Post subject: Andrewg is mad good, yo.
Player (209)
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Location: US (Published movie with modified, slower ending.) Upon the glitch occurring, byte 0469 rolls over to 255. This is what happens when a normal enemy in that slot is killed by having something thrown into it. Since Wart has been killed like a normal enemy, his sprite is flipped upside down. Since his sprite has 3 parts, they are each individually flipped upside-down, yet kept in their original positions, so it looks glitched. The glitch only occurs when the second vegetable collides with Wart during a very specific time interval of his death animation. This seems to be roughly 95 frames after the first vegetable hits. This is during the third time Wart shuts his mouth during the death animation. Note, this is exactly when byte 0460 rolls down to 0 the first time. Typically when Wart gets hit by an extra vegetable, his death animation takes even longer. Since we're hitting him right in between the two phases of his death animation, something strange occurs. This glitch does not work the second time that 0460 rolls over to 0 in his death animation. This glitch does not work at the end of stun time for a normal hit. Wart's stun time will increase, the attack/vegetable timer will remain the same. Based on the current published run, this ends the game roughly 80 frames later with my best attempt. Note, I only tested with toad. It probably doesn't matter what character you are, though I may be wrong. The only way I can think of to make it work is to manipulate Wart's attack pattern with the vegetable pattern. If these are both on universal timers it is not possible under the circumstances. If the TAS gets to the final room earlier, circumstances may change. There is roughly a 3 frame window that this glitch could possibly occur in. Andrewg TASes reality.
Joined: 1/7/2010
Posts: 16
Location: Oregon USA
Interesting...I randomly stumbled on a similar glitch over a year ago, except I used the vegetable that appears after Wart is defeated and I threw it as Wart was flying backwards in the air. I think the result was the same...the sprites became scrambled and Wart suddenly fell off screen like a normal enemy. If reproducable, I'm sure this could knock a couple seconds off the TAS (and possibly a human speedrun), but I could never figure it out myself.
speedrunner of SMB2, Metroid, Pitfall II, Blinky Goes Up
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cak wrote:
Interesting...I randomly stumbled on a similar glitch over a year ago, except I used the vegetable that appears after Wart is defeated and I threw it as Wart was flying backwards in the air. I think the result was the same...the sprites became scrambled and Wart suddenly fell off screen like a normal enemy. If reproducable, I'm sure this could knock a couple seconds off the TAS (and possibly a human speedrun), but I could never figure it out myself.
Hmm, I'll check into that and post something if I find anything interesting. Though I feel it could only work if Wart is still able to be hit (not grey colored yet). Maybe something strange can occur, but I'm guessing you did the glitch I stumbled across. I'll do some testing anyhow. Maybe I'll find something cool. Also, I think I'm going to try and hook up my DVD recorder + a different TV soon and do some console speedrun attempts. I'm a bit rusty, my last set of attempts at this game were pretty awful. I came close to ~9:05 a few times, but always screwed up at the very end (the wart fight usually). So hopefully I can get those setup shortly, I'd like to make some attempts! Cak, good luck on your attempts. I think this will be some fun competition.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
Joined: 1/7/2010
Posts: 16
Location: Oregon USA
Oh no, it was definitely when Wart was flying backward. But I think I did the glitch on console with game genie attached, so that might've changed something in the game code. Hopefully not. Good luck on your attempts too. I am fairly adamant about doing a perfect run...I just hope my DVD recorder is good enough quality to be accepted by TG/SDA. This run is too important to be done on VHS, which isn't accurate enough time-wise.
speedrunner of SMB2, Metroid, Pitfall II, Blinky Goes Up
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Location: Quincy, MA With this glitch, I think you can pretty much see how the "enemy dying randomly" glitch works. It is very confusing in a few ways though, I can't always seem to reproduce it. I'm also not sure if this carries from screen to screen. I would think maybe it does. I doubt it could help improve anything for a TAS, but it is interesting. I need to test some more things.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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We've been working silently on this for quite a while now so we thought it was time to show some of our progress.
feos wrote:
Only Aglar can improve this now.
Active player (436)
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 3517
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Very nice! So it's been proven to be faster chosing that route in 1-1 over the "usual" one?
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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AngerFist wrote:
Very nice! So it's been proven to be faster chosing that route in 1-1 over the "usual" one?
Almost 4 seconds faster, but requires to beat birdo by the vegetable.
feos wrote:
Only Aglar can improve this now.
Experienced player (701)
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I know this is an odd place to ask, but what is your avatar aglar? Anyhow, this is a pretty hilarious improvement. Glad we found it :) Streaming video: direct link to file:
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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andrewg wrote:
I know this is an odd place to ask, but what is your avatar aglar?, the first run I made that got published - but only my second publication:)
feos wrote:
Only Aglar can improve this now.
Skilled player (1603)
Joined: 6/11/2006
Posts: 818
Location: Arboga, Sweden
Holy shit that is some amazing finding with the vegetables there. Very good. Also loving the re-record count!
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Joined: 6/23/2009
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Keep it up guys! By the way, just as a reminder when the time comes, I believe tmont found a small improvement in 6-1 or 6-2 involving manipulating one of the flying creatures to be closer to the vine, so that you grab it sooner. I figured it might be worth mentioning, since it got passed over before when the previous run was made.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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Joined: 11/13/2005
Posts: 1587
See kids, vegetables are good for you. Awesome WIP! Can't wait for some progress, keep it up!
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Any updates on progress?
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Mitjitsu wrote:
Any updates on progress?
Hope andrewg can answer this, because I wanna know too:)
feos wrote:
Only Aglar can improve this now.
Experienced player (701)
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Aglar wrote:
Mitjitsu wrote:
Any updates on progress?
Hope andrewg can answer this, because I wanna know too:)
Sorry, I'm really slacking... :( School's been keeping me busy, but I've gotten distracted with other things as well. :/ It is progressing though. It probably could have been nearly finished by now, but I just haven't had time/effort to do this portion. I had redone one level and then towards the end it went wrong because I completely forgot about one subpixel value. I also almost saved a frame somewhere, but basically I'm still 64 subpixels slow and there's no way I can improve upon that. So I'm going to try and make a lot of progress tomorrow. Hopefully I can manage some things.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
Emulator Coder, Active player (391)
Joined: 3/24/2006
Posts: 1802
I just stumbled onto this post discussing some theoretical limits to the number of 1UPs possible in SMB2 on the OC Remix forums. It is not really relevant to TASing but I thought this community might find it interesting anyway, and this seems like the best place to put it.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
Active player (280)
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 5712
Oh, huh, I knew that you only got two visits where plucking plants yielded coins, but I didn't realize that suicide would make a visit not count. Maybe it's a good thing they capped it at 255, so obsessive people won't spend their whole lives doing that...
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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yea, whenever I played I always picked up all the coins and the killed myself in the bonus area (I did this until I had one life and then went to the end). :D
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
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Is it physically impossible to go through the door in the sky at the very beginning of the game? What I've tried is getting the magic door, then veggie on the head after going back through the door, then ladder warping at the 1st ladder to the top right corner of the very beginning, jumping with princess and throwing the veggie and hovering for a moment to land on it (As if i was on land) to open the door. Any input?
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Is it physically impossible to go through the door in the sky at the very beginning of the game? What I've tried is getting the magic door, then veggie on the head after going back through the door, then ladder warping at the 1st ladder to the top right corner of the very beginning, jumping with princess and throwing the veggie and hovering for a moment to land on it (As if i was on land) to open the door. Any input?
I hacked the rom once and edited it so that I could stand where that door was. I can't quite remember the result... either I couldn't enter OR actually... I seem to remember it sending me back to the character select (or nearly), but then the game froze or something. I'm pretty sure that's what happened. It was nothing special at all though.
Super Mario Bros. console speedrunner - Andrew Gardikis
Post subject: Coulissery
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Is it physically impossible to go through the door in the sky at the very beginning of the game?
Oh, that must have made people mad. I remember trying it for ages as well. And now I have learned that game programmers usually do not put any easter eggs in situations like that that are expected to be honestly absolutely impossible. Games are truly just a big coulisse; peek behind the coulisses and there is literally nothing there. In 3D games, those scenes that are always observed from one viewpoint only often don't even have a backside; the polygons are viewable from one side only, and the backside is see-through. Doors that are permanently locked have literally just void on their other side if somehow walked through. In other words, find a way to go break the established bounds of the scene, and you find that you did not end up in a previously undiscovered but fully designed and decorated place. Except when it is really meant to happen.
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Is it physically impossible to go through the door in the sky at the very beginning of the game? What I've tried is getting the magic door, then veggie on the head after going back through the door, then ladder warping at the 1st ladder to the top right corner of the very beginning, jumping with princess and throwing the veggie and hovering for a moment to land on it (As if i was on land) to open the door. Any input?
I also hacked the rom a few years ago. It just puts you back at the beginning of level. Even though that's where the door is.
Currently working on: -Possibly the Wily Tower (Mega Man the Wily Wars)
Post subject: Snifit glitch!
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3564)
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So, I was playing this game for fun and got to 1-3. I went into the bird head and appeared in Mouser's room holding a Snifit. This confirms the glitch that CtrlAltDestroy said he got while playing it on the Wii. The auto-save function of FCEUX was a life saver, I rewinded as far as it would let me and recorded a movie of it happening: Snifit Glitch Now, somebody try to figure out WHY it happened. Depending on what circumstances it takes for it to happen it could save time in 1-3, and very likely would save time in 3-3.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Post subject: Snifit glitch streaming encode
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Requested streaming encode Link to video
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.