My First TASVideo Published. This video is a [TAS] (Tool-Assisted Speedrun) about me beating this game 100% in 45:54:93. Beat Cyan's Run by '2:16:43'

About the Hack:

Sonic Classic Heroes is a ROM hack for Sega Mega Drive that is the result of a collaboration between flamewing and ColinC10, combining their respective hacks Sonic 2 Heroes and Sonic 1 and 2. It is therefore a single ROM that offers all the Sonic the Hedgehog campaigns. and Sonic the Hedgehog 2, either alone or together; and allows the player to play as many characters as Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. The hack gets its name because of the ability to control a team of characters, which is reminiscent of the 3D game, Sonic Heroes. The hack is based on the Sonic 2 engine, which has been enhanced by both Flamewing and ColinC10 to have new features. These include: multiple gameplay elements from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, such as element shields and character-specific abilities; the ability to save progress, scores, etc. in SRAM (something rarely implemented in Sonic 2, the other notable example being Esrael's Sonic 2 Delta); various bug fixes and mechanic improvements from the original games; and many more features, both implemented and planned.

Game Objectives

  • Emulator Used: Gens 11b
  • Complete the game as fast as possible
  • Collect all 7 Chaos and Sol Emeralds
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Aims for in-game time instead of real-time
  • Use some glitches to get trough the level fast.
  • Used 3-Button for this run

Levels for Getting Chaos and Sol Emeralds

  • Green Hill Zone Act 1: 1st 2 Sol Emeralds and 1st Chaos Emerald
  • Green Hill Zone Act 2: 3rd Sol Emerald and 2nd Chaos Emerald
  • Green Hill Zone Act 3: Last 4 Sol Emeralds
  • Marble Zone: 3rd and 4th Chaos Emerald in Act 1 and 2 Respectively
  • Spring Yard Zone: 5th and 6th Chaos Emeralds in Act 1 and 2 Respectively
  • Labyrinth Zone Act 2: 7th and Final Chaos Emerald.
Must get 50 Rings to get into special stages.

Comments about the Zones

  • Green Hill Zone: At first I was gonna collect the 1st 5 Sol Emeralds and the Last 2 at Marble but I found out that I can collect all 7 Sol Emeralds before Marble Zone to perform a trick in the next Zone. So I collect the 1st 2 Sol Emeralds in Act 1, the 3rd in Act 2 & the Last 4 in Act 3.
  • Marble Zone Act 1: After Collecting 50 Rings, I turn into Super Sonic to reach the shortcut fast
  • Marble Zone Act 2: Similar strats to Cyan's Run except after collecting at least 50 Rings I turned into Super Sonic, I was forced to take the lower path to save rings.
  • Marble Zone Act 3: I Found out that if Knuckles Lands at a specific position near the wall, he can 'climb' it up with INSANE SPEED and 1 second was saved compared to Cyan's Run.
  • Spring Yard Zone Act 1 and 2: Not so much different to Cyan's Run Except both acts I manage to beat his record.
  • Spring Yard Zone Act 3: Used the climb glitch at 2 walls 2 times to finish the level in record time.
  • Labyrinth Zone Act 1: At a portion where Knuckles reaches the other side of the water, he climb glitch up a '1 block' wall and I took necessary damage to Save Time.
  • Labyrinth Zone Act 2: At a portion where Knuckles is about to open the secret button. I press Start at a frame and then C at another frame to kill the CPU Players so I could Switch to Sonic quickly to continue the rest of the Act as Super Sonic. Also, I know have all 14 Emeralds and I can turn into Hyper Sonic.
  • Labyrinth Zone Act 3: After Collecting at least 50 Rings, I turn into Hyper Sonic to Continue the rest of the Act.
  • Star Light Zone Act 1: At the end of the Act, I switch to Knuckles to do a strat for the next act.
  • Star Light Zone Act 2: At the start, Sonic is near the Spring so I switch to him and let him continue for the rest of the act. Also I killed the CPU players using Start+C so I could switch to them faster for the next act.
  • Star Light Zone Act 3: Used Tails for the entire act with a little help from Sonic & Knuckles at the boss.
  • Scrap Brain Zone Act 1: Used similar strats to Cyan's run except I was way faster than him.
  • Scrap Brain Zone Act 2: During the Cutscene to Act 3, I Found out that CPU players help finish the cutscene faster by falling to the next act offscreen.
  • Scrap Brain Zone Act 3: I had Knuckles do the climb glitch to finish the act in 2 seconds.
  • Scrap Brain Zone Act 4: I was off by 0:18 compared to Cyan's Run because I didn't have Time to switch to Sonic in the previous Act and even if I killed them with Start+C at Act 3, Sonic and Tails are unable to respawn due to Knuckles being offscreen.
  • Chemical Plant Zone Act 1: Used Knuckles for the whole Act.
  • Chemical Plant Zone Act 2: Used Tails for the Whole act and Sonic for the Boss as he can damage the boss with insta-shield even when he is offscreen.
  • Aquatic Ruin Zone Act 1: Used Knuckles for part of the act. I did a necessary CPU kill to switch to Sonic as he touches the power sneakers monitor.
  • Aquatic Ruin Zone Act 2: Nearing the Boss, Sonic can Jump at a specific slope and hit the boss with 8 consecutive Hits.
  • Casino Night Zone Act 1: Used the fastest route as any glitchess speedrunners do.
  • Casino Night Zone Act 2: When Sonic is at a slope where he jumps up to continue, I did a CPU Kill to switch to Knuckles later on. At a portion where sonic needs to use the casino spring, I switch to Knuckles and did the climb glitch and when Knuckles is at the part before the elevator, I did a clip through the flippers. Once Knuckles clips through, he continues the rest of the act. For the Boss, I used Sonic.
  • Hill Top Zone Act 1: Used Knuckles for the act until the cave and then Hyper Sonic for the Rest of the Act.
  • Mystic Cave Zone Act 2: Used Similar Strats to Zurgriff and Aglar's Sonic 2 Run.
  • Oil Ocean Zone Act 1 and 2: Used similar strats to Cyan's Run.
  • Metropolis Zone Act 1: Similar to Cyan's Run except I improved.
  • Metropolis Zone Act 2: Use a different faster route like how other glitchless speedrunners do.
  • Metropolis Zone Act 3: Did a necessary CPU Player Kill at a portion where sonic is able to reach the top after a gear run to allow Tails to carry Sonic up without waiting for the platform to rise down. A portion before the boss is 2 gears and a tube pipe. However, you can skip those by having Knuckles do the Climb Glitch 2 times and 10 seconds are saved compared to Cyan's Run.
  • Sky Chase Zone: Collect 50 RIngs to turn into Hyper Sonic as he can get through the end of the act fast by doing a peel out.
  • Wing Fortress Zone: Used Tails for the whole act while the boss, Sonic and Knuckles fights it.
  • Death Egg Zone: I beat Cyan's run of the act by 1 frame and that's how its done.

Comparison Between Mine and Cyan's Time

ZoneMy TimeCyan's TimeImprovements & Offs.
Green Hill Zone Act 10:18:250:19:25 -1:00
Green Hill Zone Act 20:14:980:15:65 -0:67
Green Hill Zone Act 30:33:870:34:53 -0:66
Marble Zone Act 10:16:230:19:70 -3:47
Marble Zone Act 20:28:280:32:75 -4:47
Marble Zone Act 30:18:150:19:20 -1:05
Spring Yard Zone Act 10:19:200:20:02 -0:82
Spring Yard Zone Act 20:21:300:23:17 -1:87
Spring Yard Zone Act 30:30:650:34:93 -4:28
Labyrinth Zone Act 10:21:200:24:28 -3:08
Labyrinth Zone Act 20:33:330:35:62 -2:29
Labyrinth Zone Act 30:43:480:52:10 -8:52
Star Light Zone Act 10:17:820:18:07 -0.25
Star Light Zone Act 20:12:750:15:28 -2:53
Star Light Zone Act 30:24:620:27:03 -2:43
Scrap Brain Zone Act 10:19:600:22:55 -2:95
Scrap Brain Zone Act 20:25:670:31:53 -5:86
Scrap Brain Zone Act 30:02:000:15:27 -13:27
Scrap Brain Zone Act 41:00:631:00:45 +0:18
Emerald Hill Zone Act 10:15:320:18:23 -2:81
Emerald Hill Zone Act 20:26:130:26:77 -0:64
Chemical Plant Zone Act 10:16:300:17:22 -0:92
Chemical Plant Zone Act 20:24:200:25:28 -1:08
Aquatic Ruin Zone Act 10:16:470:18:37 -1:90
Aquatic Ruin Zone Act 20:26:820:31:58 -4:73
Casino Night Zone Act 10:21:400:21:58 -0:18
Casino Night Zone Act 20:38:870:44:33 -5:46
Hill Top Zone Act 10:31:780:37:05 -5:29
Hill Top Zone Act 20:32:850:38:30 -5:45
Mystic Cave Zone Act 10:23:150:24:30 -1:15
Mystic Cave Zone Act 20:28:220:31:08 -2:79
Oil Ocean Zone Act 10:18:630:21:43 -2:80
Oil Ocean Zone Act 20:34:400:36:10 -1:70
Metropolis Zone Act 10:31:970:36:03 -4:06
Metropolis Zone Act 20:30:370:40:87 -10:50
Metropolis Zone Act 30:59:931:09:17 -9:24
Sky Chase Zone2:05:902:05:92 -0.02
Wing Fortress Zone0:32:970:34:38 -1:41
Death Egg Zone0:35:880:35:90 -0:02

nymx: Claiming for judging.
nymx: This is excellent work. I'm surprised that you didn't get one "Yes" vote on this, but it doesn't get the top spot for beating out the previous run, by 8175 frames.

despoa: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15978
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Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15978
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [5878] Genesis Sonic Classic Heroes "100%" by MightyRainbow100 in 45:54.93