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I'm checking the european game "Stranded Kids" for the text glitch. It seems to be much more of a goldmine of glitched text/crashes than the other two versions. For example, using broom before entering the hut would glitch up the screen a bunch and then randomly freeze or reset the game. Another item (forgot which) would change the music. This was with the english language. Haven't tried French and German yet. (The german translation is horrible btw. Cancel becomes delete, spicy becomes spiced) Again I want to emphasize, the crashes have some variety. The same crash can be slightly different if you hold different buttons before it. Sometimes the same text pointer would cause the game to hang instead of crash, etc. I can't do much more but test a lot. Maybe someday someone will find a small gap of opportunity in all this that leads to ACE..
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Ok I figured out what's up with the pendant in the desert. Before the raft trip: it will be the oval gem but there is no way to reach this place yet. If you leave Bub behind: it will always be the pendant even if you didn't trigger the other kid yet (by looking at one of the two fire sites) If you take Bub with you: It will be the oval gem. If you look at a campsite, it will change to the pendant. If you pick it up as the oval gem, the campsites will disappear. What this means for an All Endings run: It would be the best for an all endings run to play as far ahead as possible before splitting into different endings. I still haven't tested if you can save your game, achieve an ending and then continue on that save to reach another ending. But if it possible then Bub should be taken onto the raft trip (so we can decide later if we take the oval gem or the pendant from the desert), then play 2nd half of isle similar to ED8 and save at the hut. Play single kid endings, and then load a savegame and check a campsite to do the "two kid" endings.
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I've been doing a little research on the text glitch in the hut... couldn't stay away from another ACE opportunity. So what it looks like is happening is the game expects the first time you enter the hut to be part of that first cutscene, so it expects the text pointer (and ROM bank) to be set to an exact value. By triggering another cutscene (that's what I'm calling the text that sets the text pointer - it includes a bunch of normal things like using an item), you change the value of the pointer so it reads from whatever address was after the text box you triggered. After just skipping the cutscene, the text pointer is set to a valid address, so it just reads off normal text. (I'm not sure yet what causes it to read a certain number of texts, there doesn't seem to be a control code in the text itself, so it must be stored elsewhere.) With stuff like the Whip or Thin Grass, the pointer is set to data that isn't supposed to be displayed as text. The buffer that text is copied to is 0x80 bytes in size, and text is copied until an end character is found (0xAD or 0xAE). Since some of these invalid texts are longer than 0x80 bytes, there is a buffer overflow and RAM data is overwritten. For some of these (like the Whip) it overwrites so much that it actually loops back and starts overwriting the beginning of the RAM as well (by writing to the echo area). What's interesting about this is that it can overwrite data in the stack... This is why the game crashes after the Whip text, the buffer overflow rewrites the return address, so after the copy function is over, it returns to invalid code. The upshot of this is... if we can control what gets written to the stack pointer, we could have the game return into some area of RAM we can manipulate, and boom, ACE. Haven't looked into it too much yet, but the characters name at CB4D seems promising. You can even jump almost anywhere before it in the CBxx range and it's all valid code. Not sure if we'll be able to trigger the credits with the 4 bytes in the characters name, but 4 bytes worked for SML2! The hard part then will be figuring out if we can easily manipulate text gets written to the stack. If there isn't anything a player can do to influence that, we might just have to get lucky and find the exact textbox that will work. I'm not really sure how to begin testing this, but will post results when I have them. Addresses of interest: CB47 = text pointer - expected to be 592f by hut cutscene* CB4D = your name - text, up to 4 chars CBA5 = current ROM bank - expected to be 2D by hut cutscene CC40 = text buffer - looks like most text in the game uses this to print, but some don't (eg. "Nothing here.") C700 = your inventory, items of note: whip (0x72), flint (0x65), jump rope (0x62), big rock (0x42) * note: address is 2 bytes, but stored in big-endian, eg. 59 2F = 592F (not 2F 59 as you might be used to)
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When I use my sword against a tree (that can be made to lumber with an axe) and then go into the hut, it would execute addresses $C900 or so ~ $CFFF. Don't know if this is useful, just saying. (Edit: Using costume, then entering hut can sometimes make the whole screen black and execute from $BC10) What would be the best code to reach the ending? ----- Edit: I've been working on this script (Masterjun helped me).
Language: lua

local function hex(num,dig) if not dig then dig = 4 end return string.format("%0"..dig.."X",num) end local addr = {} t = "" memory.registerexec(0xA000,0x2149,function() table.insert(addr,memory.getregister("pc")) end) memory.registerexec(0xc14a,function() table.insert(addr,memory.getregister("pc")) t = t .. "(buttonpress)\n" end) memory.registerexec(0xc14b,0x05b4,function() table.insert(addr,memory.getregister("pc")) end) memory.registerexec(0xc700,0x000b,function() table.insert(addr,memory.getregister("pc")) t = t .. "(inventory)\n" end) memory.registerexec(0xc70c,0x0440,function() table.insert(addr,memory.getregister("pc")) end) memory.registerexec(0xcb4d,function() table.insert(addr,memory.getregister("pc")) t = t .. "(name)\n" end) memory.registerexec(0xcb4e,0x04b1,function() table.insert(addr,memory.getregister("pc")) end) while true do if #addr>0 then local group = {} for key,value in pairs(addr) do if #group==0 then table.insert(group,{value,value}) elseif math.abs(group[#group][2]-value)>3 then table.insert(group,{value,value}) else group[#group][2]=value end end group[#group][2]=addr[#addr] print("== frame " .. emu.framecount() .. " ==") for key,value in pairs(group) do print(hex(value[1]).."~"..hex(value[2]).." executed!") end print(t) if t ~= "" then print("") end t="" end addr = {} emu.frameadvance() end
Using a match, then entering the hut (US ROM with VBA): I just need to find out what code reaches the ending. I've already tried a bunch of C3 xx xx C4 xx xx and it keeps hanging....
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I came across this condition to reach an ending: While text is displayed on the screen (not "Nothing's here" but actual text), $C162 onwards must store certain values for something to happen. FF 34 02 01 Pressing the text away will then reach the "leaving by ship" ending. FF 34 01 01 Will close the text and start the ending on its own. FF 32 01 01 FF 31 01 01 Would display the staff credits and wedding sequence and assume Ending 8 was reached. FF 28 01 01 Helicopter ending. 00 28 01 01 Kid arrives at hut during the typhoon. 01 26 01 01 Kid finds the skeleton in a cave. 02 24 01 01 Kid finds waterfall cave.
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Are we trying to trigger credits or trigger the good ending? Either way, could you post a savestate just before the ending? I was trying to figure out how to trigger it by debugging other cut scenes but it turned out to be kind of a pain in the ass. I think it's best to find some ASM to trigger whatever, rather than trying to overwrite a particular RAM location - we'll probably have better luck overwriting the stack pointer to some general region and then executing from there. Manipulating 4 bytes to appear exactly at C162, vs. manipulating one byte of the return address to be, say, CFxx, where your code is at any address in CFxx and the bytes before don't crash the game. Then you have a whole memory region you can try to manipulate to be valid code. My first thought was to try and execute code from the player's name - I've tested it, and the 100 or so bytes before the name are usually all harmless. So if we could find a CALL or a JP to a function that triggers credits... that can be made out of a players name, that would be ideal. Anyway, if you can post a savestate I'll take a look at how to trigger the ending.
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Well, there are 8 possible endings. Only some include the credits, and some endings are bad. Would be a bit disappointing to reach an inferior ending... I apologize in advance for some redundant information there may be below. You probably just want to grab the VBMs and do your testing, heh... Saved by heli (ED1) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1009492152/heli.vbm (VBA 24m, svn391, U C ! game version) Other kid ending: - I edited memory to save me some trouble. Unfortunately I didn't find out how the game exactly keeps track of whether or not the other kid was found. Also, I edited my items so I had all the gems from the start. If you use them on the ship place too early, it seems ending 5 (leave by ship with other kid, other kid dies) can't be reached even if address $C5F6 (other kid's love towards you) is zero (I'm really confused about this to be honest but oh well*). Instead, Ending 6 (normal ship ending) will be reached. If you give the other kid honey so love address is 240 or more, ending 8 will be reached (wedding ending). - I think that only endings 4, 5, 6 and 8 give credits, but I'm not sure. Those will be the endings that are the most viable for us. 4 = you leave alone with ship 5 = you leave with other kid with ship, other kid dies 6 = you leave with other kid with ship, normally 8 = you leave with other kid with ship, wedding ending - Just for your information, since I don't know if you're familiar with the game: After the raft trip, two campsites will appear in the first half of the isle. You need to inspect at least one of them so a trigger field appears just outside the ship place. When stepping on that trigger, the other kid will be found. Once the other kid has been found (doesn't need to be brought to ship), the ship ending will automatically be "two kids" (endings 5,6,8). Otherwise, the ship ending will just be you alone "one kid" (ending 4), regardless of whether or not you inspected a campsite. The trigger field can be skipped past without cheating. Other kid normal ship ending (ED6. Can be ED8 if you give all honey to other kid) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1021841373/other%20kid%20ending.vbm Leave by ship alone ending (ED4) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1739907163/single%20kid%20ending.vbm * - It may be impossible to reach ED5 (Other kid dies) if certain other conditions are met, such as whether or not you have taken Bub along on the raft trip. If I ever decide to make an all endings run this will be something to test. It may split open the endings map I made in a previous post (which would be unfortunate - Looks like 20 more minutes of play time unnecessarily).
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I feel like if not all endings give credits, then just triggering credits with ACE should not count as finishing the game. And if we have to trigger an ending might as well aim for the best one...
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Well I wouldn't know but I don't think credits can run without the game then fading into a "Ending x was achieved" screen. If the game freezes after the credits, then that shouldn't count, but if it goes over to a black screen saying "Ending 8", that would be a good accomplishment to me. The full ending would be even better, I guess. As I mentioned, if you want to go for an ending, endings 4 5 6 or 8 have credits. The best ending is ending 8.
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So Endings 2 & 3 don't really matter?
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MeGotsThis on twitter said it might be possible to save time in ED8 run to not listen to the radio but instead wait for the search to be called off automatically. EDIT: They claimed that you do not need to listen to the radio between building it and day 3 (where the search is called off) and provided video proof. It should probably be tested if it really works on emu, but otherwise it looks like the ed8 run is improvable by 8 seconds.
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Did some research on unused content in this game. This is not necessarily useful for TASing, but more for http://tcrf.net Sorry this is the only place I can think of where to dump this info. Unused "item get" icons: red=Used orange=maybe used Everything else=probably unused, but needs some looking into WRAM $0A79, ID of item sprite you are about to get. 00 - Mushroom 01 - Nut (?) 02 - Clam (green color?) 03 - Clam (blue color, open?) 04 - Berries 05 - Torch 06 - Fishing Rod 07 - A purple slime (can't identify) 08 - Fish 09 - Clam (blue color, half open) 0A - Kindling 0B - Mustache shaped thing 0C - Thin fish (baked?) 0D - Rock or a ball of mud 0E - Arrow 0F - grass 10 - Bow 11 - Blue closed fruit thing 12 - Open beige clam 13 - Cooked meat 14 - Fish (baked?) 15 - baked small fish 16 - fried egg 17 - Axe 18 - cooked mushroom 19 - tree sap 1A - cooked mushroom 1B - 2 white stones or eggs? 1C - Necklace thing 1D - mask 1E - a sack (of trash?) 1F - Broom 20 - Leaf 21 - Native indian hat with feathers 22 - Jump rope 23 - Whip 24 - Baseball gear 25 - Green necklace thing 26 - Radio 27 - a key 28 - Hammer 29 - another fish 2A - a small fish There are more icons, not sure how to trigger them. (such as the match, knife, etc.) Unused items Please refer to this item list. I'm suspecting of the following to be unused, but I can't be 100% sure. They might or might not appear in some secret corner in a desolate place. Or they might be craft-able. - Some of the caps? (They are given to you based on your gender when doing new game+, I think. I'm not sure if you can get all of them) - Delicacy (some dude on Gamefaqs claimed you can store spoiled fruit to make it turn into a delicacy, but it needs to be looked into) - Full Mushroom, Healing nut, heal grass, vital fruit, full fruit, super vital fruit - these might or might not be in the game. I don't think I saw them in the game back when I planned the ED8 TAS. - Trash - Costume? Unused splash screens Before a splash screen appears, you can edit $0ACE to change ID. Not sure if this method is reliable though. There don't seem to be any unused splash screens. But 0x14 and 0x15 both show a helicopter screen and I'm not sure if both are used.
Post subject: Credit warp found? ending 3 and 7.
Joined: 3/26/2018
Posts: 17
Hello, I don't tas at all but I did a speed run of this game recently and I got really interesting in the hut glitch so I was doing tests on Survival kids and Stranded kids with lots of cool results. I never tried the Japanese one at all but I just decided to try it. Again it was that very broken whip I used to do this, it warped me to the ending 3 credit scene and then ending 3 cleared and it even counts on the file. The thing is you have to be a girl to do this glitch I have no clue how to do a lot of stuff like look at code or anything. I don't know why it doesn't work when you are a boy and the name seems to have no effect on it just the gender. I know you guys were talking about it a while ago so I decided to tell any one interested that it was done. I did a speedrun with them I have no clue if I can post it here. I was thinking of doing a comparison video later on though. It might help some one looking to do more tas stuff with the game sorry ^^ (weird things that happen its ending 3 not 7 which means the game thinks you have found the boy already when you are by yourself) and it is always that ending never another one At the end of writing this I used the kindling to get ending 7 as girl only again I couldn't get it to work as a boy. although matches seem to do this and kindling can also set off ending 3. matches can set off ending 7 as well as ending 3 and matches have the coolest effects with the most "variables" I find it very hard to recreate most of them though. hope this was okay to post here thank you.
Joined: 10/2/2005
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Feel free to post any speedrunning/TASing/glitch/routing content related to Survival Kids you want, you don't need permission.
Puzzle gamedev https://patashu.itch.io Famitracker musician https://soundcloud.com/patashu Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Hello Melonslice, thanks for posting! What emulator or system did you use for testing? What did you do prior to entering the hut? I'm testing this bug. I made sure to select the girl and collected and merged ivy and a stick, used it and entered the hut. Survival Kids (U) + Bizhawk 2.2(Gambatte) Lots of garbled text and game crashes. Stranded Kids (E) + Bizhawk 2.2(Gambatte) Lots of garbled text and game crashes.
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Ok, so after hearing back from Melonslice, it is confirmed to work on the Japanese version! It works because the days counter is bugged to over 100 days, but the game does not crash. Therefore sleeping once more satisfies the ending 7 criteria (= survive 100 days). We want this bug to work on a version other than Japanese, so we do not have to sit through the intro cinematics (which are unskippable in JP). I tested the hut glitch on US version with many items and by checking many things before entering the hut, but the game always crashed, or the days counter stayed 0. Need to test Stranded Kids.
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Thank you Patashu. I was really worried I don't like breaking forum rules. After what happened I am really glad I posted here. (also I got the ending warp for ending 3 to work for a boy in the Japanese version using the burning something to make charcoal text) After watching Mugg test out a variety of items I decided to test out a few more like burning to make charcoal for example and drinking an empty canteen. Also not just in the Japanese version but all versions gender seems to change up some of the glitch effects language definitely effects them too. Something cool I discovered in the USA version of survival kids with the charcoal burning when the text only all of them say this tastes bad gasp but on the box after that it will say v9w(kids name) glitch block br ! then it goes off the screen it might be nothing but it could be something. also the boy text says V(glitch)V (kids name) (you can ha
this!) Stranded kids Eng and Fr - Crash (boy and girl) Ger - Colour glitch (boy) Crash (girl) So far a quick way to Ending 1,3 and 7 have been discovered with only 1 and 3 being recorded ending 7 I only have pictures of it, the ending Mugg got was 3 which is pretty normal. and for ending 1 I can only reliably recreate the slowest way to get ending 1 using the glitch. Once I got the normal type helicopter thing as it took me to day 3 in the day counter and I went to the beach as normal without putting out a SOS sign the helicopter still picked me up. This is all on JP none have been found for USA or Europe yet Also in most of the Japanese glitch text it had katakana N ン I don't know if making a characters name compiled of this character (letter) really does anything. I need to make a spreadsheet to keep track of everything I have tried so far. Stranded kids in general has a lot more crashes in it than the other versions from what I tested even the general I found my knapsack causes a crash.
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Okay I have made a chart of what I have tested so far just skip the first page I dumbly put the two sheets together I need to separate them but I will do that at a later date so for now that is all I have. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1U2iZnYJU3-hN4sxSbkwe5Uzfn6WVbe9zPOIpKYYGj2Y/edit?usp=sharing I am slow at testing items but it is fun. If I am not allowed to post a google sheets link I am sorry and will remove it and make it in text format. I will keep updating it though. Edit - I don't really want to make a new post so I will just post this here I do not know how to control the credit warps deciding which ending to get. So far the search for a credit warp has been fruitless. And I wonder why gender changes things. it is very hard for me to get consistency on the Japanese version but even some of the glitches on the USA version and European version can have variations I don't know what decides this
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@Melonslice: Don't worry, you can post anything. In fact, know that what you have posted is exactly the reason I come to this forum every day. I tested a bit on the European version but didn't find much. German version, boy, using whip --> seems to have a very versatile effect. We definitely need a big spreadsheet with all the possible things you can do prior to entering the hut, tested across all versions and genders of the game. I will start on one, but please do keep testing for yourself as well. Here is the lua I currently use.
Language: Lua

function text(x, y, text, color, backcolor) gui.drawText(x, y, text,color,0x80000000,8,"SF Intermosaic B") end memory.usememorydomain("System Bus") client.SetGameExtraPadding(80,0,0,0) console.clear() event.onexit(function() client.SetGameExtraPadding(0,0,0,0) end) while true do gui.drawBox(0,0,80,160,0x00000000,0xFF282828) days = memory.read_u16_le(0xCB9C) items = { memory.read_u8(0xC700) , memory.read_u8(0xC701) , memory.read_u8(0xC702) , memory.read_u8(0xC703) , memory.read_u8(0xC704) , memory.read_u8(0xC705) , memory.read_u8(0xC706) , memory.read_u8(0xC707) , memory.read_u8(0xC708) , memory.read_u8(0xC709) , memory.read_u8(0xC70a) , memory.read_u8(0xC70b) } textpointer = memory.read_u16_be(0xCB47) ROM_bank = memory.read_u8(0xCBA5) life = memory.read_u8(0xc5ee) hunger = memory.read_u8(0xc5f0) water = memory.read_u8(0xc5f2) fatigue = memory.read_u8(0xc5f4) timer = memory.read_u8(0xc19d) daytime = memory.read_u8(0xc19e) text(10,4,"DAYS: "..days,0xFFFFFFFF) for i=1,table.getn(items),1 do text(10,6+i*9,"ITEM " .. i .. " " .. string.format("%02x",items[i]),0xFFFFFFFF) end text(90,4,"POINT: "..textpointer,0xFFFFFFFF) text(90,14,"BANK: "..ROM_bank,0xFFFFFFFF) text(90,115,"L: "..life,0xFFFFFFFF) text(127,115,"H: "..hunger,0xFFFFFFFF) text(164,115,"W: "..water,0xFFFFFFFF) text(201,115,"F: "..fatigue,0xFFFFFFFF) text(90,104,"daytime: "..daytime.. ", time: "..timer,0xFFFFFFFF) emu.frameadvance() end
Btw, the german translation of this game sucks pretty bad. They didn't even translate item names. And some text is not translated at all... ----- While I was testing, I saw that using fish rod on fish passes the time and adjusts your stats. If enough time has passed (so that it turns day 1), then entering the hut will not trigger any text. You will keep your "stats don't deplete" status. I'm not very familiar with the game anymore now, but this might be useful.
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I started a sheet of my own. Please feel free to point out results, errors, stuff I missed etc. I could really use English to Japanese translations on the food effects (bitter, spicy, bloated, energetic...). So if you or anyone could help me, I'm grateful.
Joined: 3/26/2018
Posts: 17
awee thank you I am glad I can help in some way :) I love this game yeah I noticed that too so I had to save state before I started fishing to get fish on the first round so not much time would pass and make it back to the hut in time. It does seem very useful for longer runs maybe? The french items are also not translated from English just like the German version and the character restrictions makes things look funny in french as well as some words imo the Japanese is just annoying because it only uses kana but I guess that is good in the end. Wow your sheet is so much more detailed than mine haha, emm I don't really understand what an lua is or anything either ^^ Looking at both the sheets I noticed we had some differences like on jp when girl uses match it does show 2 days for me but sleeping again makes day 3 shows the helicopter cut scene for ending 1 then you just go to the beach and you have ending 1. Mine never crashes with matches Also for using the knife on the tree I got colour glitch 1 instead of a crash on JP boy. I am trying to trigger unusual text that can be easy to miss to make my time a little more worthwhile most of my testing so far has been on the European version and I will be adding more text once I finish the section I am doing (btw I could help I can read Japanese a bit so I really don't mind helping you want me to go through and document the different text effects on spicy, bitter ect? I thought all eating was the same but if it isn't I would be happy to check it out ^_^ or I could just put the Japanese text here and translate it here so you can also test) edit I am in the process of translating them for you
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Posts: 17
Okay I just did it like this for ease for me if I need to eat anything else to get more effects please tell me so I can test it for now I just tested all the fruits, berrys, mushrooms and grasses. I tried to use the same name as the English ones but I couldn't translate it wrong unless I read it wrong there is no sweet fruit what so ever. also because of how the character looked on the game boy I wasn't sure if it was a ぁぉ so I might have used the wrong one sorry :) Also I only used the official game translations for the foods not the in between text because it was easy to find the official one. if any thing is confusing please tell me so I can change the translation. I am really sorry if this is the wrong thing and I hope my translations are not to bad パクっ nom みじかい くさ を たべた I eat the short grass おなかが ふくれたなぁ  My tummy feels full みじかい くさ が なくなった The Shortgrass is gone パクっ   nom しめった くさ を たべた I eat the damp grass おなかが ふくれたなぉ My tummy feels full しめった くさ が なくなった The Damp grass is gone パクっ Nom どがった くさ を たべた I eat the sharp grass うぇ~っ ニ。ニガイ。。。uhhhh b.bitter... どがった くさ が なくなった The Sharp grass is gone パクっ Nom ほそい くさ を たべた I eat the thin grass !? ちょっとからい A little spicy ほそい くさ が なくなった The thin grass is gone パクっ Nom じみなきのこ を たべた I eat the plain mushroom おなかが ふくれらなぉ My tummy feels full じみなきのこ が なくなった The plain mushroom is gone パクっ Nom ポコポコしたきのこ を たべた I eat the hollow mushroom からだが げんきになっ てきた Feeling good ポコポコしたきのこ が なくなったThe hollow mushroom is gone パクっ Nom カラフルなきのこ を たべた I eat the colourful mushroom おなかが ふくれたなぉ My tummy feels full クラフルなきのこ が なくなったThe Colourful mushroom is gone パクっ Nom フワフワしたきのこ を たべた I eat the soft mushroom おなかが ふくれたなぉ My tummy feels full フワフワしたきのこ が なくなった the soft mushroom is gone クっ Nom ツルツルしたくだもの たべた I eat the smooth fruit おなかが いっぱいで もう いらないや I can't possibly eat anything else ツルツルしたくだもの が なくなった The smooth fruit is gone パクっ Nom プニプニしたくだもの を たべた I eat a squishy fruit げんきが でてきたぞ Feeling good プニプニしたくだもの が なくなった The squishy fruit is gone パクっ Nom ゴツゴツしたくだもの を たべた I eat the hard fruit のどが うるおったぞ I am getting thursty ゴツゴツしたくだもの が なくなった the hard fruit is gone パクっ Nom まるいきのみ を たべた I eat the round berry げんきが でてきたぞ Feeling good まるいきのみ が なくなった The round berry is gone パクっ Nom かたいきのみ を たべた I eat the hard berry おなかが ふくれたなぉ My tummy feels full かたいきのみ が なくなった The hardberry is gone パクっ Nom やわいきのみ を たべた I eat the soft berry !? ちょっとからい A little spicy やわいきのみ が なくなった The soft berry is gone Extra text あやや。。しびれてきた ahhh... I became numb まひ numbness うっ あれは どく だったんだ ohh.. that was poision どく posion 。。。!。。あれ? ...!..that? こんらん confusion
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Location: Germany
emm I don't really understand what an lua is or anything either ^^
It is a script that you can run in the emulator. Copy the code and save it in a text editor as a .lua file, then drag & drop it on the running game in Bizhawk. In this case, the script will show: items 1~12 day time of day (1=morning, 2= noon, 3=evening, 4=night) step time (which controls when time of day should change) text pointer and ROM bank (which the game uses to determine what text to run) life, hunger, water, fatigue You can open hex editor, set domain to System Bus, right click anywhere and "go to" 0xC700. The items are located in 0xC700~0XC70B. Make sure to carry enough items and change those items to 0x02, 0x62,0x65,0x68,0x71,0x72,0x74 to get Umbrelleaf, Jump rope, Flint, Broom, Match, Whip and Baseball Gear. When using those items (or doing anything else listed in the sheet), the text pointer will change and therefore what happens in the hut will change also.
Looking at both the sheets I noticed we had some differences like on jp when girl uses match it does show 2 days for me but sleeping again makes day 3 shows the helicopter cut scene for ending 1 then you just go to the beach and you have ending 1. Mine never crashes with matches
... I didn't think of that. I have only tested for ending 3 and 7 so far. I shall test for ending 1, too. Match doesn't crash on versions other than JP-girl for you?
Also for using the knife on the tree I got colour glitch 1 instead of a crash on JP boy.
Does that mean the game reset itself? Or it showed weird colors? I think what you're doing prior to entering the hut has more or less of an effect on what will happen. For example, going to the right and angering the bees and getting poisoned will sometimes change what will happen. I have made sure to go into the hut at least 2 or 3 times for each scenario to see if the effect can be different. Again what emulator are you using? I'm using Bizhawk 2.2(Gambatte core).
I thought all eating was the same but if it isn't I would be happy to check it out ^_^
The text pointer is very close for all the eating effects. Nothing interesting will happen except maybe for the Japanese version which needs to be tested yet. Thank you very much for the translations! Yes, it is likely some things are different such as the expressions ("I'm so full I can't eat another bite" might be phrased differently in JP) or the item names. But this should be useful for now. I will get back to testing soon.
Joined: 3/26/2018
Posts: 17
Okay :) thank you for explaining it to me I kind of get it but yeah haha I may have to do something like this just because it will make item testing quicker for me. if an ending can credit warp it can almost always lead to ending 1 leave the hut walk to the beach put down the SOS then leave via the right exit using big stick and go immediately back to the beach and you can also get ending 1. if you fail to get ending 1 let the helicopter fly off I can't make the raft to get ending 2 I couldn't get it to trigger. I know how the scene works so I couldn't have done something wrong just seems impossible from my perspective. If you look at my google sheet you will see they all crash :) yeah I know what you do has an effect which is why I also test them multiple times but I wanted to tell you something else that can happen from doing that action of cutting the tree in this case. Yeah getting confused poisoned or numb has its own text so it makes sense things might changed because of that too. I did test getting stung by the bees too but I haven't written it down yet. Yeah shows weird colours but there are 3 of them I have discovered hence the V1 V2 and V3 although I call V2 and V3 grafic glitch. (which V3 is my favorite nothing better than seeing the monkey as a baseball bat sprite haha) I am still using Gambatte :) Haha no problem hope they can be helpful :)
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Joined: 5/15/2007
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Location: Germany
ED3 run Link to video I can't get a proper ED1 run together yet.. The strat would be to use the Match, enter hut, have days glitched to 2 while also being able to fast-click-away the glitch text. I've only been able to do one or the other, but not both.