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Hello all! This is my first submission in 7 months. Now that so much time has passed since I asked to get banned in March, I feel like my mental health is finally good enough to return to TASVideos. This isn't exactly a massive return, as I made this in less than 2 hours, but it's great to be back ^^

About the Game(s)

Action 52 is an unlicensed game made for the NES and Sega Genesis, featuring - you guessed it - 52 different video games. The NES port was published in 1991, whereas the Genesis port was published in 1993. Both versions were published by Active Enterprises.
Hambo's Adventures is game 47/52 in the NES port of Action 52. You play as the titular Hambo and need to complete 10 levels jumping up ladders and dodging some nice big balls to get to the door. The manual describes it as a Donkey Kong type of game.

About the TAS

This TAS aims to complete all 10 levels as fast as possible with no restrictions.


The first ~28% of the TAS consists of the opening cutscene, menu navigation and loading. Actual gameplay begins on frame 1010.

Level 1

RNG is manipulated to get the most optimal seeds as possible. Ideally, we want a seed where nothing slows us down. but that can't always happen due to the sheer amount of balls there are. For example, in this first level, we have to slow down for a bowling ball by sometimes letting go of L for 1 non-lag frame. We can jump facing backwards if we press B on the first frame we land, a bit like SMB1. Each jump costs 2 frames. so we essentially want to press B as little as possible.

Level 2

We must wait for another bowling ball to come back towards us and then jump over it to reach the 3rd ladder.

Level 3

This is the first level where we have to wait to jump off ladders optimally, either because A: we would go past them, B: we want to be to the left/rightmost of the ladder as possible before jumping off it, or C: it's at the very start of the level and in an X position near where we spawn. This also happens in Levels 5, 6, 8 and 10.

Level 7

We must wait 2 non-lag frames at the end for a beach ball to reach the rightmost point in its cycle before making a well-timed jump over it to reach the door.

Level 9

2 extra jumps are required to avoid beach balls, costing 4 frames. We must also wait 4 non-lag frames (8 frames) for a bowling ball to reach the middle of its cycle before jumping over it to reach the 3rd ladder.

And that's it!

The final time of the TAS is just barely over a minute, which is a bit annoying. When timed with RTA rules (from first to last visible frame of Hambo) this run clocks in at 0:43.295, roughly 10 seconds faster than Zarc0nis' RTA WR of 0:53.
There's nothing too notable to talk about in Levels 4-6, 8 or 10.
That's all for now, but there's gonna be more submissions from me in the near future, so stay tuned! Thanks for reading.
(Psst... check the encode's description for a surprise!)

Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 15497
This topic is for the purpose of discussing #9356: LoganTheTASer's NES Action 52: Hambo's Adventures in 01:00.12