Well, we know Rush Search from Mega Man is useful in just grabbing very big items.... How about we break the game with it?!

Mega Man 7 "100%" in 41:13.33

Run details

  • Takes damage to save
  • Uses death to save time
  • Abuses programing errors
  • Full completion
  • Manipulates luck


  • This is an improvement over the current published run by 4402 frames (or 73.37 seconds). However, due to this run using US version instead of Japanese version and also done on a more accurate emulator that creates more lag and longer loading times, this run appears to be only 31 seconds ahead.
  • These improvements were achieved mainly thanks to a faster route in second 4 robots that revisits Shade Man for Proto Man Shield, and various usage of the broken Rush Search glitch that allows interrupting cutscenes. There were a lot of optimizations throughout the run.

Improvements table

StageFrames saved
Burst-11 [1]
Museum-6 [2]
Shade-164 [3]
Shade Revisit-663 [3]
Dr.Wily 115
Dr.Wily 28
Dr.Wily 3-29 [4]
Dr.Wily 4-105 [4]
Dr.Wily Fight848

Tricks and glitches

Cutscene interruption with Rush Search

  • This is the main glitch that significantly makes this run faster. By summoning Rush to search for a certain refill (health or ammo) during a cutscene (Proto Man fight for example), we gain control during that cutscene. This works since whenever we refill in this game, the game pauses, but for some reason, if you do it during a cutscene, the game resets the state of Mega Man as being playable, which he should not be.
  • This glitch works only with refills AND if you have bars to refill so you pause the game, as a result, non of the other items are useful for this glitch, OR even refills if you are maxed out. Ammo is always going to work because Rush Search ammo is used a bit whenever you summon it
  • Now, all that is good, but Rush Search has different delays before it finishes digging up an item, and those delays are very random. FractalFusion explained perfectly how it works in this post. Due to that, sometimes it is not worth using for minimal time save like moving during Bass cutscene in Shade Man's stage for instance (only place tbh).
  • RNG changes every frame, and for Rush, you can't change it by shooting, unless you kill an enemy next to it (from what I've seen). Thus, the only way to search for good Rush times is by delay the frame when we summon Rush.

One Hit KO (OHKO) with Noise Crush

  • Before entering any boss door, we can precisely position ourselves so that we launch a Noise Crush shot inside the room and enter at the same time. Since all bosses have their hitboxes as soon as their health bar is filled up, it is possible to finish them off instantly by reducing their HP to 0 before it rises up to higher values, as the game only checks for HP to be 0 so that it triggers the death animation and declare stage is cleared.

Vertical Zipping with Rush Jet & Coil

  • On platforms that are not the ground, if you face the opposite direction of a wall then make a slide and cancel it, it is possible to get inside the wall for a few pixels. You can then climb up by executing consecutive slides spaced by 2 frames. Depending on the wall, if a ceiling is met, it helps getting inside the wall, then climb using consecutive jumps spaced by 3 frames, which is faster. It is possible to travel horizontally by doing 2 frame jumps spaced by 3 frames, though usage is very minute and not the useful most of the time.
  • Rush Jet being useful being a platform at will is very powerful, which is the main way of doing this vertical climb
  • Rush Coil is a faster option provided there is an enemy to damage boost from, as you can't trigger Rush Coil's spring if you have i-frames even if you're on top of it, thus, allowing for instant wall climb.

Route change

  • Now things are becoming interesting! The current run follows a route that tries to not make a revisit to this stage for Proto Man fight. Due to that, Shade was done last in sparky's run. I think he didn't know about Noise Crush quick kill, which is very helpful against Spring Man, but optimally it should've been done right after Turbo Man, if not aiming for a revisit.
  • For this run however, we're doing it first because we will use Noise Crush against both Turbo Man and Spring Man. This forces us to go for a Shade Man stage revisit to fight Proto Man as we have to meet Proto Man in Turbo Man stage before fighting him.
  • We also interrupt Proto Man's second cutscene in the revisit, thus we softlock the game, and the only way to unlock is using the Exit item we obtained in Freeze Man stage, which can only be used during a revisit.
  • The new route might seem slower, but it is faster by around 15 seconds if comparing against sparky's route, but only 7 seconds against the optimal non-revisit route.

Stage by stage comments


  • Classic sentence: Same as published run... Nothing special :P.. Actually I saved some frames in Bass fight lol

Freeze Man

  • As part of the optimization, Rush Coil was used to early in the stage all the way until last room. It saved couple frames
  • During Rush Search digging animation, enemies were respawned so that we force Rush to leave the screen. This allows us to prepare a charged shot which speeds up Freeze Man fight.

Burst Man

  • Similar to current run, however, Rush Coil was optimally in disappearing blocks room... Though, the time gained was mostly lost because the chemical water is apparently on a global timer, thus it is rendered insignificant, but I do believe couple frames were saved
  • A cool trick before the second boss door. It doesn't save time at all, but at least it is cool to see wall climbing that way!

Cloud Man

  • Because we're on BizHawk which generates more lag, the birds section after we get the letter has been rough, and lag management there was needed.
  • The first Proto Man cutscene was entirely skipped thanks to Rush Search glitch. As explained earlier, maximizing time save from this trick comes for shorter delay and have more chance for refilling. This is the reason why we took damage at the start of the room before the cutscene room. That damage boost was not only helpful in getting more time save from the cutscene skip, but also saved couple frames.
  • Entering the boss fight with charged buster is faster than rushing with a danger wrap bomb.

Junk Man

  • Some optimization here and there, such as freezing the lava blocking the secret ladder as early as possible.
  • Rush Coil trick was also used here as it saves around 1.5 seconds compared to climbing ladder.


  • Yeah sure, fighting a clown. I placed 7 bombs there. Not sure if they're exploded yet or not! :P

Shade Man

  • The first visit is pretty similar to Any% Shade Man. Ghosts'n Goblins music was triggered because it cool and saves some frames
  • Rush Coil vertical climb is proven to be faster than using Rush Jet in this stage.
  • Since we don't have Wild Coil yet, S.Adapter was a great substitute as it deals with Shade Man in 7 hits instead of 5 charged Wild Coils, while not costing much time.

Turbo Man

  • More optimizations during the stage thanks to having Noise Crush early
  • Here, similarly to Proto Man meeting in Cloud Man stage, we do meet Proto Man, but we skip the cutscene by landing on the same frame as leaving the room, thus it counts as a meeting without even seeing his face lol.
  • Noise Crush here not only quick kills Turbo Man, but also we prevented a very LAGGY fight, due to the emulator used if we go for buster fight.

Shade Man revisit

  • Music played is the original one, this is because Shade Man was defeated, thus no more boss intro, meaning that triggering Ghosts'n Goblins music is not possible. On the bright side, this run now plays both themes in one movie... Kind of generous! (maybe this is 101%? :P)
  • Rush Search glitch was performed twice:
    • First was right before Proto Man door. This allows us to gain control of Mega Man way before Proto Man appears. Thanks to this, we start the fight very early and we don't trigger first cutscene. Saves over 5 seconds. Thanks to PJ for this finding, he shows it here more clearly in this video. Boss music is disabled as a result though ;(
    • Second cutscene is the important one. We basically use Rush Search glitch again to gain control and grab the Proto Man shield very early. It softlocks the game, but we have the Exit item for that!

Slash Man

  • We stay on Rush Jet, even against big dino, as it allows grabbing the ladder after the fight earlier, and burning the tree and grabbing the ladder faster
  • Noise Crush is helpful in this stage, especially in Slash Man fight
  • For some reason, sparky had Scorch Wheel and didn't use it. Scorch Wheel burning animation is faster than Freeze Cracker freezing animation. This saves some time over the current run.

Spring Man

  • Pretty much the same as current run, but a secondary Jet climb after we get the big bolt was used as it is faster than exiting normally.
  • Riding Rush Jet under last two wide springs is a bit laggy in BizHawk
  • Noise Crush again finishes Spring Man instantly :)

Dr.Wily Stage 1

  • Optimized some parts such as Jet climb, however, the fan enemies room had many extra lag frames

Dr.Wily Stage 2

  • Similar to the current run, but some optimizations were done in Bass fight, while trying to reduce lag if possible, especially in the turtle fight

Dr.Wily Stage 3

  • Again, minor optimizations, however, the third screen and boss fight were so laggy to the point that we lose close to a second

Dr.Wily Stage 4

  • I tried to invert the boss order for funsies :P
  • The final Rush Search was used here to finish the first Wily fight instantly. Here, since we have our health maxed out, it is impossible to rely on health drop, however, Rush delay doesn't matter and we can even accept big ammo drop. Thankfully, it only costed me 7 frames to get the drop we want for the quick kill :)
  • Wily capsule fight is RNG heavy. I barely had enough Freeze Cracker to have the optimal fight.

Possible Improvements

  • Rush search delays are very random, and in Bass cutscene in Shade Man stage it is possible to save about half a second if you get the great Rush Search delay with a small ammo drop. I summoned Rush there for fun but failed to save that, as I couldn't find a better delay with good drop.
  • Two spots I did not notice (nothing too major however):
    • In Freeze Man stage, before entering the room letter H, you can stay on the ice platform under the ladder until it starts to break, and apparently it doesn't regenerate if you revisit the room again, thus allowing for a quick fall after getting the letter H and dropping off of the ladder, which saves 11 frames.
    • In turtle fight, FractalFusion used an interesting Wild Coil strat which saves around half a second. I tried to implement, and I was able to take the run all the way to Wily capsule with half a second time save, but sadly, no good drop for over 30 frames, which makes the time save pointless. I do believe that if gameplay changes, it may affect the RNG in a good way, but again, extensive search and change of gameplay is probably not worth it for just half a second.

Special thanks

  • FractalFusion: Immensely for his WIP TAS... It truly packaged all strats used in this run and was very helpful. I optimized as much as I could but was a great guide
  • PJ: For finding the early Proto Man fight. It is an awesome and cool trick, and save a good amount. He also explained well how it goes.
  • sparky: His 100% is one of my favorites on the site. I tried to be entertaining in this run during stand still moments, but he far ahead on me in this regard. I do recommend watching both of his Any% and 100% runs, even if this TAS gets published.

Suggested screenshot

Frame: 83117 (Mega Man is sliding while the shield above him).
Hope you enjoy all the searching and game breaking!

[1]: The time loss comes from a small entertainment tradeoff in Burst fight where I got stuck in the wall for the entire fight.... This costs 16 frames. I actually saved 5 frames in the stage.
[2]: This one is something I'm really not sure about. Maybe an emulator difference too, but I can't confirm. I did compare my clown fight and it wasn't losing frames randomly.
[3]: These time losses were due to route change, as we don't have Wild Coil for fast Shade Man fight AND we do a revisit that should cost some seconds at first but we gain a lot later on. Around 413 frames from my calculations, which can be found in this post.
[4]: These time losses are directly from the use of BizHawk. Wily 3 third screen and boss fight are so laggy. I'm sure I saved some frames elsewhere. In boss rush, for each teleport, BizHawk is costing more frames than Snes9x, hence why we have over 1.5 seconds time loss there.

Darkman425: Claiming for judging.
Darkman425: For proper judging context, McBobX did ask me over Discord PMs about the idea of redoing the entire TAS on the Japanese version. While normally regional choice isn't usually counted for/against TASes that otherwise have the same content, the way that Rush Search RNG frames are determined are by frame count. Due to the Rush Search cutscene glitches that can help speed up the game, this would be a problem to reasonably ask for a resync mainly due to now having to rework finding the right RNG frames again in a different version of the game that would potentially be minimally different outside of textbox lengths. That is simply too much of an ask for a TASer to require practically redoing an entire TAS just for shorter textboxes, so it's fine that this was done on the US version. I'll leave it up to the author on if they do want to do that in the future but this submission is acceptable as it is.
Now for the actual contents of the submission. The only thing that caught my eye when watching was the bit in Freeze Man's stage that could've been sped up by breaking the platform before climbing up the ladder to drop down faster, and that's been noted in potential improvements. Considering that the other potential improvement, using Wild Coil against the boss Gamerizer in Wily 3, didn't pan out due to Rush Search RNG, it's not something that is actually easily improvable due to how often Rush Search is used throughout this 100% TAS. Outside of those, the tighter optimization and proper route changes for boss quick kills to go along with using an incredibly useful time-saving glitch makes this a great improvement to 100% completion of Mega Man 7. Nice work!
Accepting to Standard as an improvement to [1537] SNES Mega Man 7 "100%" by sparky in 41:44.50.

EZGames69: Processing...

Joined: 8/3/2004
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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #9210: McBobX's SNES Mega Man 7 "100%" in 41:13.33
Skilled player (1684)
Joined: 2/23/2016
Posts: 1061
I'm surprised you started and finished this run so fast :) Really great job implementing the new tricks and the Rush Search glitch found by some players after all those years. Yes vote.
My homepage --Currently not much motived for TASing as before...-- But I'm still working.
Editor, Skilled player (1436)
Joined: 3/31/2010
Posts: 2106
It's rare that I actually download a movie to watch in emulator, but this one sure made me. As I mentioned in the discussion thread, the previous Mega Man 7 TASes are some of my favorite TASes on the site, and also some of the TASes that made the biggest impression on me when I was joining the site, so I'm incredibly glad to see this TAS improved. Absolute yes vote, and thank you for making this run!
Editor, Expert player (2070)
Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 3280
You finished pretty fast! I have some comments: 7:13: I think it's actually faster to stay in Rush Coil and use it at the ladder, although I haven't checked carefully. 17:17: I see you tried to get the Bass (in Shade stage) skip, but it didn't work out. I know with luck manipulation with the optimal Rush Search delay, about half a second can be saved there. 19:18: Is it faster to get the S. Adapt transform while standing on the lowest floor? I thought it might be faster to time it so you get the transformation on the next platform above. 33:35: Against Gamerizer, I think if you do like in my WIP (getting a couple extra charged Wild Coil shots in), it saves about half a second.
Reviewer, Experienced player (917)
Joined: 11/18/2011
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FractalFusion wrote:
You finished pretty fast!
Yeah, I tried to work on this everyday. Glad I was able to get it done in such short time! :D
FractalFusion wrote:
7:13: I think it's actually faster to stay in Rush Coil and use it at the ladder, although I haven't checked carefully.
I tested this, as Challenger mentioned it earlier in the discussion thread. It is actually 10 frames slower because you can't kill the fish right after you get the letter, thus you have to take damage which costs more time than not going for Rush Coil on the ladder
FractalFusion wrote:
17:17: I see you tried to get the Bass (in Shade stage) skip, but it didn't work out. I know with luck manipulation with the optimal Rush Search delay, about half a second can be saved there.
I couldn't find a good Rush delay with proper drop (health would be slower here and makes the strat not even worth it). Small drops were always late to the point that it would lose time compared not going for it. Reason why I summoned Rush there was just because I want to have my dog there :P... Bass is not the only one having dogs barking! (although Rush didn't care... not even a little bit!)
FractalFusion wrote:
19:18: Is it faster to get the S. Adapt transform while standing on the lowest floor? I thought it might be faster to time it so you get the transformation on the next platform above.
I believe it is the same transformation time regardless of where you're standing. Even with that, I had to slowdown there to get proper Rush delay for next screen.
FractalFusion wrote:
33:35: Against Gamerizer, I think if you do like in my WIP (getting a couple extra charged Wild Coil shots in), it saves about half a second.
That definitely went out of my radar. I forgot to test this out as I kept focusing more on lag reduction and didn't check if your strat would save more frames. I may give it a shot, although I'm afraid it will heavily affect RNG later on in Refights and Wily quick kill, and also some frame losses possibly due to resyncing (I got a really nice Rush Search RNG for Wily quick kill). EDIT: I managed to save 27 frames entering first Wily fight. Lost all of them trying to find a small weapon refill with Rush Search (and I didn't find it still). I think such scenario could have happened if I implemented the Wild Coil strat against Gamerizer, and the run might be longer, however, I do think that if gameplay changes maybe, it may allow altering RNG a bit to get a small weapon refill early. I'll just add it as Possible Improvements, and leave it for a later time. If I ever consider doing Any%, I will definitely implement it now that I know it is faster.
I still learn more about English. https://www.youtube.com/user/McBobX100
I wrote:
Working is the best way to achieve goals in speedruning. Hardworking is a pain.
Editor, Expert player (2070)
Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 3280
In case anyone will improve it in a future submission with better luck-manipulation (and other stuff), I'll leave some additional stuff here: * It might be possible to shave a frame or so from the intro stage Bass fight by ending with a charged shot. Very minor though. * In Freeze Man's stage, before entering the room with the H letter, it is actually faster to stand on the ice platform until it starts to break, so that when you exit the H letter room, you can drop directly down to the ladder below since the ice platform isn't there anymore. It can be seen in the following MM7 100% speedrun: https://www.speedrun.com/mm7/runs/m799kkey . * In order not to forget things like RNG addresses (which I forget easily since I apparently did not document this on a fixed page anywhere), I have created a very basic Lua script that monitors RNG in any Mega Man game that uses "MMX RNG", including MMX-X6, MM7 and R&F. You can download the script here: https://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/638585240848962683 . Although this script does not display everything related to Rush Search, it should be useful for getting the RNG value to line up, especially the "R-2F" value displayed there as well. * In the MM7 thread, I added a few other things about MM7 and how Rush Search works (at least so I don't forget in the future). For more information, see https://tasvideos.org/Forum/Topics/257?CurrentPage=8&Highlight=530802#530802
Reviewer, Experienced player (917)
Joined: 11/18/2011
Posts: 311
Location: Morocco
These are very interesting information. I do believe this will help a ton even for Any%. Thank you for all of this!!
I still learn more about English. https://www.youtube.com/user/McBobX100
I wrote:
Working is the best way to achieve goals in speedruning. Hardworking is a pain.
Editor, Expert player (2070)
Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 3280
Darkman425 wrote:
While normally regional choice isn't usually counted for/against TASes that otherwise have the same content, the way that Rush Search RNG frames are determined are by frame count. Due to the Rush Search cutscene glitches that can help speed up the game ...
Here's something interesting. The choice of region may even affect whether to do a particular Rush Search glitch or not. For example, the use of Rush Search before the Proto Man room is used to skip the cutscene of Proto Man talking before he attacks. On the Japanese version, this cutscene is much shorter, and it may even be faster to take the cutscene rather than use Rush Search to skip it!
Player (40)
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Good stuff. Late yes vote.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [6092] SNES Mega Man 7 "100%" by McBobX in 41:13.33