This is an 8 minutes and 16 seconds (29612 frames) improvement compared to
the previous run.
Damage Boosts
By taking damage and throwing the Wind Ring the opposite direction, Klonoa gains a speed boost. If you jump at the same time damage is taken, it will extend Klonoa's jump height. This is often combined by grabbing the enemy to bring it higher up.
Box Shenanigans!
Collective name of the many techniques you can do with boxes. Boxes are often great to skip puzzles with, by getting an extra platform to reach higher places, hit buttons, block wind turbines and so on. Here are some of the ways of bringing boxes to new places:
1. By double-jumping close to the ground you can re-grab the block in midair to bring it higher up.
2. You can bring a box to a different screen, where you aren't normally supposed to, by grabbing it at the edge of the screen. This is only possible in rooms that have not been flagged to prevent objects being carried over as in the case of some bomb and Likuri rooms.
3. It's possible to bring a box up a ladder/vine, by throwing the box into a wall and re-grabbing it with each jump.
There are many situations where you want to double-jump, then fall back down quickly. If you press A on frame 1, you have to wait until frame 3 to repress it, while Klonoa will be moving higher up "then wanted" on frame 2. By pressing the R button with the first jump, you'll pause the game while you are able to look around on the screen. Release R again and you can avoid moving upwards and extra frame. There are also situations where this is needed in order to bring a box through tight places, before the box will automatically get pushed back to its original position.
Ceiling jumps
Usually when jumping into a ceiling, you’ll clip it slightly and then be pushed down a few pixels again. If you just barely make it into the ceiling, you’ll avoid the push and stay clipped into it. At the right pixel, you are then able to perform a jump to get further distance forwards. There are sadly not many uses of this technique.
Speed cycle manipulation
Klonoa's normal movement cycle is 1-2-1-2 pixels/frame. There are several situations where you can release forwards for a frame to alter this movement cycle. This is useful when you are for example pushing against a wall or during a double jump, to make sure you are moving 2 pixels instead of 1 on the first possible frame.
Holding forwards, even when pushing against a wall, Klonoa builds up a "speed value", adding 82 to it for every frame until it caps at 6144. If forwards is released, Klonoa moves 1 pixel at a "cost" of 336 each frame until you reach about 3200. If this is done when grabbing a red ball, jumping into a wind turbine and while fluttering, Klonoa moves an additional pixel for each frame you release forwards.
Another main use is the water stage, 4-1. The normal movement cycle is 1-1-1-0 pixels/frame. Constantly releasing forwards and building up the speed again, makes you move a lot faster.
Result Skip
After a level has been finished, just before it fades out, press Start and choose to exit the level. This will take Klonoa back to the map screen, with the next level already loaded, skipping the result screen that normally appears after a stage. This saves a different amount depending on which level it is done on, due to the next levels loading in, as well as for the boss fights. This is how much it saves for each stage in a world, for a total of about 13350 frames saved in the whole run.
1 = 362
2 = 348
3 = 496
4 = 374
5 = 354
6 = 516
7 = 368
8 = 380
Boss = 166
Stage | Time saved | Time ahead |
1-1 | 378 | 378 |
1-2 | 439 | 817 |
1-3 | 704 | 1521 |
1-5 | 596 | 2117 |
1-6 | 914 | 3031 |
1-8 | 451 | 3482 |
1-B | 236 | 3718 |
2-1 | 1250 | 4968 |
2-2 | 730 | 5698 |
2-3 | 725 | 6423 |
2-5 | 451 | 6874 |
2-6 | 752 | 7626 |
2-8 | 1283 | 8909 |
2-B | 558 | 9467 |
3-1 | 514 | 9981 |
3-2 | 488 | 10469 |
3-3 | 686 | 11155 |
3-4 | 374 | 11529 |
3-6 | 1322 | 12851 |
3-7 | 366 | 13217 |
3-B | 270 | 13487 |
4-1 | 1900 | 15387 |
4-2 | 444 | 15831 |
4-3 | 865 | 16696 |
4-4 | 377 | 17073 |
4-6 | 1147 | 18210 |
4-8 | 756 | 18966 |
4-B | 245 | 19211 |
5-1 | 1932 | 21143 |
5-2 | 1589 | 22732 |
5-3 | 984 | 23716 |
5-5 | 1114 | 24830 |
5-6 | 3283 | 28113 |
5-8 | 562 | 28675 |
5-B | 937 | 29612 |
World 1 - Western Jungle
Only minor improvements, mostly using the speed cycle manipulation.
Additional damage boost in the first room and some box shenanigans in the second. Faster fluttering as well as red balls grabbing.
More Box Play! Using the box to bring up an enemy to the second star, skipping the waiting time for the elevator and saving several seconds. Couldn’t make the elevator cycle in the last room, sadly.
Slightly faster strategy to break the box and grab the first star. Then Box Power in the final room to bring it up to the moving platform, skipping the use of the Moo.
Our favorite item, the box! Let’s take it with us for the rest of the level to break all the puzzles! The first real showcase of box shenanigans in the run, utilizing vines, springs, and doublejumps to bring the box and squeeze it in all sorts of places unintended by the developers.
Overall the same box strategies, just optimised.
1-Boss - Final Qualifier
Additional damage boosts were done and two whirlwinds were skipped with a Moo double jump.
World 2 - Northern Express
First couple of rooms had several minor improvements added together. Then we are met by a delicious Box we had to use to our advantage to skip the last room’s puzzles!
A bit of time saved in the wind turbines at the start. Second room has a pot. As we don’t like pottery, we’ll just get the box and skip it instead, saving big time.
A well-timed damage jump can get the Moo up to the higher platform at the second Star. After that we, of course, bring the box with us on an adventure to save a bunch of time in the last room.
Due to the elevator cycle, most of the saves in the first room could not be kept.The box in the second room doesn’t save that much time, but all box shenanigans are yum. Rest of the level is mostly the same.
Once again, a box is used to skip a pot in the second room. Slightly better box work in the last room saved additional time.
This level is a perfect example of everything you can do with a box! We bring it with us all the way from the first room to the last! In the room with the two spikes above the spikes, we even put the box between the spike and the ceiling so that it got stuck there, normally it would otherwise push the spike downwards. You can then just barely get it with you to the other side and in the end we barely made the movement platform cycle to save even more. Finally, the last room’s puzzle is completely skipped. Saving over 20 seconds in total for this level alone.
2-Boss - Joka
By making the upwards boost further to the left, we can bring a Moo to the first phase of the boss, hitting it instantly. By throwing the Moo after the chain as low as possible, it can hit the wooden box without the need for a double jump, saving a couple of neat frames. Getting a damage boost from the Moo means we can barely run through the spike on the conveyor belt. Having the camera scrolled further down starts the fight earlier.
World 3 - Eastern Desert
The bombs work differently in this game compared to the other GBA Klonoa, Empire of Dreams. You can no longer regrab them to reset the timer and have it drop a second. There is also a frame rule on the explosion, making some minor timesavers not work. Most of the level is just waiting for a bomb to explode.
The first damage boost is skipped in favor of a new strategy in the final room, to bring up the bomb in front of the block and use the arrow to destroy it instantly.
If you are inside the block when it becomes solid after hitting the button, Klonoa is able to jump in “midair”, this saves some time in the first room to not get the bomb to hit the bottom button again. Different strategy in the last part of the second room makes it possible to drop through the block when hitting the button, this saves time in the next room by having access to the box instantly, instead of using the bomb to hold down the button for the door.
Then there is the final room… Nothing new could be done here, the doors and enemy movements just don’t line up in our favor.
This level introduces the Likuri enemy. Throw it at an enemy for it to change color to yellow, blue and red, then use it on the crystal of the same color. Some minor optimisations in the first two rooms, like bringing an enemy down the ladder in the second room to avoid climbing.
A damage boost in the fourth room brings Klonoa up to the platform with the enemy to avoid using the pot as a platform.
As with the published run, we again chose to play this level instead. Despite some of the new mechanics and strategies, we couldn’t find any ways to skip some of the long puzzles in 3-5 to make it faster than 3-4.
Small timesaves in the first two rooms, then a big one in the third. Using the blue arrow in combination with an enemy double jump, the box could be taken with us instead of backtracking around for it.
For the final room, by changing when Likuri comes back to Klonoa, we can use it to go under the narrow spot next to the bomb at the bottom.
You know that a puzzle level is slow when the autoscrollers is picked instead, but that’s the way it is. The upcoming boss has some RNG elements to it, the boxes in the end were not broken in order to set up a better outcome against the boss. Otherwise, nothing to say here, move along.
3-Boss - Gomeroth
Where the chests are placed and in which chest the key appears is random. This was manipulated in the previous level as mentioned. This is using a slightly faster seed than what was used in the published run. Really isn’t much else to say about the stage, it’s mostly straight forward running to the end.
World 4 - Southern Resort
The only (thankfully) underwater stage in this run. This utilizes the trick to release forward to still move forward, speeding up the slow movement cycle. Lots of small improvements in general for this level that add one. The biggest one is on the way to the third star. By bringing a Moo up via a double jump, it can be used to destroy the block in front of the star, instead of going all the way to the left, stand on a button and use the enemy that’s there to destroy the block with.
Nice little extra damage boost at the start, as there is a heart refill pretty much instantly so that we can keep damage boosting later in the level as well. Final room has a box to use! When it comes to ladders and vines, even if you are not high enough to grab onto them, it’s still possible to jump. With the box we can get just enough height to do a ladder jump. This was just a little bit faster than the method used in previous TAS.
The box was used to get up on the right side, without having to do a double jump and get Likuri back to us. When going into a waterfall, by turning around and having the water land on Klonoa, you can zip through it. This still required you to be carrying something or throwing something into the water, in order to clear a path. There is one exception to this, which is a waterfall next to the second star. Sadly, you still need an enemy to get through to the next waterfall, so the skip ended up being useless.
A damage boost strategy would have saved some time in the second star room, but the health is needed for a neat skip in the final room instead! The problem with that room is the long waiting time for the Moo to walk onto the button. That issue still exists, but we were able to cut down the time a bit by bumping into the side of the pot, to push it down the hole, while doing a damage jump to get up to the platform without using the Moo. Cool and saves time!
4-5 is a slow underwater stage, we say no thanks and pick the board level instead
First room is using the same strategy as before, though the second room has a huge skip! We can bring the box up with us and reach the platform next to the star, instead of walking a long detour around the room. Boxes really are a beauty. Rest of the level is the same
A different strategy in the first room to get the Likuri around and save some nice time. For the next room, it’s barely possible to make it back through the door with the bomb, instead of going up the wind on the right.
Much faster third star grab, by getting the bomb up via the vine and then blasting it with an enemy.
4-Boss - Suiryu
A little bit of time had to be delayed for the first hit in the final room. Otherwise Suiryu wouldn’t turn around afterwards, which would have lost time. Not much more to add, it’s mostly waiting time between hits.
World 5 - Garlen’s Castle
When opening the gate to the first star, by setting Klonoa up in a fairly tight positioning, you can hit the button without the need of turning around or slowing down. Nothing big, but every frame counts. With chained double jumps, you can get the box through the narrow path before the second star. You can then continue using the boxes to get one up to the top and into the next room, which completely destroys the intended puzzle. Saving about 32 seconds in the level all in all.
With a combined faster flutter and a ceiling jump, we can take a quick shortcut at the very beginning of the stage. For the first star, a regrab of the block after jumping from the red ball, made it possible to get the star much quicker, skipping the use of the enemy on the right. After going through the wind with the box, it’s regrabbed in order to skip climbing the ladder.
Second star room has a lot going on in it. First is the box jump to get through the wind quickly. Then it was barely possible to get the box up there via the red ball. Finally the jump with the Moo to the star is pixel perfect on the right movement speed cycle, otherwise you’ll bonk the wall/ceiling and can’t make it to the next platform.
Faster way to get through with the box on the way to the final star’s room. Here we actually changed up the strategy to not bring the box with us into the next room, it was quicker to just use the single box in there to get up the star instead. Then, like the published run, the box is taken back to get through the wind to the door.
In the third room, you are supposed to plant the bomb into the pot for it to grow up and be able to destroy the block. If you instead have the bomb go off at the peak of your jump, it will also reach the block. This saves time because the bomb timer is paused while the plant is growing. After that, we still have to grow the plant though…
New strategy after the second star. Instead of throwing the box at once, which then requires killing the Moo, we throw the box so that it lands on it at once. Then we can barely make it under the narrow spot after grabbing it on the box.
The bomb was exploded earlier in the first room by increasing the water height and getting the box up there to destroy it with. We could then also use the box to skip the climbing.
For the next room, it was faster not to bring the bomb into the next room. It would have saved time if we could use that bomb to destroy the block, but it just wasn’t possible. Instead, we have to waste time by running around the room until the bomb explodes.
The level with the biggest timesave in the entire run, over 50 seconds saved here!
Starting off by grabbing the Moo through the wall while it is in the very corner. We can then use it to explode the bomb much quicker rather than waiting for the timer.
Second room is mostly the same, until the end of it, where we quickly bring the bomb through. If you execute a doublejump while the bomb is moving towards you, it will not yet have time to fall down onto the ground, this makes it possible to regrab it higher up and thus get a higher jump, being able to reach the platform with the bomb. Make it through the next room and jump up onto the higher platform as before.
The next room is where the magic happens! We just barely made it with the bomb to the pot. If you put it in the same frame it will explode, the plant will grow and the bomb will pop up with a reset timer. Though because this isn’t the bomb’s origin room, it’s not supposed to respawn in here, so it gets a glitched timer of 255 ticks. Now that we have two bombs in here, we can set up the other plant with the second bomb, put the first bomb onto the button and get the star.
Third room also has some nice timesaves. By getting the bomb stuck in the door, it can be grabbed from the other side. We can then hit the button and go through before the block becomes solid, grab the bomb and get up to the star.
You can choose in which order you do the corner rooms. Each room has a key and a star. This is using the same route as previous TAS. First two are mostly the same. Slightly changed strategy in the third room with the box. Back in the main room, the red crystal was hit earlier. After that it’s mostly identical up to the end.
5-Boss - Gantz
Minor timesaves in the first room. Biggest save came just before the second star. Instead of using the box, the arrow was used to double jump continuously with the enemy to reach the top. Last hit was inflicted quicker, otherwise not much to say.
Final Boss - Garlen
Phase 1: The missiles will spawn at different heights depending on Klonoa’s position, then charge at you based on the position again. An earlier hit was possible thanks to better manipulation of these enemies.
Phase 2: The last hit has to be delayed for the start of the third phase. The hit was however done earlier than previous TAS.
Phase 3: If the last phase is killed too quickly, you won’t have enough time to hit it with the Likuri and then make it back to hit again. If the boss makes it to where the Likuri is spawning, you won’t be able to hit it for quite some time, so killing before that is crucial.
As the cutscene will continue playing by itself, the final input is done much earlier by grabbing onto the red ball as soon as the final hit is delivered.
CoolHandMike: This improves the previous submission in every single stage using a variety of box tricks, better speed cycle management, damage boosts, and some other minor improvements. This is a very nice improvement and it is an easy accept.
Accepting to Standard.
Great job!