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Rules are simple: No Re-recording or Slowdown There is few big mistakes If somebody try to do speedrun in this game i would like to see it so i hope you upload your movie.
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Would you mind posting what your time was (and what timing rules you used)?
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I tried this game again after few months and now finished it 11:28
Would you mind posting what your time was (and what timing rules you used)?
I recorded movie by snes9x and stopped it when i was finished(record from reset). I also tried 96-exits run and get 02:00:49 Edit: Faster time 11:42 -> 11:28
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Fastest run from start to ending credits or fastest run with all exits?
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I played both Minimalist run 11:42 and all exits 2:00:49
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I've been bored the last few days and have tried this a few times. It made me realize how much I suck at actually playing games, although I did get to Vanilla Dome 2 on one occassion without making any mistakes. The SDA record for this is really impressive I think.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
I've been bored the last few days and have tried this a few times. It made me realize how much I suck at actually playing games, although I did get to Vanilla Dome 2 on one occassion without making any mistakes. The SDA record for this is really impressive I think.
I totally agree. The 100% run was finished in only 1:31:30 in a single-segment which is only 8 min slower than our TAS and the author managed to go through the entire game without dying once even in the most difficult and tricky stages. It's just awesome over such a long time-period. This run can be found here:*96
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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I just watched it. Very impressive indeed! Especially toward the end, taking the hit to get through Valley of Bowser 2 faster, the very close call at the Reznor fight of Valley Fortress (made my heart skip a bit and I'm just watching it!), and running through Back Door with no lights on.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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I am currently working on an improvement of the 11-exit console run found at SDA (10:56 by SDA rules, 11:10 by Twin Galaxies rules). I just made my first official run and I got 11:19 by TG rules with LOTS of mistakes. I'm guessing I can get around a 10:51 with practice. I can beat the current run as far as the in-game timer on every level but Yoshis Island 2 and Yoshis Island 4. I need help with a few things however and I feel this is the best site to get them answered on: 1) In yoshis island 2, how do you grab either the red or green shell that the koopas jump into before you reach the "staircase" with the first chargin chuck at the top? Both JXQ and flagitious/VIPer7 do it in their 11 run and I'd like to be able to do it consistently (I can do it on and off) so I can get the 2-up and the beginning and still do shell kills. 2) What would be the best way to attempt to produce the "fast flying" effect on console? 3) How can I execute the smashola glitch more efficiently? My best time on Star World 1 is 288 timeunits left but its not consistent at all. 4) Would it be possible to jump off the shell in yoshis island 4 to avoid the water or the p-switch on castle 1 to avoid the lava (on console)? If so, how could I do it? 5) How do you do the shell drop and regrab in the water in donut secret 1 at the end? Thanks for the help.
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So I will respond as a console player to your questions, and I have a question or two of my own. 1. In YI2 grabbing that shell is luck in my experience. Do you know about the 5-up method? You don't get the shell to play with, but you get 5-up instead of 2. That's what I do, but if you can ever manage to consistently grab the shell I think that would be more impressive. 2. Play a whole lot. Then you can tell if you sped up or slowed down after you did a dive. 3. Someone else got this one? I never had it consistent. 4. Jumping off the shell is possible, but incredibly hard. The pswitch is probably out of the question for several reasons. You only have one frame to press the jump button when you hit the pswitch, you have to be pressing down on the d pad so you can duck under the fire ball. There isn't much time to do this because pressing down also grabs the fence. You have to catch back up with the pswitch after you drop it. Turning back for one frame then forward is the more feasible method for doing this, but I still think this won't ever happen in a console run. Feel free to prove me wrong. 5. I'm not totally sure what you are asking. If you mean when they kick it then swim up and grab it higher so they go up faster over that sleepy fish then you just press up and release the shell, re-press x/y and press b/a (both is nice) while still holding up. Maybe someone else explain it better. Side note: I had to look at my controller to know which buttons are which :P Are you going to fly through the stairs in the ghost house? With lots (and lots) of practice you should be able to get it a good percentage of the time, like 1/4 or something. That would be Way Cool. Are you going for the second cape to fly during the Bowser fight? It shouldn't be too hard if you don't actually fly up there but time it so you jump up real high at the right time and float back down. Finding a second cape that you can consistently get could be challenging. In DP1 do you get the cape the way the TAS does? If you do this it would probably make up for not knowing if you are fast flying, and with practice it isn't too difficult. I think the jump to hit the cape-a-koopa is something like the 5th downbeat after entering the level. EDIT: thegreginator the rest of my responses, including to your below post, will be at the SDA topic.
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Thanks for the advice jimsfriend. For the 5-up on YI2, I'm not entirely sure what your talking about, could you explain it better? As far as flying through the stairs, I've been able to do it a few times, though far from consistent. I dont think I will do it in a run, however, because even if I got it consistently its against the rules for Twin Galaxies, which I plan to submit my run to as well as SDA. For the second cape for the bowser fight, I've never practriced bowser this way but it is a definate option. It would definately look neat (and obviously save time) if I did it, but getting a second cape is the hard part. I doubt I could do the one in SW4 the way flagitious/viper 7 and JXQ do it, but I might be able to stop and get it and then pick up fly speen again, not sure if his would be worth it. I could also do this in DP1, let me know if you find a good way. A much less appealing option is doing SW 3 again and carrying the pswitch to the goal for a cape which would cost a ton of time but be easy. For DP1, I can easily get the cape at the beginning the TAS way. The problem with this is, I cant see the top of the screen becasue I start out so low so I couldnt do the method where you fly under the pipe to get the key. Plus, even if the screen did scroll up, I can rarely do this. My usual technique of flying over the pipe is too high up for starting out this low. The way I get the cape is by jumping on the koopa in p-run, turning around in midair without losing p-run, grabbing the cape, and then when I land on the ground with the cape, I am still in p-run so I can take off right away. I have gotten a 262 using this method once, usually a 261.
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thegreginator wrote:
3) How can I execute the smashola glitch more efficiently?
I would recommend breaking the same blocks I do in the 11-exit TAS. After breaking the third block (so four blocks are spinning), near the height of that bounce, begin holding -> and jump. With just a bit of luck, this will push you down through the blocks very quickly.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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by SDA timing i have a time of 12:16. just playing around though.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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I just tried a 96-exit run and I am pretty disappointed in it. I want to eventually beat the record but I didn't even come close. My time was 2:02:55. I died about 12-15 times. It's not too bad though because it was my first 96 attempt in a couple of months so I wasn't used to it. I still beat my old time by around 10 minutes. I knew this run wasn't going to be the record or even close to it, but I was hoping for at least sub 2 hour. Oh well. The good thing about this is that it made me appreciate how much easier/more fun an 11 exit is.
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smw the whole game to beat is really boring if you are trying to do it fast. the fastest way is to fly through each level.... i beat it in 1 hour 30 minutes once... it wwas boring to just fly through almost the whole game.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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I disagree with you andrewg. Playing the whole game through is actually quite difficult and not boring at all. It isn't as simple as just flying through every level. Lots of levels are difficult/impossible to fly through. If you think flying is boring, then try to see how many enemy you can bounce off of. I avoid staying above the screen. I like to fly in the middle of everything to keep it more entertaining. If you have beaten this game in an hour and a half then you might want to try to beat the record. It's 1:31:30(non tool). I going to do a run right now and hopefully it is at least sub 2 hour.
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skamastaG wrote:
If you have beaten this game in an hour and a half then you might want to try to beat the record. It's 1:31:30(non tool).
Heh, I'm pretty sure he knew that. Andrewg has been running various Mario games for a while. He's also a more active member at SDA than in this forum (a lot of us visit both :)). 1:31 is very impressive, and I remember the run (was it by marsh, or dagorn, or someone else) was very clean. No new breakthroughs for the non-tas crowd has come through, so breaking the run would be an impressive feat, regardless if half the game is flying.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
1:31 is very impressive, and I remember the run (was it by marsh, or dagorn, or someone else) was very clean. No new breakthroughs for the non-tas crowd has come through, so breaking the run would be an impressive feat, regardless if half the game is flying.
Jason "GameCube04" Baum was the guy. And there is that ghost house (Forest of Illusion?) where you fly over the wall to save a bunch of time that he didn't know about. But other than that, no significant time savers unless you are insane.
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I got a time of 1:45:53 last night. I am pretty happy with this time as it is 14 minutes under my goal. I didn't die once the whole game, but I did lose my cape/flower a few times and had to go back a bit to get them. I also lost lots of time on a few levels, namely castles and fortresses. I think it is very possible to beat Jason Baum's time. I know many tricks in this game and can beat most of his level times. The INCREDIBLY hard part is executing everything in a run. For this I respect him greatly. I have no clue how he kept his cool and still performed risky tricks at the end. I think with route changes(I use VIPer7's except for a few places), tricks such as FoIgh, a few units saved on each level, and a better Bowser fight(I can save at least 10-15 seconds) I can beat this run. Maybe even sub 1:30 is possible but that would probably be a perfect run. A new run won't come any time soon(from me), but I am going to perfect each level and do a run-through every now-and-then and I should be able to do it within the next year or so. I am not going to devote myself to this, but I will practice. I have a question on Castle 2. In my run last night, my time was 30 units slower than Jason Baum because I just couldn't quite fit through this one part. Does the movement of the walls depend on when you enter the door or are they the same everytime? I get in the pipe faster than him so I think that might be the problem. If the time affects the walls, I think I will just enter the same time as him.
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I am not sure about this, but I do not believe it matters when you enter the door here.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Witness greatness here. Also, sarcasm.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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My attempt. Never mind the rerecords, they're from constantly starting over in YI2 (not today of course, this was one shot).
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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:D So I need a controller.
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Location: CO First try. I swear I'm not this bad. At least it's entertaining.