angle mazes
Introduced in the second plane, these mazes only let you tilt 45 degrees cw and ccw, which makes the movement a lot more complicated. These stages are a lot more dependent on using level geometry to affect the marble's gravity.

Course Notes and notable mazes

First Plane - Training

This has several tutorials that introduce the various mechanics. After finishing all of the mazes I reset after the second 'e' is displayed in the Complete screen after beating the 6th maze, as that's when the record is saved to the time records screen.
  • Maze 4: Super Sonic Break
This is the first level that introduces breaking bricks, and you have to destroy a few of them to progress, so bouncing through the level allows me to break them while losing as little speed as possible.

First Plane - Beginner

  • Maze 2: Aqua Palace
There is a big shortcut by bouncing through the tile-wide corridor at the end of the level, and it's a lot faster to traverse it while bouncing through it. The path I took seems about .1 seconds faster from testing.
  • Maze 4: Menthol Moon
This introduces the first Stop/Go field, which makes me stall a bit so I can enter right as it's saying Go, with as much speed as possible

First Plane - Expert

  • Maze 6: Ancient Battleship
A pretty cool level; this features precise movement through pegs to not bounce on one, and looks cool when done well.
  • Maze 7: China Garden
Lots of Stop/Go cycles; I don't imagine this level could be improved by a lot, as I enter the stop/go field at the very end right as it says go
  • Maze 8: Iwai Special
This level has a lot of alternate routes, and due to the walls being closely together, it's faster to bounce between them, and go inside the small corridor with the -time bricks. The cycle is pretty tight, so it required a lot of experimentation to figure out how to make the cycle.

First Plane - Special

  • Maze 4: Magician's Escape
This has tight corridors that I need to bounce through. It is possible to clip through the pegs at the end to get to the goal, but due to that working similarly to the wall clips, I am not allowing that in this run
  • Maze 6: Saw Saw Panic
This level loses time to world record, as the peg clip is RTA-viable, but due to how it works, is not used in this run.
  • Maze 10: Death Mistral
This level introduces directional fields, which I can generally get through easily, but do affect the marble's gravity slightly.

Password to second plane: BIRTH

That's right! This is a component to this run as well! The passwords in this game are... interesting. The way they work is that you need to tilt the password entry left and right, and at max speed it will change the character every 4 frames, so these can be a tricky part of speedruns to do well, and it's very easy to misenter a password. I did some math to ensure this was optimal. The password is normally given after greying out all 4 of the courses, and is the same every time.

Second Plane - Training

Starting on this plane, some of the mazes have different movement mechanics, and I will state below each course which maze of the course they appear on.
Limited angle mazes: 1, 2, 4
Reverse Gravity mazes: 3
  • Maze 1: Practice
This is the first limited gravity maze, which means I need to use the level geometry a lot more to get through it efficently, since I can't just rely on the gravity of having the marble go forward.
  • Maze 3: Stone Gallery
This is the first reverse gravity maze. Here I want to bounce along the edges of the walls and slopes when possible while holding the other speedup button, because that gives the marble a big burst of speed.

Second Plane - Beginner

Mazes 1 and 4 lose time to world record for this course, due to not peg clipping.
Limited angle mazes: 3
Reverse Gravity mazes: 4
  • Maze 3: Secret Diary
It feels counterintuitive to me, but the route that goes around the tight corridor is faster in this case even though it is more distance, as tight corridors take awhile to get through with limited gravity.

Second Plane - Expert

Limited angle mazes: 6
Reverse Gravity mazes: 1
  • Maze 2: Jet Stream
This level loses some time to cycles.

Second Plane - Special

Reverse Gravity mazes: 1, 4, 7
  • Maze 3: Go to Picnic!
The cycle here is really tight to make, so it requires pretty optimal bouncing around the level and getting the speed boosts, while not wasting too much time on the walls.

Third Plane - Beginner

Limited angle mazes: 4 From third plane on, Beginner is the first course instead of training, and the final course of this plane is labeled "Master" instead of Special, which is the 3rd course instead.
  • Maze 2: Hurry
Another tight cycle, Here I need to make sure to avoid the directional fields, because they make me go very slightly slower, which here is the difference between making the cycle and not. It is really tricky to bounce off the bricks toward the end without breaking the bricks to the side, which would kill my momentum.

Third Plane - Expert

Limited angle mazes: 4
Reverse Gravity mazes: 5

Third Plane - Special

Limited angle mazes: 3
Reverse Gravity mazes: 6
  • Maze 1: Nervous
There are a lot of bricks to break in this level, and when you break too many in a row, you have to wait a bit to break more, likely due to too many brick particles being on screen.

Third Plane - Master

Limited angle mazes: 4, 8
Reverse Gravity mazes: 2, 6
  • Maze 1: Long Long Long
This is the longest level in the name. It turns out to be faster to not bounce the marble here, and it is way faster to go through the - time bricks
  • Maze 6: Time Walker
Cycles are really mean here, unfortunately

Fourth Plane - Beginner

Starting in this plane, I need to grey out the courses to accomplish the goal of receiving the credits, so after finishing a course i reset after the end of course text has stopped advancing, which takes a little longer. Reverse Gravity mazes: 3
  • Maze 2: The Dungeon
You are intended to be pushed by the gravity to the part of the maze farthest from the goal, however with good gravity and force manipulation you can get to the final part of the maze.

Fourth Plane - Expert

Limited angle mazes: 1
Reverse Gravity mazes: 2
  • Maze 1: Adventure
This is the first level in a series of adventure levels, they are all limited gravity levels, and this one has some pretty tricky cycles
  • Maze 3: Win/Lose
This has a lot of + and - bricks that give or take time. Normally you would let the directional field push you into the -/+ bricks, however bouncing around instead helps prevent losing speed from repeatedly hitting the bricks.

Fourth Plane - Special

Limited angle mazes: 3
Reverse Gravity mazes: 6
  • Maze 2: Reflection
from testing, bouncing around seemed to save 7 frames vs. letting gravity push the marble, due to starting right near a wall and getting momentum more quickly
  • Maze 3: Falling
There's a major shortcut if you jump through the route outside the X blocks.
  • Maze 4: The Earth
The routes seem to be almost exactly the same length, but I think the one I took is faster.
  • Maze 5: Another Dimension
Some of the geometry is narrow enough that you can clip through it more easily than most walls, but I am not allowing that here. For the 2nd half of the level, bouncing around the narrow corridors is faster than trying to navigate via gravity, as even with tilting the maze at top speed you can't avoid hitting the walls.

Fourth Plane - Master

Limited angle mazes: 3, 7, 8
Reverse Gravity mazes: 1, 10
  • Maze 1: Hyper!
Getting hit by the bumper at the beginning is faster, although it doesn't save any time in the run, as I still make the same cycle, but I decide to play around a bit.
  • Maze 3: Adventure 2
This is probably one of the hardest levels in the game; there's limited gravity and you have to control the marble's gravity in a very particular way to even progress through the level.
  • Maze 4: Super High Way
The directional fields push the marble forward and help a bit, but it's sometimes better to move in the path with the least distance.
  • Maze 6: !?
The directional fields are really tricky to navigate through at the end, as it's optimal to just use momentum to go the opposite way through them instead of hitting the bricks on the other side.
  • Maze 7: Labyrinth
There are 3 paths you can take depending on how far down you go, and the middle one is the most straightforward.
  • Maze 8: Adventure 3
Another Adventure level that is really tricky. This one has a cool skip with the bumpers to skip moving through the directional field that is to the right.
  • Maze 10: Manji
This was changed in the US version to a longer and more challenging level called "Last Battle". This level has a cycle and you have to move in the right way not to get caught in alcoves, and there is a cycle, and a lot of bricks after the stop/go cycle, and only so many brick particles can be shown at once, so I stop occasionally.

Possible Improvements

  • I would imagine that, due to the complex nature of how you gain speed by bouncing on walls, slight optimizations throughout are possible.
  • It's possible that I could save another cycle on Hyper, which would save a second and a half, as I get pretty close to making the cycle.


  • Most of the time I could sync the TAS per level after redoing a maze, but occasionally if I ended the level at a different angle, the marble would react differently to surfaces on the following level, and I would have to resync that level as well.

Thanks and shoutouts

  • Ankou for making a really neat Cameltry level editor, that also comes with level maps when you view a level, which helped with figuring out routing when there were multiple paths
  • Picante, a friend who also ran this game awhile back.

Samsara: I looooooooove them balls. Judging!
Samsara: Dropping. We still need a discussion on where to accept "in-bounds" runs, which may further delay processing of this run. Whoever picks it up should be aware of that.

feos: Claiming for judging.
feos: I think reaching the credits counts as a fastest completion goal for this game. You have to enter passwords to advance to the next plane, so you can see the credits even if you only play the Final Plane. But we don't allow using passwords to simply skip ahead. So I'm removing the "all levels" label from this run, and I added labels to rejected submissions to tell which plane they are playing.
feos: Accepting as described here.

EZGames69: Processing...
feos: Forgot it's a Moons branch.

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15913
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #7324: GarbiTheGlitcheress's SNES On the Ball "in bounds" in 37:34.60
Active player (420)
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"Vocal samples for music and FX provided by: Minions" I'm not familiar with the game at all, but it's obvious at first glance that what you're doing is TAS quality beyond what people can do. I liked this.
Editor, Reviewer, Skilled player (1373)
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I've changed the branch label from "all mazes inbounds" to "in bounds, all levels", for standardizing. If anyone has any issues with that, please write a post so that we can discuss about it. In the meanwhile, I'm leaving here the link to the branch naming guidelines: Wiki: PublisherGuidelines#BranchName
my personal page - my YouTube channel - my GitHub - my Discord: thunderaxe31 <Masterjun> if you look at the "NES" in a weird angle, it actually clearly says "GBA"
Editor, Experienced player (529)
Joined: 11/8/2010
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Congrats on your first solo completed TAS, Garbi! What made you decide to skip OoB glitches? And how different would the run look if you'd used them?
Player (235)
Joined: 6/25/2018
Posts: 22
CoolKirby wrote:
Congrats on your first solo completed TAS, Garbi! What made you decide to skip OoB glitches? And how different would the run look if you'd used them?
There have been previous TASes of Cameltry submitted, and the general consensus has been that they made the run not as entertaining. With them I could just clip through the walls straight to the goal. There is a nicovideo TAS that uses them here.
Player (26)
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In the Ask A Judge thread, there was discussion on whether exiting a course early counts for an "all levels" run, but I see no mention of this in the submission text. I get the impression that if a course consits of multiple levels, and you end the course without playing all those levels, then it is an "all courses" run but not an "all levels" run. It's a quality run and I'm voting yes anyway, but this thread strikes me as a good place to discuss the label of the movie.
GarbiTheGlitcheress wrote:
I am running all levels, but it is possible to exit a course early and there is still internal data indicating all the levels of the course as being completed, but it doesn't save the progress toward getting the next password. Is it necessary to get the game to a state in which it will give me the password, and if so, is it necessary to have the password be shown on screen?
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Radiant wrote:
In the Ask A Judge thread, there was discussion on whether exiting a course early counts for an "all levels" run, but I see no mention of this in the submission text. I get the impression that if a course consits of multiple levels, and you end the course without playing all those levels, then it is an "all courses" run but not an "all levels" run. It's a quality run and I'm voting yes anyway, but this thread strikes me as a good place to discuss the label of the movie.
GarbiTheGlitcheress wrote:
I am running all levels, but it is possible to exit a course early and there is still internal data indicating all the levels of the course as being completed, but it doesn't save the progress toward getting the next password. Is it necessary to get the game to a state in which it will give me the password, and if so, is it necessary to have the password be shown on screen?
For this run, I always reset to exit the course after the last level of the course has been completed. The only parts I skip are congratulations screens and such. My definition of 'all mazes' in the context of this tas is a time showing up on the screen that you get if you use the DATA password.
Player (26)
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GarbiTheGlitcheress wrote:
For this run, I always reset to exit the course after the last level of the course has been completed. The only parts I skip are congratulations screens and such. My definition of 'all mazes' in the context of this tas is a time showing up on the screen that you get if you use the DATA password.
Right, so you play all the levels of the course, but the course ends with some cut scene or score screen and you skip that? Ok, then I have no issue with the "all levels" branch name.
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I watched both OoB runs, and while gameplay in them looks completely different, and it feels like all of the gameplay is skipped, in terms of time alone only about 30% of the in-bounds time is cut. OoB definitely doesn't skip majority of the game. It relates to in-bounds much like [3570] Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog by Aglar in 14:13.87 to [1937] Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog "no zips" by Aglar in 17:36.58. Not sure if avoiding OoB should count as a Standard category, but I feel this run has enough cool stuff in it to be accepted to Moons. If somebody makes a full run with OoB that could be a separate category due to fundamentally different gameplay. If by our past borderline, the level of praise and consensus we have pro mooning this run is not enough, then I think that borderline didn't make much sense. And I repeat every once in a while that we may lower the feedback requirements for Moons a bit if we feel it makes sense for a given game. So yeah I plan to accept this to Moons.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Player (235)
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Posts: 22
feos wrote:
I watched both OoB runs, and while gameplay in them looks completely different, and it feels like all of the gameplay is skipped, in terms of time alone only about 30% of the in-bounds time is cut. OoB definitely doesn't skip majority of the game. It relates to in-bounds much like [3570] Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog by Aglar in 14:13.87 to [1937] Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog "no zips" by Aglar in 17:36.58. Not sure if avoiding OoB should count as a Standard category, but I feel this run has enough cool stuff in it to be accepted to Moons. If somebody makes a full run with OoB that could be a separate category due to fundamentally different gameplay. If by our past borderline, the level of praise and consensus we have pro mooning this run is not enough, then I think that borderline didn't make much sense. And I repeat every once in a while that we may lower the feedback requirements for Moons a bit if we feel it makes sense for a given game. So yeah I plan to accept this to Moons.
awesome! this game really means a lot to me and i have wanted a tas of this game to exist for so long; glad you think it's worth being accepted :) if i ever get the itch to return to this game, maybe i'll try an oob run at some point :D
Post subject: Movie published
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15913
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [4635] SNES On the Ball "in bounds" by GarbiTheGlitcheress in 37:34.60